简单来说就是减少各种数据转换,减少代码,提高开发效率,提高可维护性。当然,Mongo Bson就能够满足。MongoDB库既可以序列化成文本也可以序列化成BSON的二进制格式,并且MongoDB本身就是一个游戏中使用非常多的数据库。Mongo Bson非常完善,是我见过功能最全使用最强大的序列化库,有些功能十分贴心。其支持功能如下:
简单的介绍下mongo bson库
public sealed class Player
public long Id;
public string Account { get; private set; }
public long UnitId { get; set; }
Player player1 = new Player() { Id = 1 };
string json = player1.ToJson();
Console.WriteLine($"player1 to json: {json}");
Console.WriteLine($"player to bson: {player.ToBson().ToHex()}");
// output:
// player to json: { "_id" : NumberLong(1), "C" : [], "Account" : null, "UnitId" : NumberLong(0) }
// player to bson: B000000125F69640001000000000000000A4163636F756E740012556E6974496400000000000000000000
// 使用标准json
Player player2 = new Player() { Id = 1 };
Console.WriteLine($"player to json: {player2.ToJson(new JsonWriterSettings() {OutputMode = JsonOutputMode.Strict})}");
// player to json: { "_id" : 1, "C" : [], "Account" : null, "UnitId" : 0 }
// 反序列化json
Player player11 = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<Player>(json);
Console.WriteLine($"player11 to json: {player11.ToJson()}");
// 反序列化bson
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bson))
Player player12 = (Player) BsonSerializer.Deserialize(memoryStream, typeof (Player));
Console.WriteLine($"player12 to json: {player12.ToJson()}");
public sealed class Player
public long Id;
public string Account { get; private set; }
public long UnitId { get; set; }
Player player = new Player() { Id = 2, UnitId = 3, Account = "panda"};
Console.WriteLine($"player to json: {player.ToJson()}");
// player to json: { "_id" : 2, "UnitId" : 3 }
[BsonElement] 字段加上该标签,即使是private字段也会序列化(默认只序列化public字段),该标签还可以带一个string参数,给字段序列化指定别名。
public sealed class Player
public long Id;
public string Account { get; private set; }
public long UnitId { get; set; }
Player player = new Player() { Id = 2, UnitId = 3, Account = "panda"};
Console.WriteLine($"player to json: {player.ToJson()}");
// player to json: { "_id" : 2, "Account" : "panda", "UId" : 3 }
[BsonIgnoreExtraElements] 该标签用在class上面,反序列化时用来忽略多余的字段,一般版本兼容需要考虑,低版本的协议需要能够反
public sealed class Player
public long Id;
public string Account { get; private set; }
public long UnitId { get; set; }
mongo bson库强大的地方在于完全支持序列化反序列化继承结构。需要注意的是,继承反序列化需要注册所有的父类,有两种方法:
a. 你可以在父类上面使用[BsonKnownTypes]标签声明继承的子类,这样mongo会自动注册,例如:
public class Component
public class Entity: Component
public sealed class Player: Entity
public long Id;
public string Account { get; set; }
public long UnitId { get; set; }
Type[] types = typeof(Game).Assembly.GetTypes();
foreach (Type type in types)
if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component)))
BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer(new EnumSerializer<NumericType>(BsonType.String));
mongo bson反序列化时支持一个ISupportInitialize接口,ISupportInitialize有两个方法
public interface ISupportInitialize
void BeginInit();
void EndInit();
public class InnerConfig: AConfigComponent
public IPEndPoint IPEndPoint { get; private set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public override void EndInit()
this.IPEndPoint = NetworkHelper.ToIPEndPoint(this.Address);
同样我给protobuf反序列化方法也加上了这个调用,参考ProtobufHelper.cs,ET的protobuf因为要支持ilruntime,所以去掉了map的支持,假如我们想要一个map怎么办呢?这里我给生成的代码都做了手脚,把proto消息都改成了partial class,这样我们可以自己扩展这个class,比如:
message UnitInfo
int64 UnitId = 1;
float X = 2;
float Y = 3;
float Z = 4;
// protobuf
message G2C_EnterMap // IResponse
int32 RpcId = 90;
int32 Error = 91;
string Message = 92;
// 自己的unit id
int64 UnitId = 1;
// 所有的unit
repeated UnitInfo Units = 2;
这个网络消息有个repeated UnitInfo字段,在protobuf中其实是个数组,使用起来不是很方便,我希望转成一个Dictionary
public partial class G2C_EnterMap: ISupportInitialize
public Dictionary<Int64, UnitInfo> unitsDict = new Dictionary<long, UnitInfo>();
public void BeginInit()
public void EndInit()
foreach (var unit in this.Units)
this.unitsDict.Add(unit.UnitId, unit);