硬件平台为PYNQ-Z2,从Raspberry Pi Header通过杜邦线连接AT24C02小板。
软件代码直接用的ZC706 BIST中的代码。
1.PYNQ-Z2 USER MANUAL中Raspberry Pi Header的管脚定义图居然是错的,还是要以原理图为准
2.要注意24C02的地址,如果A[2:0]都接GND,那地址就是0xA0,但是地址只有7位,所以要除以2,即 0x50。其实,在ZC706 BIST中的代码注释中已经明确指出(Note that since the address is only 7 bits, this constant is the address divided by 2.),一开始没注意,导致写失败。

  IOBUF IIC_0_scl_iobuf
  IOBUF IIC_0_sda_iobuf

软件代码如下 :

* (c) Copyright 2010-13 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
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* @file xiicps_eeprom_intr_example.c
* This file consists of a interrutp mode design example which uses the Xilinx
* PS IIC device and XIicPs driver to exercise the EEPROM.
* The XIicPs_MasterSend() API is used to transmit the data and the
* XIicPs_MasterRecv() API is used to receive the data.
* The example is tested with a 2Kb/8Kb serial IIC EEPROM (ST M24C02/M24C08).
* The WP pin of this EEPROM is hardwired to ground on the HW in which this
* was tested.
* The AddressType should be u8 as the address pointer in the on-board
* EEPROM is 1 bytes.
* This code assumes that no Operating System is being used.
* @note
* None.
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a sdm  03/15/10 First release
* 1.01a sg   04/13/12 Added MuxInit function for initializing the IIC Mux
*		      on the ZC702 board and to configure it for accessing
*		      the IIC EEPROM.
*                     Updated to use usleep instead of delay loop
* 1.04a hk   09/03/13 Removed GPIO code to pull MUX out of reset - CR#722425.
* ******************************************************************************/
/***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xparameters.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "xiicps.h" #include "xscugic.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xil_printf.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /* * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily * change all the needed parameters in one place. */ #define IIC_DEVICE_ID XPAR_XIICPS_0_DEVICE_ID #define INTC_DEVICE_ID XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID #define IIC_INTR_ID XPAR_XIICPS_0_INTR /* * The following constant defines the address of the IIC Slave device on the * IIC bus. Note that since the address is only 7 bits, this constant is the * address divided by 2. */ #define IIC_SLAVE_ADDR 0x54 #define IIC_SCLK_RATE 100000 /* * The page size determines how much data should be written at a time. * The write function should be called with this as a maximum byte count. */ #define PAGE_SIZE 16 /* * The Starting address in the IIC EEPROM on which this test is performed. */ #define EEPROM_START_ADDRESS 0 /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /* * The AddressType should be u8 as the address pointer in the on-board * EEPROM is 1 byte. */ typedef u8 AddressType; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ int IicPsEepromIntrExample(void); int EepromWriteData(u16 ByteCount); int MuxInit(void); int EepromReadData(u8 *BufferPtr, u16 ByteCount); static int SetupInterruptSystem(XIicPs * IicInstPtr); static void Handler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event); /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ XIicPs IicInstance; /* The instance of the IIC device. */ XScuGic InterruptController; /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller. */ /* * Write buffer for writing a page. */ u8 WriteBuffer[sizeof(AddressType) + PAGE_SIZE]; u8 ReadBuffer[PAGE_SIZE]; /* Read buffer for reading a page. */ volatile u8 TransmitComplete; /* Flag to check completion of Transmission */ volatile u8 ReceiveComplete; /* Flag to check completion of Reception */ volatile u32 TotalErrorCount; /************************** Function Definitions *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Main function to call the Iic EEPROM interrupt example. * * @param None. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int main(void) { int Status; xil_printf("\n\r********************************************************"); xil_printf("\n\r********************************************************"); xil_printf("\n\r** PYNQ - IIC EEPROM Test **"); xil_printf("\n\r********************************************************"); xil_printf("\n\r********************************************************\r\n"); /* * Run the Iic EEPROM interrupt mode example. */ Status = IicPsEepromIntrExample(); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { xil_printf("IIC EEPROM Interrupt Example Test Failed\r\n"); return XST_FAILURE; } xil_printf("Successfully ran IIC EEPROM Interrupt Example Test\r\n"); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This function writes, reads, and verifies the data to the IIC EEPROM. It * does the write as a single page write, performs a buffered read. * * @param None. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int IicPsEepromIntrExample(void) { u32 Index; int Status; u32 i; XIicPs_Config *ConfigPtr; /* Pointer to configuration data */ AddressType Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS; /* * Initialize the IIC driver so that it is ready to use. */ ConfigPtr = XIicPs_LookupConfig(IIC_DEVICE_ID); if (ConfigPtr == NULL) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = XIicPs_CfgInitialize(&IicInstance, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Setup the Interrupt System. */ Status = SetupInterruptSystem(&IicInstance); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Setup the handlers for the IIC that will be called from the * interrupt context when data has been sent and received, specify a * pointer to the IIC driver instance as the callback reference so * the handlers are able to access the instance data. */ XIicPs_SetStatusHandler(&IicInstance, (void *) &IicInstance, Handler); /* * Set the IIC serial clock rate. */ XIicPs_SetSClk(&IicInstance, IIC_SCLK_RATE); /* * Initialize the data to write and the read buffer. */ if (sizeof(Address) == 1) { WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address); } else { WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address >> 8); WriteBuffer[1] = (u8) (Address); ReadBuffer[Index] = 0; } for (Index = 0; Index < PAGE_SIZE; Index++) { WriteBuffer[sizeof(Address) + Index] = Index + 0x10 + 5; ReadBuffer[Index] = 0; } /* * Write to the EEPROM. */ Status = EepromWriteData(sizeof(Address) + PAGE_SIZE); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Read from the EEPROM. */ for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { } Status = EepromReadData(ReadBuffer, PAGE_SIZE); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Verify the data read against the data written. */ for (Index = 0; Index < PAGE_SIZE; Index++) { if (ReadBuffer[Index] != WriteBuffer[Index + sizeof(Address)]) { return XST_FAILURE; } //ReadBuffer[Index] = 0; for ( Index = 0; Index < PAGE_SIZE; Index++ ) { xil_printf("WriteBuffer[%02d]=0x%02X ReadBuffer[%02d]=0x%02X\r\n", Index, WriteBuffer[Index+sizeof(Address)], Index, ReadBuffer[Index]); } } return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This function writes a buffer of data to the IIC serial EEPROM. * * @param ByteCount contains the number of bytes in the buffer to be * written. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE. * * @note The Byte count should not exceed the page size of the EEPROM as * noted by the constant PAGE_SIZE. * ******************************************************************************/ int EepromWriteData(u16 ByteCount) { TransmitComplete = FALSE; /* * Send the Data. */ XIicPs_MasterSend(&IicInstance, WriteBuffer, ByteCount, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR); /* * Wait for the entire buffer to be sent, letting the interrupt * processing work in the background, this function may get * locked up in this loop if the interrupts are not working * correctly. */ while (TransmitComplete == FALSE) { if (0 != TotalErrorCount) { return XST_FAILURE; } } /* * Wait until bus is idle to start another transfer. */ while (XIicPs_BusIsBusy(&IicInstance)); /* * Wait for a bit of time to allow the programming to complete */ usleep(200000); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * This function reads data from the IIC serial EEPROM into a specified buffer. * * @param BufferPtr contains the address of the data buffer to be filled. * @param ByteCount contains the number of bytes in the buffer to be read. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE. * * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int EepromReadData(u8 *BufferPtr, u16 ByteCount) { int Status; AddressType Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS; /* * Position the Pointer in EEPROM. */ if (sizeof(Address) == 1) { WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address); } else { WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address >> 8); WriteBuffer[1] = (u8) (Address); } Status = EepromWriteData(sizeof(Address)); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } ReceiveComplete = FALSE; /* * Receive the Data. */ XIicPs_MasterRecv(&IicInstance, BufferPtr, ByteCount, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR); while (ReceiveComplete == FALSE) { if (0 != TotalErrorCount) { return XST_FAILURE; } } /* * Wait until bus is idle to start another transfer. */ while (XIicPs_BusIsBusy(&IicInstance)); return XST_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * * This function setups the interrupt system such that interrupts can occur * for the IIC. * * @param IicPsPtr contains a pointer to the instance of the Iic * which is going to be connected to the interrupt controller. * * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE. * * @note None. * *******************************************************************************/ static int SetupInterruptSystem(XIicPs *IicPsPtr) { int Status; XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig; /* Instance of the interrupt controller */ Xil_ExceptionInit(); /* * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it is ready to * use. */ IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID); if (NULL == IntcConfig) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } /* * Connect the interrupt controller interrupt handler to the hardware * interrupt handling logic in the processor. */ Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)XScuGic_InterruptHandler, &InterruptController); /* * Connect the device driver handler that will be called when an * interrupt for the device occurs, the handler defined above performs * the specific interrupt processing for the device. */ Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, IIC_INTR_ID, (Xil_InterruptHandler)XIicPs_MasterInterruptHandler, (void *)IicPsPtr); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return Status; } /* * Enable the interrupt for the Iic device. */ XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, IIC_INTR_ID); /* * Enable interrupts in the Processor. */ Xil_ExceptionEnable(); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * This function is the handler which performs processing to handle data events * from the IIC. It is called from an interrupt context such that the amount * of processing performed should be minimized. * * This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the IIC and * is application specific. * * @param CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver, in * this case it is the instance pointer for the IIC driver. * @param Event contains the specific kind of event that has occurred. * @param EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent * and receive events. * * @return None. * * @note None. * *******************************************************************************/ void Handler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event) { /* * All of the data transfer has been finished. */ if (0 != (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_COMPLETE_RECV)){ ReceiveComplete = TRUE; } else if (0 != (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_COMPLETE_SEND)) { TransmitComplete = TRUE; } else if (0 == (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_SLAVE_RDY)){ /* * If it is other interrupt but not slave ready interrupt, it is * an error. * Data was received with an error. */ TotalErrorCount++; } }