H.266/VVC VTM阅读12-残差编码


  帧间预测的模式决策过程中,常用的率失真决策一个流程是:设置模式参数->按此模式进行帧间预测(运动补偿)->编码模式信息与残差->计算码率r->计算重建误差d->计算率rd cost并判断是否使用此模式。VTM中将编码模式信息与残差及其后续部分封装到函数xEncodeInterResidual()中。xEncodeInterResidual()中会配置sbt参数并判断是否使用sbt。各模式配置好参数后,主要通过调用InterSearch::encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU()完成率失真计算,并调用xEncodeDontSplit()等函数添加块划分、dQP、色度QP偏执占用的比特,最终调用xCheckBestMode()判断是否使用该模式。

void EncCu::xEncodeInterResidual(   CodingStructure *&tempCS
                                  , CodingStructure *&bestCS
                                  , Partitioner &partitioner
                                  , const EncTestMode& encTestMode
                                  , int residualPass
                                  , bool* bestHasNonResi
                                  , double* equBcwCost
    reloadCU    = true; // enable cu reloading
    cu->skip    = false;
    cu->sbtInfo = 0;

    const bool skipResidual = residualPass == 1;
    if( skipResidual || histBestSbt == MAX_UCHAR || !CU::isSbtMode( histBestSbt ) )
    m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU( *tempCS, partitioner, skipResidual );
    if (tempCS->slice->getSPS()->getUseColorTrans())
      bestCS->tmpColorSpaceCost = tempCS->tmpColorSpaceCost;
      bestCS->firstColorSpaceSelected = tempCS->firstColorSpaceSelected;
    numRDOTried += mtsAllowed ? 2 : 1;
    xEncodeDontSplit( *tempCS, partitioner );

    xCheckDQP( *tempCS, partitioner );
    xCheckChromaQPOffset( *tempCS, partitioner );
    currBestCost = tempCS->cost;
    sbtOffCost = tempCS->cost;
    sbtOffDist = tempCS->dist;
    sbtOffRootCbf = cu->rootCbf;
    currBestSbt = CU::getSbtInfo(cu->firstTU->mtsIdx[COMPONENT_Y] > MTS_SKIP ? SBT_OFF_MTS : SBT_OFF_DCT, 0);
    currBestTrs = cu->firstTU->mtsIdx[COMPONENT_Y];

    DTRACE_MODE_COST( *tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda( true ) );
    DTRACE_MODE_COST( *tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda() );
    xCheckBestMode( tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode );
    for( int sbtModeIdx = 0; sbtModeIdx < numSbtRdo; sbtModeIdx++ )
      uint8_t sbtMode = m_pcInterSearch->getSbtRdoOrder( sbtModeIdx );
      uint8_t sbtIdx = CU::getSbtIdxFromSbtMode( sbtMode );
      uint8_t sbtPos = CU::getSbtPosFromSbtMode( sbtMode );
      //we need to restart the distortion for the new tempCS, the bit count and the cost
      tempCS->dist = 0;
      tempCS->fracBits = 0;
      tempCS->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
      cu->skip = false;

      //set SBT info
      cu->setSbtIdx( sbtIdx );
      cu->setSbtPos( sbtPos );

      //try residual coding
      m_pcInterSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU( *tempCS, partitioner, skipResidual );
      if (tempCS->slice->getSPS()->getUseColorTrans())
        bestCS->tmpColorSpaceCost = tempCS->tmpColorSpaceCost;
        bestCS->firstColorSpaceSelected = tempCS->firstColorSpaceSelected;

      xEncodeDontSplit( *tempCS, partitioner );

      xCheckDQP( *tempCS, partitioner );
      xCheckChromaQPOffset( *tempCS, partitioner );

      if( NULL != bestHasNonResi && ( bestCostInternal > tempCS->cost ) )
        bestCostInternal = tempCS->cost;
        if( !( tempCS->getPU( partitioner.chType )->ciipFlag ) )
          *bestHasNonResi = !cu->rootCbf;

      if( tempCS->cost < currBestCost )
        currBestSbt = cu->sbtInfo;
        currBestTrs = tempCS->tus[cu->sbtInfo ? cu->getSbtPos() : 0]->mtsIdx[COMPONENT_Y];
        assert( currBestTrs == 0 || currBestTrs == 1 );
        currBestCost = tempCS->cost;

      DTRACE_MODE_COST( *tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda( true ) );
      DTRACE_MODE_COST( *tempCS, m_pcRdCost->getLambda() );
      xCheckBestMode( tempCS, bestCS, partitioner, encTestMode );

    if( bestCostBegin != bestCS->cost )
      m_sbtCostSave[0] = sbtOffCost;
      m_sbtCostSave[1] = currBestCost;
  } //end emt loop


void InterSearch::encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, const bool &skipResidual
  , const bool luma, const bool chroma
  xEstimateInterResidualQT(cs, partitioner, &zeroDistortion, luma, chroma);
  uint64_t finalFracBits = xGetSymbolFracBitsInter( cs, partitioner );
  // update with clipped distortion and cost (previously unclipped reconstruction values were used)
  Distortion finalDistortion = 0;

  for (int comp = 0; comp < numValidComponents; comp++)
    const ComponentID compID = ComponentID(comp);
    if (compID == COMPONENT_Y && !luma)
    if (compID != COMPONENT_Y && !chroma)
    CPelBuf reco = cs.getRecoBuf (compID);
    CPelBuf org  = cs.getOrgBuf  (compID);

    if (m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() || (
      m_pcEncCfg->getLmcs() && (cs.picHeader->getLmcsEnabledFlag() && m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag())))
      const CPelBuf orgLuma = cs.getOrgBuf( cs.area.blocks[COMPONENT_Y] );
      if (compID == COMPONENT_Y && !(m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled()) )
        const CompArea &areaY = cu.Y();
        CompArea      tmpArea1(COMPONENT_Y, areaY.chromaFormat, Position(0, 0), areaY.size());
        PelBuf tmpRecLuma = m_tmpStorageLCU.getBuf(tmpArea1);
        finalDistortion += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart(org, tmpRecLuma, sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)), compID, DF_SSE_WTD, &orgLuma);
        finalDistortion += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart(org, reco, sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)), compID, DF_SSE_WTD, &orgLuma);
      finalDistortion += m_pcRdCost->getDistPart( org, reco, sps.getBitDepth( toChannelType( compID ) ), compID, DF_SSE );

  cs.dist     = finalDistortion;
  cs.fracBits = finalFracBits;
  cs.cost     = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(cs.fracBits, cs.dist);

  函数首先不对此块进行进一步划分,尝试各种变换模式,调用transformNxN()和invTransformNxN()进行变换和反变换,得到重建值,并m_CABACEstimator->residual_coding()等函数计算占用比特,从而计算出不划分的rd cost。然后尝试不同的划分方式,递归调用此函数计算出各划分方式的rd cost并保留最佳模式。如果需要进一步划分,需要调用xEncodeInterResidualQT()完成cbf和残差编码。

void InterSearch::xEstimateInterResidualQT(CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, Distortion *puiZeroDist /*= NULL*/
  , const bool luma, const bool chroma
  , PelUnitBuf* orgResi
  if (bCheckFull)
    TransformUnit &tu = csFull->addTU(CS::getArea(cs, currArea, partitioner.chType), partitioner.chType);
    for( uint32_t c = 0; c < numTBlocks; c++ )
      for( int transformMode = 0; transformMode < numTransformCandidates; transformMode++ )
        for( int crossCPredictionModeId = 0; crossCPredictionModeId < crossCPredictionModesToTest; crossCPredictionModeId++ )
         if( nNumTransformCands > 1 )
            if( transformMode == 0 )
              m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, &trModes, m_pcEncCfg->getMTSInterMaxCand() );
              tu.mtsIdx[compID] = trModes[0].first;
            if( !( m_pcEncCfg->getCostMode() == COST_LOSSLESS_CODING && tu.mtsIdx[compID] == 0 ) )
              m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, currAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx(), true );
            m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, currAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx(), true );
            m_pcTrQuant->transformNxN( tu, compID, cQP, currAbsSum, m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() );
          if (currAbsSum > 0) //if non-zero coefficients are present, a residual needs to be derived for further prediction
            currCompFracBits = m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
            PelBuf resiBuf = csFull->getResiBuf(compArea);
            CPelBuf orgResiBuf = csFull->getOrgResiBuf(compArea);
            m_pcTrQuant->invTransformNxN(tu, compID, resiBuf, cQP);
            if (slice.getPicHeader()->getLmcsEnabledFlag() && isChroma(compID) && slice.getPicHeader()->getLmcsChromaResidualScaleFlag() && tu.blocks[compID].width*tu.blocks[compID].height > 4)
              resiBuf.scaleSignal(tu.getChromaAdj(), 0, tu.cu->cs->slice->clpRng(compID));
            if (bUseCrossCPrediction)
              crossComponentPrediction(tu, compID, lumaResi, resiBuf, resiBuf, true);
    } // component loop
    csFull->fracBits += m_CABACEstimator->getEstFracBits();
    csFull->dist     += uiSingleDist;
    if( m_pcEncCfg->getLumaLevelToDeltaQPMapping().isEnabled() )
      csFull->cost    = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(csFull->fracBits, csFull->dist, false);
    csFull->cost      = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost(csFull->fracBits, csFull->dist);
  } // check full

  // code sub-blocks
  if( bCheckSplit )
      xEstimateInterResidualQT(*csSplit, partitioner, bCheckFull ? nullptr : puiZeroDist
        , luma, chroma
        , orgResi
      csSplit->cost = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( csSplit->fracBits, csSplit->dist );
    } while( partitioner.nextPart( *csSplit ) );

    if( csSplit && csFull )
      csFull ->releaseIntermediateData();
