

This year is the firstyear of the 13thFive-Year Plan of China. We actively adapt to andlead the New Normal of economic development, continue to deepen reformcomprehensively and drive development through innovations, and accelerate thetransformation of growth model and economic structure. Our economic growth remainsreasonable. In the first three quarters, Chinese GDP growth was 6.7%, in whichthe final expenditure made a contribution of 71%. The increased proportion ofthe 3rdindustry in GDP grew to 52.8%. The energy consumption perGDP decreased by 5.2% on year-on-year basis. There were 10.67 million newpositions in town. The income gap between residents from cities and countriescontinued to shrink. The quality and benefit of Chinese economic developmenthas continued to raise. New momentum is strengthening. New forms of industry isemerging. Positive industrial changes are being made in many regions and beneficial elements are accumulating.


China is in the critical phaseof building moderately prosperous society. We act on five developing philosophies,innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing,mainly advance the supply-side structural reform, restructure the economy andstrengthen new developing momentum to steadily promote the healthy developmentof Chinese economy.
