what changs in struts 1.2

What Changed?

This section highlights some of the changes of Struts that have taken place since the last release(version 1.2). Subscribers to the struts-dev mailing list, receive reports of all changes as they are made.

General Changes

  • 2004-09-02 - URI for Struts DTD changed to reflect move to an Apache top level project.
  • 2004-08-31 - Code changes to re-enable building with JDK 1.3.
  • 2003-03-14 - Move license on all source code files to ASL 2.0.
  • 2003-12-30 - Add inital STATUS LOG.

Build Changes

  • 2004-07-09: struts.xsl: Give each "src" variable a distinct name to follow XSL rules.
  • 2004-07-08: build.properties.sample.lib: Add a simplified build.properties file for use by developers who are not actively involved in Jakarta development. This template assumes the developer is using JARS from our "lib" distribution.
  • 2004-04-14 - project.properties: Adjust properties to use alternate repo for nightly builds.
  • 2003-08-09 - build.xml: Adjust loading order of properties files to go from most local (current directory) to most global (${user.home}/build.properties).
  • 2003-08-08 - maven.xml,project.xml - Maven build files.

Configuration Changes [ /conf/shared]

  • 2003-08-09 - Add two new elements for use by struts config file tools and document generation.
  • 2003-07-04 - struts-config_1_2.dtd: Added 1.2 struts-config.dtd. This is a copy of the 1.1 DTD except that the "type" attribute is now required because Struts does not supply a default DataSource implementation.

Project-wide Changes

  • 2004-01-14 - Update License format to please Maven Checkstyle reports.
  • 2004-01-10 - Removed @author javadoc tags from all classes; updated volunteers.xml to list missing people.

Default Package Changes [ org.apache.struts]

  • 2003-07-04 - Globals: Removed deprecated APPLICATION_KEY.
  • 2003-07-03 - Globals,ActionServlet,RequestUtils: Moved initialization of module prefix list to the new ActionServlet.initModulePrefixes() method from RequestUtils.getModulePrefixes() because of a potential race condition documented in PR# 21091. This also required a move of the RequestUtils.PREFIXES constant to Globals.MODULE_PREFIXES_KEY.

Action Package Changes [ org.apache.struts.action]

  • 2004-09-10 - Corrected Japanese translation of message resources.
  • 2004-09-07 - Action: Use ActionMessages instead of ActionErrors.
  • 2004-09-03 - ActionServlet: Eliminate performance bottleneck in obtaining request processor.
  • 2004-09-03 - ActionForward: New copy constructor that takes module parameter; deprecate copy constructor missing this parameter.
  • 2004-09-02 - Correct javadoc for ActionErrors.
  • 2004-08-10 - DynaActionForm: Change Map's key from String to Object in toString().
  • 2004-07-01 - TestDynaActionFormClass: Correct operation of static method calls.
  • 2004-06-26 - Action: Add getErrors, getMessages, addErrors, and AddMessages methods, to better manage error handling.
  • 2004-04-01 - ActionConfigMatcher: Added support for multiple wildcard replacements.
  • 2004-03-16 - ActionForward: Add "copy constructor".
  • 2004-01-24 - DynaActionForm: Enhance so that it can be initialized using a FormBeanConfig object. Add corresponding method to RequestUtils to create an ActionForm by passing only a FormBeanConfig and an ActionServlet object.
  • 2004-01-19 - ActionMapping, ActionConfig: Push "findException" from ActionMapping up to ActionConfig so that everyone can take advantage of the superclass search logic.
  • 2003-09-29 - RequestProcessor,ActionMappingMatcher,WildcardHelper: Added optional wildcard support for action mappings.
  • 2003-09-11 - Action,ActionMessages,RequestProcessor: Added ability to save ActionMessages in the session and have them cleaned up after the first use.
  • 2003-08-23 - Action: Deprecate saveErrors(HttpServletRequest, ActionErrors) in favor of saveErrors(HttpServletRequest, ActionMessages).
  • 2003-08-23 - RequestProcessor: Replaced ActionErrors reference with ActionMessages.
  • 2003-08-23 - ActionMessages, ActionErrors: Deprecated ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR in favor of ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE.
  • 2003-08-16 - ExceptionHandler: Added storeException() method that takes an ActionMessage instead of ActionError.
  • 2003-08-13 - ActionError: Deprecate ActionError in favor of ActionMessage
  • 2003-08-08 - ActionServlet,ActionFormBeans,ActionForwards,ActionMappings.java v 1.13 : Removed references to ActionMappings, ActionFormBeans, and ActionForwards.
  • 2003-07-26 - Action: getLocale() now calls RequestUtils.getUserLocale() to prevent session creation.
  • 2003-07-04 - Action,ActionException: Removed deprecated getResources() method.
  • 2003-07-04 - Action: Removed deprecated perform() methods.
  • 2003-07-03 - ActionServlet: Removed support for some of the deprecated servlet init parameters.
  • 2003-07-03 - Globals,ActionServlet,RequestUtils: Moved initialization of module prefix list to the new ActionServlet.initModulePrefixes() method from RequestUtils.getModulePrefixes() because of a potential race condition documented in PR# 21091. This also required a move of the RequestUtils.PREFIXES constant to Globals.MODULE_PREFIXES_KEY.
  • 2003-07-02 - RequestProcessor: Deprecated log() methods in favor of commons-logging.
  • 2003-07-02 - ActionSerlvet: Removed deprecated method.
  • 2003-07-02 - ActionServlet: Removed references to deprecated ApplicationConfig class.
  • 2003-07-02 - ActionServlet,NoOpAction: Removed deprecated ActionServlet debug level and logging methods.
  • 2003-07-02 - RequestProcessor: Changed processRoles() to send a 403 Forbidden response if the role check fails. Also removed deprecated methods.
  • 2003-07-01 - Action: Removed deprecated constants and toHex() method.

Actions Package Changes [ org.apache.struts.actions]

  • 2004-06-24 - RedeployableActionServlet: Provides support for WebLogi hot-deploy.
  • 2003-12-22 - DispatchAction: Add detection of recursive calls.
  • 2003-08-13 - DispatchAction,LookupDispatchAction: Add 'default' and a 'cancel' handlers to DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction.
  • 2003-08-12 - MappingDispatchAction: Addition of MappingDispatchAction that dispatches to a method named by the ActionMapping parameter.
  • 2003-07-11 - DispatchAction,ForwardAction,IncludeAction,SwitchAction: Throw exceptions from execute() method instead of sending a failure response to the client. This allows the exception handling mechanism to respond to the error gracefully.
  • 2003-07-03 - LookupDispatchAction: Fixed synchronization problem (PR# 21224). Also refactored some code into a new initLookupMap() method.

Config Package [ org.apache.struts.config]

  • 2004-07-31 - Enhance support for "lazy" dynabeans or POJO beans. "Lazy" DynaBeans will hopefully soon be released with Beanutils 1.7.0. These changes will make it easier to plug either a regular JavaBean or a "lazy" DynaBean into struts as an ActionForm. * FormBeanConfig now sets up the properties of DynaBeans which use a MutableDynaClass. * FormBeanConfig now handles POJO beans by wrapping the specified bean using WrapDynaBean and the new BeanValidatorForm. * RequestUtils has been changed so that properties starting with "org.apache.struts" are not attempted to be populated in the ActionForm.
  • 2004-04-14 - ModuleConfig.java: Local, as well as global, ActionForwards now observe pluggable classes.
  • 2004-04-08 - ModuleConfigImpl: Added a list to store ActionConfigs to ensure when enumerated, they are in the order in which they were added.
  • 2004-02-17 - Undeprecate and Restore the functionality for the 'type' attribute on form-beans and global-forwards elements in the config file.
  • 2004-02-13 - Add module property to ForwardConfig to support direct cross-linking between modules.
  • 2004-01-10 - Changed WildcardHelper methods from statics to instance methods to allow subclasses to override and customize behavior. Changed WildcardHelper.match() to accept a generic Map parameter rather than HashMap.
  • 2003-08-08 - ConfigHelper,ConfigHelperInterface: Removed references to ActionMappings, ActionFormBeans, and ActionForwards.
  • 2003-07-27 - ConfigHelper: Deprecate methods() since they return objects that have been deprecated. The ModuleConfig object should be used to lookup these items.
  • 2003-07-16 - ModuleConfigFactory: Catch only relevant exceptions instead of Throwable and made LOG final.
  • 2003-07-04 - struts-config_1_2.dtd, ControllerConfig.java: Removed deprecated debug controller attribute.
  • 2003-07-04 - ActionConfig: Removed deprecated perform() methods.
  • ApplicationConfig: removed in favor of ModuleConfig.

Contrib Packages [ /contrib]

  • 2004-06-29 - struts-chain: Wrap HttpServletRequest to ensure correct handling of URIs.
  • 2004-02-29 - struts-chain: Fix problem with large uploads being deleted if validation failed.
  • 2004-01-15 - struts-chain: Add Tiles support. Add null check for type, to support forward actions; also add commons loggging
  • 2004-01-14 - struts-chain: Add support for 'unknown' actions.
  • 2004-07-07 - struts-faces: correct operation of tag and add portlet specific version.
  • 2004-03-08 - struts-faces: updated for JSF 1.0 final release.
  • 2003-12-31 - struts-faces: Initial support for Tiles; partial "Tilesization" of example app; *not* ready for prime time but comments definately welcome.
  • 2003-12-29 - struts-faces: Various updates regarding the JSF Final Draft and to prepare for Tiles support.
  • 2003-12-17 - struts-jericho: Whiteboard directory for Struts-Jericho, a working proposal for Struts 2.x.
  • 2003-09-07 - strutsel.taglib.tiles: Addition of "tiles-el" library
  • 2004-08-10 - TilesUtilImpl: Remove "static" modifier from doInclude() method.
  • 2003-08-11 - struts-chain: Initial check-in of an experimental library that decomposes the Struts 1.1 request procoessor, using the newly checked in Commons Sandbox project called "chain" supporting the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
  • 2003-08-10 - strutsel: Added action attribute added in base class
  • 2003-08-10 - strutsel: Removed deprecated FormTag attributes: name, scope, type.
  • 2003-08-10 - struts-legacy: Removed package (GenericDataSource and GenericConnection).
  • 2003-07-26 - strutsel: Updated tags to match recent attribute changes to tags in base library.

Plugins Package [ org.apache.struts.plugins]

  • 2003-08-07 - DigestingPlugIn.java: Added DigestingPlugIn.

Taglib Package Changes [ org.apache.struts.taglib]

  • 2004-06-26 - EmptyTag: Add support for arrays.
  • 2004-02-24 - createDynamicJavascript: Move test for null validator form inside "createDynamicJavascript" so that those who use the tag to generate static javascript don't get a JspException.
  • 2003-09-09 - TagUtils: Log error message when keys or bundles are missing.
  • 2003-08-23 - TagUtils: Deprecated getActionErrors() in favor of getActionMessages().
  • 2003-08-16 - TagUtils: Replaced ActionError with ActionMessage.
  • 2003-08-02 - LocalStrings.properties,TagUtils: Move message resources from util package.
  • 2003-07-26 - TagUtils,RequestUtils: Added TagUtils class for taglibs to use instead of RequestUtils. We should migrate any method in RequestUtils that takes a PageContext parameter and/or throws JspException. A clean separation will help keep RequestUtils smaller and allow the taglibs to be easily split off of the core Struts distribution.

Bean Taglib Package Changes [ org.apache.struts.taglib.bean]

  • 2004-01-14 - WriteTag: Use client locale when applying date format.
  • 2004-01-01 - WriteTag: Add notes regarding discovering localized notations.
  • 2003-08-28 - IncludeTag: Rename setCookie to addCookie since it isn't a bean setter
  • 2003-07-13 - MessageTag: Simplified args[] creation, deprecated unused defaultLocale variable.

HTML Taglib Package Changes [ org.apache.struts.taglib.html]:

  • 2004-08-24 - ImgTag: Correct usage in a module environment.
  • 2004-07-21 - Add accept-charset attribute to the FormTag.
  • 2004-07-01 - JavascriptValidatorTag - Correct naming of JS methods when multiple forms are used.
  • 2004-05-17 - OptionsCollectionTag,OptionsTag: Filter values as well as labels.
  • 2004-03-08 - JavascriptValidatorTag - Allow multiple forms to be on the same page by generating a unique variable name based on form name.
  • 2004-02-14 - Substitute "-" for "/" in JavaScript function name when form is subclass of ValidatorActionForm.
  • 2004-02-07 - Add "module" attribute to IncludeTag, ImgTag, LinkTag, and RewriteTag, as well as to Forward. This permits a module to be referenced by name (or "prefix) for direct cross-linking between modules.
  • 2004-02-04 - Run validator messages through a routine to escape quote marks so that the emitted JavaScript is syntactically correct.
  • 2004-02-04 - Throw JspException when no form is found in the ValidatorResources under the specified 'name'.
  • 2004-01-18 - Add "action" attribute to img tag.
  • 2004-01-09 - Add disabled element to TLD.
  • 2004-01-03 - Add 10 new tests that cover "some" of the functionality provided by html:options. More to come.
  • 2004-01-01 - In link-related tags, allow LocalCharacterEncoding to be specified conditionally.
  • 2003-11-28 - JavascriptValidatorTag - Removed getNextVar() and replaceChar() methods and use a simpler javascript identifier naming scheme. All variables with be named a0, a1, etc. to prevent using reserved words as variable names.
  • 2003-08-19 - Remove "request scope" references from messages tag. The messages are searched for in all scopes.
  • 2003-08-10 - struts-html.xml,RewriteTag.java: Added action attribute to rewrite tag.
  • 2003-08-10 - Removed deprecated FormTag attributes: name, scope, type.
  • 2003-07-08 - struts-html.xml,FormTag,JavascriptValidatorTag: Added scriptLanguage property to the form and javascript tags for PR# 17234. This property is ignored in XHTML mode but allows developers to turn off the "language" attribute of

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