AudioFlinger 如何通过 hwBinder 调用 Audio HAL

AudioFlinger 如何通过 hwBinder 调用 Audio HAL

注意:本文基于 Android 8.1 进行分析
Qidi 2020.07.03 (Markdown & Haroopad)

我们已经知道,在AudioPolicyManager构造时,会解析配置文件audio_policy.confaudio_policy_configuration.xml。之后,它会获取到AudioFlinger的实例,并根据解析结果,调用loadHwModule()依次加载各个 audio HAL。

因此,AudioFlinger与 Audio HAL 建立联系的过程一定能在它内部的代码中找到。让我们直接从AudioFlinger的代码开始分析:

    : BnAudioFlinger(),
      mMediaLogNotifier(new AudioFlinger::MediaLogNotifier()),
    // 初始化 mDevicesFactoryHal
    mDevicesFactoryHal = DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create();

// loadHwModule_l() must be called with AudioFlinger::mLock held
audio_module_handle_t AudioFlinger::loadHwModule_l(const char *name)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioHwDevs.size(); i++) {
        if (strncmp(mAudioHwDevs.valueAt(i)->moduleName(), name, strlen(name)) == 0) {
            ALOGW("loadHwModule() module %s already loaded", name);
            return mAudioHwDevs.keyAt(i);

    sp<DeviceHalInterface> dev;

    // 以 Legacy 方式或 Binder 方式,真正加载 Audio HAL 的入口
    int rc = mDevicesFactoryHal->openDevice(name, &dev);
    if (rc) {
        ALOGE("loadHwModule() error %d loading module %s", rc, name);

    mAudioHwDevs.add(handle, new AudioHwDevice(handle, name, dev, flags));

    ALOGI("loadHwModule() Loaded %s audio interface, handle %d", name, handle);

    return handle;


我们看到 AudioFlinger::loadHwModule_l() 调用了mDevicesFactoryHal->openDevice(),而实际上 mDeviceFactoryHal 是类DevicesFactoryHalHybrid的一个实例。
在源文件 /frameworks/av/media/libaudiohal/DevicesFactoryHalHybrid.cpp 里,我们可以看到类的实现:

sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create() {
    return new DevicesFactoryHalHybrid();

// DevicesFatoryHalHybrid 类的作用是对 mLocalFactory 和 mHidlFactory 进行包裹,
// 而这两个成员实际上都是 sp 类型
        : mLocalFactory(new DevicesFactoryHalLocal()),
                  new DevicesFactoryHalHidl()
                       ) {

DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::~DevicesFactoryHalHybrid() {

status_t DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) {
    // 当目标不是 A2DP HAL, 且宏 USE_LEGACY_LOCAL_AUDIO_HAL 未定义时,
    // 始终使用 hwbinder 方式获取 Audio HAL
    // 以我所开发的设备为例, 宏 USE_LEGACY_LOCAL_AUDIO_HAL 在 中
    // 被定义为 false
    if (mHidlFactory != 0 && strcmp(AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_A2DP, name) != 0) {
        return mHidlFactory->openDevice(name, device);
    return mLocalFactory->openDevice(name, device);

顺带一提,这里可以看到通过定义宏USE_LEGACY_LOCAL_AUDIO_HAL,我们可以强制AudioFlinger不使用 hwBinder 访问 Audio HAL,而是采用老方法加载*.so库文件。这个宏一般定义在BoardConfig.mk文件中。但需要注意,即便使用加载库的方式也稍稍有了变化:以前 AudioFlinger 通过 dlopen() 直接加载,现在变成了调用 vndk 接口 android_load_sphal_library()来实现。

闲话休题。到了这里实际依然还没抵达 hwBinder 的入口,而是继续调用了 DevicesFactoryHalHybrid 的成员接口 openDevice()。层层深入,再来看看 DevicesFactoryHalHidl 类中的实现:

status_t DevicesFactoryHalHidl::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) {
    if (mDevicesFactory == 0) return NO_INIT;
    IDevicesFactory::Device hidlDevice;
    status_t status = nameFromHal(name, &hidlDevice);
    if (status != OK) return status;
    Result retval = Result::NOT_INITIALIZED;
    // 此处的 openDevice() 会调用到 BpHwDevicesFactory::openDevice() 中,
    // BpHwDevicesFactory 的实现代码是在编译时由 soong 自动生成的
    Return<void> ret = mDevicesFactory->openDevice(
            // 该 lamda 函数作为回调函数传入 Bp 端,
            // 当 Binder 调用完成时,该 lamda 函数会被调用
            [&](Result r, const sp<IDevice>& result) {
                retval = r;
                if (retval == Result::OK) {
                    *device = new DeviceHalHidl(result); // result 是从 Binder 调用完成后返回的 IDevice 实例
    if (ret.isOk()) {
        if (retval == Result::OK) return OK;
        else if (retval == Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS) return BAD_VALUE;
        else return NO_INIT;

终于,在这里面我们看到了另一个 openDevice(),它属于 IDevicesFactory,这就是和 audio HAL 相关的具体的 hwBinder 接口类了。这个类相应的代码实际上是在编译时自动生成的,源文件(或者说接口定义文件,HIDL 本来也是这个含义)中只有对接口的定义,位于 /hardware/interfaces/audio/2.0/IDevicesFactory.hal 中:

package [email protected];

import [email protected];
import IDevice;

interface IDevicesFactory {
    typedef [email protected]::Result Result;

    enum Device : int32_t {

     * Opens an audio device. To close the device, it is necessary to release
     * references to the returned device object.
     * @param device device type.
     * @return retval operation completion status. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENTS
     *         if there is no corresponding hardware module found,
     *         NOT_INITIALIZED if an error occured while opening the hardware
     *         module.
     * @return result the interface for the created device.
    openDevice(Device device) generates (Result retval, IDevice result);

编译时,上方的 .hal 文件会转换成相应的 .cpp.h 文件。这些文件均可以对应在 /out/soong/.intermediates/hardware/interfaces/audio/2.0/ 路径下找到。这里我们简要查看 openDevice() 接口相关的生成代码,看看都做了些什么:

// Methods from IDevicesFactory follow.
::android::hardware::Return<void> BpHwDevicesFactory::_hidl_openDevice(::android::hardware::IInterface *_hidl_this, ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor *_hidl_this_instrumentor, IDevicesFactory::Device device, openDevice_cb _hidl_cb) {
    (void) _hidl_this_instrumentor;
    #endif // __ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE__
    #endif // __ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE__

    ::android::hardware::Parcel _hidl_data;
    ::android::hardware::Parcel _hidl_reply;
    ::android::status_t _hidl_err;
    ::android::hardware::Status _hidl_status;

    Result _hidl_out_retval;
    ::android::sp<IDevice> _hidl_out_result;

    _hidl_err = _hidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(BpHwDevicesFactory::descriptor);
    if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

    _hidl_err = _hidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)device);
    if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

    // (生成代码)执行 transact 调用, 传入 command code 1 (openDevice)
    _hidl_err = ::android::hardware::IInterface::asBinder(_hidl_this)->transact(1 /* openDevice */, _hidl_data, &_hidl_reply);
    if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

    _hidl_err = ::android::hardware::readFromParcel(&_hidl_status, _hidl_reply);
    if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

    if (!_hidl_status.isOk()) { return _hidl_status; }

    _hidl_err = _hidl_reply.readInt32((int32_t *)&_hidl_out_retval);
    if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

        ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> _hidl__hidl_out_result_binder;
        // (生成代码)获得 audio HAL binder 实例
        _hidl_err = _hidl_reply.readNullableStrongBinder(&_hidl__hidl_out_result_binder);
        if (_hidl_err != ::android::OK) { goto _hidl_error; }

        // 获得 audio device 实例
        _hidl_out_result = ::android::hardware::fromBinder<IDevice,BpHwDevice,BnHwDevice>(_hidl__hidl_out_result_binder);

    // 调用回调函数(也就是前面的 lamda 函数)将 audio device 实例传回上层
    _hidl_cb(_hidl_out_retval, _hidl_out_result);

    #endif // __ANDROID_DEBUGGABLE__

    return ::android::hardware::Return<void>();

    return ::android::hardware::Return<void>(_hidl_status);

能看出来,这些自动生成的代码仍然是使用的 Parcel.writeXXX --> asBinder()/remote() --> transact() --> BinderDriver --> onTransact() --> Parcel.readXXX 那一套。(实际上,binder, hwbinder 和 vndbinder 共用一套 Binder 类关系和代码逻辑)

至此,AudioFlinger 便获得了 audio HAL 的 Bp 端实例,通过它即可自由调用 audio HAL 任意接口。以 setMasterVolume() 为例:

status_t AudioFlinger::setMasterVolume(float value)
    // Set master volume in the HALs which support it.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioHwDevs.size(); i++) {
        AutoMutex lock(mHardwareLock);
        AudioHwDevice *dev = mAudioHwDevs.valueAt(i);

        mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_SET_MASTER_VOLUME;
        if (dev->canSetMasterVolume()) {
            // 通过 audio device 实例调用 Audio HAL 中实现的 setMasterVolume() 接口
            // 实际执行时依然以 HIDL 方式经过 hwBinder 完成
        mHardwareStatus = AUDIO_HW_IDLE;

    return NO_ERROR;

