commoditydata={"Iphone7plus":5000, "HuiWei10":4000, "Apple iwatch":2500, "Apple ipad":2000, "Ruishi watch":3500, "Ordinary world":78, "The dynasty of one":45, "milk tea":10, "pizza":55, "coffee":15, } user_shopcar={} salary=input("Please input your salary:") if salary.isdigit(): salary=int(salary) print(type(salary)) while True: print("-----The next time-----") for i in commoditydata: print(i,commoditydata[i]) user_choice=input("please choose what you buy:") if user_choice in commoditydata: print(commoditydata[user_choice]) if salary>=commoditydata[user_choice] : user_shopcar[user_choice]=commoditydata[user_choice] salary-=commoditydata[user_choice] print("\033[41;1m[%s] goods is in your shopcar,your balance is [%s]\033[0m"%(user_choice,salary)) commoditydata.pop(user_choice) g = open("com", "w", encoding="utf-8") g.write(str(commoditydata)) g.close() else: print("sorry,your money is not enough") elif user_choice=='E': print("-----Shopcar-----") for s in user_shopcar: print(s,user_shopcar[s]) print("your balance is %s"%salary) exit() else: print("sorry,what you want to buy is not exist")
commoditydata={"Iphone7plus":5000, "HuiWei10":4000, "Apple iwatch":2500, "Apple ipad":2000, "Ruishi watch":3500, "Ordinary world":78, "The dynasty of one":45, "milk tea":10, "pizza":55, "coffee":15, } # user_shopcar={} # salary=input("Please input your salary:") # if salary.isdigit(): # salary=int(salary) # print(type(salary)) # while True: # print("-----The next time-----") # for i in commoditydata: # print(i,commoditydata[i]) # user_choice=input("please choose what you buy:") # # if user_choice in commoditydata: # print(commoditydata[user_choice]) # if salary>=commoditydata[user_choice] : # user_shopcar[user_choice]=commoditydata[user_choice] # salary-=commoditydata[user_choice] # print("\033[41;1m[%s] goods is in your shopcar,your balance is [%s]\033[0m"%(user_choice,salary)) # commoditydata.pop(user_choice) # g = open("com", "w", encoding="utf-8") # g.write(str(commoditydata)) # g.close() # else: # print("sorry,your money is not enough") # elif user_choice=='E': # print("-----Shopcar-----") # for s in user_shopcar: # print(s,user_shopcar[s]) # print("your balance is %s"%salary) # exit() # else: # print("sorry,what you want to buy is not exist") seller_name=["xiaohua","xiaoming","xiaoli","xiaowang"] seller=input("please input your name:") if seller in seller_name: while True: seller_choice=input("Are you add good or modify price?'a'represent add ,'m'represent modify price,'e'represent exit:" ) if seller_choice=='a': print("please start add:") add_good=input("input good you want to add:") if add_good not in commoditydata: add_goodprice=input("input good price:") if add_goodprice.isdigit(): add_goodprice=int(add_goodprice) commoditydata[add_good]=add_goodprice f=open("sell","w",encoding="utf-8") f.write(str(commoditydata)) f.close print("you have add %s successfuly" % add_good) else: print("input wrong") else: print("sorry,what you add has existed") elif seller_choice=='m': print("please start modify:") modify_good = input("input good you want to modify:") if modify_good in commoditydata: modify_goodprice = input("input good price:") if modify_goodprice.isdigit(): modify_goodprice = int(modify_goodprice) commoditydata[modify_good] = modify_goodprice f = open("sell", "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write(str(commoditydata)) f.close print("you have modify %s successfuly"%modify_good) else: print("input wrong") else: print("sorry,what you modify is not exist") elif seller_choice=="e": exit() else: print("choice is wrong") else: print("sorry,you do not have authentication")