


Anti-Spyware/Anti-Virus/Anti-Rootkit Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. protect the computer against viruses : ClamWin Free Antivirus
  2. protect the computer against viruses : The OpenAntivirus Project
  3. protect the computer with a firewall : PktFilter
  4. protect the computer with a firewall : Winsock Firewall
  5. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  6. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Audio/Music/MP3/Real/Wav Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. adjust sound volume of mp3 files : MP3Gain
  2. backup a midi file : MIDI Backup Utility
  3. burn an audio CD : Easy Burning
  4. burn an audio CD : cdrtfe
  5. burn an audio CD : jCDWriter
  6. copy an audio CD : CDRDAO
  7. correct/edit tags of mp3 files : Mp3 Tag Tools
  8. correct/edit tags of mp3 files : MP3 Book Helper
  9. correct/edit tags of mp3 files : MusicBrainz Tagger!
  10. correct/edit tags of mp3 files : MP3-Info Extension
  11. cut/edit/mix/record/remix sound files : Audacity
  12. dj with the mp3 collection : Mixxx
  13. manage CD collection : Ant Movie Catalog
  14. mix audio files : Mixere
  15. play an audio file : Coolplayer
  16. play an audio file : LongPlayer
  17. play an audio file : SnackAmp
  18. play an audio file : NotifyCD
  19. play an audio file : musikCube
  20. play an audio file : Delphamp
  21. play an audio file : Zinf
  22. record save/ audio/video from screen : Krut Computer Recorder
  23. record/save an internet audio broadcast : Juice
  24. record/save streaming music : ASFRecorder
  25. record/save streaming music : Streamripper for Winamp
  26. record/save streaming music : StationRipper
  27. rip music from a CD : MediaCoder
  28. rip music from a CD : CDex
  29. rip music from a CD : CD-DA X-Tractor
  30. sequence midi files : JAZZ++
  31. split an mp3 file into smaller parts : Mp3splt
  32. split an mp3 file into smaller parts : split3pm
  33. stream audio files on the web : GNUMP3d
  34. stream audio files on the web : PeerCast
  35. tag and upload creative commons audio : ccPublisher
  36. turn PC into a media center : MediaPortal
  37. update firmware on mp3 device : Rockbox
  38. wrap mutiple mp3 files into one playable album file : Alba
  39. wrap mutiple mp3 files into one playable album file : Mp3Wrap
  40. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  41. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Business/Office/Access/Excel/Word Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. administer a database : FutureSQL
  2. annotate a pdf : Jarnal
  3. automatically speak the powerpoint slides : PowerTalk 1.2.4
  4. capture screen action into SWF file : Vnc2swf
  5. capture the screen : ScreenCopy
  6. convert .doc files into pdf files : PDF Tools
  7. convert a pdf document into html : pdftohtml
  8. create PDF files : PDFCreator
  9. create PDF files : qvPDF
  10. create/edit html file : Bluefish
  11. design a database : DBDesigner
  12. display a desktop calendar : Sunbird from Mozilla
  13. manage (merge/split/fill) PDF files : Pdftk
  14. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : Compiere
  15. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : ERP5
  16. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : GNU Enterprise (GNUe)
  17. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : Open For Business Project
  18. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : opentaps
  19. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : SugarCRM
  20. manage customer relationships (CRM/ERP) : webERP
  21. open DjVu documents : WinDjView
  22. open PDF files faster : Xpdf
  23. replace Microsoft Word : AbiWord
  24. store data in a database : Firebird
  25. store data in a database : InterBase
  26. store data in a database : Ingres
  27. store data in a database : MySQL
  28. store data in a database : MaxDB
  29. store data in a database : Base
  30. store data in a database : PostgreSQL
  31. store data in a spreadsheet : Gnumeric
  32. track support-desk trouble-tickets : SimpleTicket
  33. track time spent on a project : Time Stamp
  34. type faster (auto-finish words) : LetMeType
  35. use a business intelligence package : Pentaho BI
  36. use a desktop publishing package : Scribus
  37. use a dictionary : Babiloo
  38. use a dictionary : jDictionary
  39. use a dictionary : Podo
  40. use office suite (writer, calc, impress, draw base) : OpenOffice
  41. view html source code for documents/emails : IESpy
  42. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  43. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

4 Sure-fire Ways to Make Money Online

Communication Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. add different signature/quote/funny lines to email messages : Kookie Jar
  2. chat on IRC (internet relay chat) : BoxedIrc
  3. chat on IRC : X-Chat 2
  4. chat on IRC : HydraIRC
  5. chat on IRC : KVIrc
  6. chat on IRC : ChatZilla
  7. chat on IRC : SeaMonkey
  8. chat on IRC : savIRC
  9. chat with MSN Messenger clients : aMSN
  10. chat with a white board : Coccinella
  11. chat with different messenger clients : Ayttm
  12. chat with different messenger clients : LLuna
  13. chat with different messenger clients : Exodus
  14. chat with different messenger clients : Gabber 2
  15. chat with different messenger clients : Gaim
  16. chat with different messenger clients : BuddySpace
  17. chat with different messenger clients : Centericq
  18. chat with different messenger clients : Psi
  19. chat with different messenger clients : SIM-IM
  20. chat with different messenger clients : Tkabber
  21. chat with different messenger clients : Spark
  22. chat with different messenger clients : Miranda IM
  23. filter spam in email/outlook : Internet Junkbuster
  24. filter spam in email/outlook : Mailfilter
  25. filter spam in email/outlook : SpamBayes
  26. filter spam in email/outlook : Spamihilator
  27. monitor email from multiple accounts : Magic Mail Monitor 3
  28. phone free using the internet : SIPp
  29. phone free using the internet : Speak-Freely
  30. phone free using the internet : Asterisk
  31. phone free using the internet : Shtoom
  32. phone free using the internet : Ekiga
  33. phone free using the internet : PhoneGaim
  34. phone free using the internet : sipXphone
  35. phone free using the internet : SIP Communicator
  36. read/send email : Althea
  37. read/send email : Sylpheed-Claws
  38. read/send email : Mahogany
  39. read/send email : RoundAbout
  40. read/send email : si.Mail
  41. read/send email : Unixmail for Windows
  42. read/send email : Thunderbird
  43. read/send email : Mutt
  44. read/send email : Polarbar Mailer
  45. send email : Blat
  46. send email to multiple people : MailReactor
  47. sort email and check for spam : POPFile
  48. telnet/ssh to a site : Mssh is 2.1
  49. telnet/ssh to a site : PCMan
  50. telnet/ssh to a site : PuTTY
  51. use POP-3 to access hotmail account : Blue HttpMail
  52. use POP-3 to access hotmail account : HTTPMail
  53. use POP-3 to access hotmail account : JHTTPMail
  54. use POP-3 to access hotmail account : HotPOP3
  55. use POP-3 to access webmail account : MrPostman
  56. use POP-3 to access webmail account : FreePOPs
  57. use a better AOL instant messenger : TerraIM
  58. use groupware application : Evolution for Windows
  59. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  60. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Desktop Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. connect two different destops on two systems : Win2VNC
  2. display a desktop calendar : Rainlendar
  3. display a desktop calendar : Sunbird from Mozilla
  4. launch applications with shortcut names : Dave's Quick Search Deskbar
  5. launch applications with shortcut names : Launchy
  6. run a collaborative screensaver : Electric Sheep
  7. see an active desktop : Vital Desktop
  8. see desktop objects thru a magnifying glass : Virtual Magnifying Glass
  9. synch clock to exact time : NetTime
  10. synch clock to exact time : NIST Internet Time Service
  11. use virtual desktops in windows : Virtual Desktop
  12. use virtual desktops in windows : Virtual Dimension
  13. use virtual desktops in windows : VirtuaWin
  14. write sticky (post-it) notes on the desktop : A Note
  15. write sticky (post-it) notes on the desktop : HandyNotes
  16. write sticky (post-it) notes on the desktop : e7NoteIt
  17. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  18. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Editors/Notepad Replacements Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. edit gettext catalogs : poEdit
  2. edit programming source code : Notepad++
  3. edit programming source code : SynEdit
  4. edit programming source code : jEdit
  5. edit programming source code : Jext
  6. edit programming source code : SciTE
  7. edit rich text : Turbo Pad
  8. edit rich text : LyX
  9. edit scientific text : GNU TeXmacs
  10. edit text : Jarnal
  11. edit text : UniRed
  12. edit text : Emacs
  13. edit text : Vim
  14. edit text : WinVi32
  15. edit/view/analyze executables : HT
  16. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  17. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Files and Folders Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. archive (zip) files : BiGZiP
  2. archive (zip) files : Zzip
  3. archive (zip) files : 7-Zip
  4. archive (zip) files : jzip.org
  5. backup files and folders : Amanda
  6. backup files and folders : BackupPC
  7. backup files and folders : NasBackup
  8. backup files and folders : Abakt
  9. compare/differentiate/merge different files/folders : KDiff3
  10. compare/differentiate/merge different files/folders : WinMerge
  11. convert ASCII files between Win and Unix : Tofrodos
  12. copy a data CD : CDRDAO
  13. display size/space of folders on a drive : WinDirStat
  14. encrypt a file : AxCrypt.
  15. encrypt a file : Blowfish Advanced CS.
  16. encrypt drives/folders/files : TrueCrypt
  17. grep in windows : GREP for Windows
  18. rename multiple files : Ant Renamer
  19. search HTML and office documents : DocSearcher
  20. search file/text on the computer : The File Seeker
  21. search file/text on the computer : Wilbur
  22. search file/text on the computer : Wilma
  23. search files on the computer/intranet : MaxFisher
  24. search text within files : AstroGrep
  25. securely exchange files via p2p : Waste
  26. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  27. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Financial Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. manage business financial accounts : Quasar
  2. manage business financial accounts : SQL-Ledger
  3. manage personal finances : TurboCASH
  4. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  5. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Graphics/Images/Photographs Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. add copyright bar on images : CopyRightLeft
  2. convert .png file into .ico format : png2ico
  3. convert bitmap to vector graphics : AutoTrace
  4. convert bitmap to vector graphics : Potrace
  5. convert scanned text into text : GOCR
  6. create a flash based photo album : zphoto
  7. create an html photo album : Thotor
  8. create schematic drawings : XCircuit
  9. create schematic drawings : gEDA
  10. create/edit 3d graphics : Irrlicht Engine
  11. create/edit 3d graphics : Nebula
  12. create/edit 3d graphics : Art of Illusion
  13. create/edit 3d graphics : Blender
  14. create/edit 3d graphics : Jahshaka
  15. create/edit 3d graphics : OGRE v1.2 [Dagon]
  16. create/edit 3d graphics : OpenFX
  17. create/edit 3d graphics : POV-Ray
  18. create/edit 3d graphics : Wings 3D
  19. create/edit 3d graphics : Xara Xtreme
  20. create/edit bitmap images : ImageMagick
  21. create/edit diagrams : Dia
  22. create/edit graphics : GLE
  23. create/edit vector drawings : Skencil
  24. draw circuit diagrams : TinyCAD
  25. edit an image (for kids) : Tux Paint
  26. edit an image : GIMP
  27. edit an image : Paint.NET
  28. edit an image : GIMPShop
  29. edit vector graphics : Inkscape
  30. extract useful imformation from digital photographs : jhead
  31. hide information in a picture : Hide In Picture
  32. model using computer-aided-design : BRL-CAD
  33. model using computer-aided-design : Sailcut CAD
  34. model using computer-aided-design : PythonCAD
  35. organize photos in albums : ctPhotoBook
  36. restore an old image/painting : restoreInpaint
  37. stitch panoramic photographs : hugin
  38. view images in an album folder : IMGV
  39. view images in an album folder : Cornice
  40. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  41. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Information/Fun/Misc Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. chart planetary movements : ORSA - Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis
  2. see 3d space simulation : Celestia
  3. see the sky/stars/planets : Stellarium
  4. write an outline : Tkoutline
  5. zoom onto the Earth from space : World Wind by NASA
  6. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  7. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Internet Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. add ecommerce to website : osCommerce
  2. add mouse gestures to Internet Explorer browser : Mouse Gestures for Internet Explorer
  3. block IP addresses : PeerGuardian 2
  4. block IP addresses : PeerGuardian Lite
  5. browse the web anonymously : Tor
  6. browse the web fast : K-Meleon
  7. browse the web safely : Firefox
  8. browse the web safely : SeaMonkey
  9. browse the web safely : Opera
  10. conect via a VPN : SSL-Explorer
  11. conect via a VPN : OpenVPN
  12. distribute large files over the web : Jigsaw Download
  13. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Ares
  14. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Azureus
  15. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : BT++
  16. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Cabos
  17. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : eMule Morph
  18. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : eMule Plus
  19. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : G3 Torrent
  20. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : HeavyMole
  21. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Krimpy
  22. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : MLDonkey
  23. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : MUTE File Sharing
  24. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : MyNapster
  25. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Phex
  26. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : ABC
  27. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Qtella
  28. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : TorrentSpy
  29. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : BitTornado
  30. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : BitTorrent
  31. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : eMule
  32. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : FreeWire
  33. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Gnucleus
  34. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : LimeWire
  35. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : Shareaza
  36. download a file via a torrent / p2p site : XNap
  37. download all files on a webpage : leech
  38. download an entire website : Getleft
  39. download an entire website : webfetch
  40. download an entire website : HTTrack
  41. download/upload files via FTP : FileZilla
  42. download/upload files via FTP : JFtp
  43. easily install Apache/MySQL/PHP/Perl : XAMPP
  44. edit html files : SeaMonkey
  45. edit html files : Amaya
  46. encrypt email : Stunnel
  47. encrypt email messages : WinPT
  48. encrypt email messages : GnuPG for Windows
  49. kill popup ads : AKiller
  50. manage bookmarks : Bookmark Manager
  51. manage download from the web : TrueDownloader
  52. manage download from the web : WackGet
  53. manage download from the web : FlashGot
  54. manage passwords : Password Safe
  55. manage passwords : PINs
  56. read rss feeds : Feedreader
  57. read rss feeds : RSSOwl
  58. read usenet / newsgroups : Mahogany
  59. read usenet / newsgroups : MicroPlanet Gravity
  60. read usenet / newsgroups : Pan
  61. read usenet / newsgroups : slrn / s-lang read news
  62. read usenet / newsgroups : AmphetaDesk
  63. read usenet / newsgroups : SeaMonkey
  64. read usenet / newsgroups : XanaNews
  65. run a jabber server : ejabberd
  66. run a jabber server : jabberd
  67. run a jabber server : Wildfire
  68. run a jabber server : Java Jabber
  69. run a java/xml server : Enhydra.org
  70. run a proxy server : DeleGate
  71. run a proxy server : Privoxy
  72. run a server on any windows : Uniform Server
  73. run an application server : Zope
  74. run an ftp server : AnomicFTPD
  75. run an web/http server : Apache
  76. run an web/http server : Savant
  77. run an web/http server : MyServer
  78. run an web/http server : Jigsaw
  79. run an x window system server : WeirdX
  80. search for open-source code : Koders
  81. synch bookmarks between browsers : BookmarkBridge
  82. use a content management system (CMS) : Drupal
  83. use a content management system (CMS) : eZ publish
  84. use a content management system (CMS) : Plone
  85. use a content management system (CMS) : OpenCms
  86. use pretty good privacy : GnuPG
  87. view html documents : Amaya
  88. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  89. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Keyboard Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. automatically send defined keystrokes : Qliner hotkeys
  2. use a single keybord/mouse for multiple systems : Synergy
  3. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  4. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Performance/Recovery/System Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. access ReiserFS partitions in Win : rfstool
  2. analyze network traffic : Analyzer
  3. analyze network traffic : BO2K
  4. analyze network traffic : Show Traffic
  5. analyze network traffic : Ethereal
  6. analyze network traffic : WinDump
  7. analyze server log files : Analog
  8. analyze/audit network security : Nmap/Network Mapper
  9. audit computer software and configuration : OCS Inventory NG
  10. change directory fast : WCD
  11. check md5 checksums : MD5summer
  12. clone a hard disk : g4u
  13. completely wipe/delete a hard disk : Darik's Boot and Nuke
  14. completely wipe/delete a hard disk : Eraser
  15. display free RAM : RAMpage
  16. display system information : CoolMon
  17. display system performance metrics : Rainmeter
  18. display system process information : Process Trace
  19. graphically view linux partitions and files : Explore2fs
  20. graphically view linux partitions and files : YAReG
  21. log network traffic : daSniff
  22. monitor internet connections from applications : Winpooch
  23. monitor smart hard drives : smartmontools
  24. partition a hard disk : Partition Logic
  25. recover lost partitions : TestDisk
  26. recover lost partitions on a drive : TestDisk
  27. remotely access event log information : Snare Agent for Windows
  28. remotely control another computer : EchoVNC
  29. remotely control another computer : UltraVNC
  30. remotely control another computer : TightVNC
  31. remotely see network properties : NetBIOS
  32. run a linux-like environment in windows : Cygwin
  33. scan TCP security ports : Knocker
  34. search network traffic : ngrep
  35. synch files between win and unix : Unison
  36. test memory : Memtest86
  37. use a dynamic DNS / fixed hostname address : Dynksys Dynamic IP Updater
  38. use a dynamic DNS / fixed hostname address : MyDyndns
  39. use a dynamic DNS / fixed hostname address : DeeEnEs
  40. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  41. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Productivity Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. be notified when email arrives : PopTray
  2. keep multiple html-free snippets in the clipboard : HovText
  3. listen to text in a file : Sayz Me Text
  4. manage a project : GanttProject
  5. manage a project : dotProject
  6. manage a project : Open Workbench
  7. mind-map an idea/subject/project : FreeMind
  8. mind-map an idea/subject/project : vym
  9. store/manage my passwords : KeePass
  10. use a personal information manager : TreeLine
  11. write notes : Notebox Disorganizer IIe
  12. write notes : KeyNote
  13. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  14. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Programming Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. create installation programs : NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
  2. create installation programs : Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
  3. create installation programs : Inno Setup
  4. create self-extracting archives : FreeExtractor
  5. create xml installation programs : Windows Installer XML (WiX)
  6. maintain version control : CVSNT Open Source
  7. maintain version control : TortoiseCVS
  8. maintain version control : CvsGui
  9. program .NET applications : DotGNU Portable.NET
  10. program .NET applications : Mono
  11. program applications : Suneido
  12. program in Ruby : Ruby
  13. program in c# : SharpDevelop
  14. program in c++ : Dev-C++
  15. program in c++ : Code::Blocks
  16. program in visual c# : C# Open Source
  17. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  18. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware

Video/TV/DVDs Freeware Utilities : I want to ...

  1. backup a DVD : AutoGK
  2. burn VCD : cdrtfe
  3. capture video : Virtual VCR
  4. convert DVD into RealMedia : FilmShrink
  5. convert a DVD to VCD or DivX : DVDx
  6. convert AVI to MPEG : TMPGEnc
  7. convert video files : AVI-Mux
  8. display AVI file information : YAAI - Yet Another Avi Info
  9. edit an AVI file : VirtualDub
  10. edit video files : AviSynth
  11. encode DivX/XviD : Gordian Knot
  12. join/slice MPEG files : mpgtx
  13. manage DVD collection : Ant Movie Catalog
  14. play multimedia files : GPAC
  15. play multimedia files : Vitessa
  16. play multimedia files : Media Player Classic (MPC)
  17. play multimedia files : MPlayer
  18. play multimedia files : VLC media player
  19. play multimedia files : xine
  20. repair corrupt divx files : DivXRepair
  21. rip a DVD : MediaCoder
  22. rip a DVD into MPEG format : HandBrake
  23. stream video files on the web : PeerCast
  24. tag and upload creative commons video : ccPublisher
  25. watch internet TV and Video shows : Democracy Player
  26. Check out more free software : I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
  27. Suggestions/corrections : eConsultant : Blog Archive : I want Open Source Freeware
