update set的两种使用方法


--create database study;

use study;
create table S(
	SNO varchar(20) primary key not null,
	SNAME varchar(20) not null,
	SEX varchar(10),
	DEPT varchar(20),
	BIRTH datetime
create table C(
	CNO varchar(20) primary key not null,
	CNAME varchar(20) not null,
	PCNO varchar(20)
create table SC(
	SNO varchar(20) not null foreign key references S(SNO),
	CNO varchar(20) not null foreign key references C(CNO),	
	G int,
	primary key(SNO,CNO)


use study;
insert into S values('001','张三','男','CS','1995-02-12');
insert into S values('002','李四','男','CS','1995-02-12');
insert into S values('003','王二','女','MA','1995-02-12');
insert into S values('004','赵六','女','MA','1995-02-12');
insert into S values('005','孙七','男','MA','1995-02-12');

insert into C values('101','计算机系统','201');
insert into C values('102','软件工程','205');
insert into C values('103','计算机网络','202');
insert into C values('104','数据结构','207');
insert into C values('105','编译原理','203');

insert into SC values('001','101',80);
insert into SC values('002','103',77);
insert into SC values('003','104',82);
insert into SC values('004','105',66);
insert into SC values('005','102',78);


更新方式一,使用update set from where

update SC set G=G+G*0.05
from SC,S,C
where SC.SNO=S.SNO and SC.CNO=C.CNO and DEPT='MA';
select * from SC;


update SC set G=G-G*0.05 where SNO in(
	select SNO from S
	where DEPT='MA'
select * from SC;

