


1GL — First-Generation Programming Language
10B2 — 10 Base2
10B5 — 10 Base5
10B-F — 10 Base-F
10B-FB — 10 Base-FB
10B-FL — 10 Base-FL
10B-FP — 10 Base-FP
10B-T — 10 Base-T
100B-FX — 100 Base-FX
100B-T — 100 Base-T
100B-TX — 100 Base-TX
100BVG — 100 BaseVG
286 — Intel 80286 processor
2B1Q — 2 Binary 1 Quaternary
2GL — Second-Generation Programming Language
3GL — Third-Generation Programming Language
386 — Intel 80386 processor
486 — Intel 80486 processor
4B5BLF — 4 Byte 5 Byte Local Fiber
4GL — Fourth-Generation Programming Language
5GL — Fifth-Generation Programming Language
8B10BLF — 8 Byte 10 Byte Local Fiber
AAT — Average Access Time
AA — Anti-Aliasing
AAA — Authentication Authorization, Accounting
AABB — Axis Aligned Bounding Box
AAC — Advanced Audio Coding
AAF — Advanced Authoring Format
AAL — ATM Adaptation Layer
AALC — ATM Adaptation Layer Connection
AARP — AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
ABI — Application Binary Interface
ABM — Asynchronous Balanced Mode
ABR — Area Border Router
ABR — Auto Baud — Rate Detect
ABR — Available Bit Rate
AC — Alternating Current
AC — Acoustic Coupler
ACD — Automatic Call Distributor
ACF — Advanced Communications Function
ACF NCP — Advanced Communications Function — Network Control Program
ACID — Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
ACK — ACKnowledgement
ACL — Access Control List
ACL — Active Current Loop
ACM — Association for Computing Machinery
ACME — Automated Classification of Medical Entities
ACPI — Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACR — Allowed Cell Rate
ACR — Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio
AD — Active Directory
AD — Administrative Domain
ADC — Analog-To-Digital Converter
ADC — Apple Display Connector
ADB — Apple Desktop Bus
ADCCP — Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures
ADO — ActiveX Data Objects
ADSL — Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ADT — Abstract Data Type
AE — Adaptive Equalizer
AES — Advanced Encryption Standard
AF — Anisotropic Filtering
AFP — Apple Filing Protocol
AGP — Accelerated Graphics Port
AH — Active Hub
AI — Artificial Intelligence
AIX — Advanced Interactive Executive
Ajax — Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
AL — Active Link
AL — Access List
ALGOL — Algorithmic Language
ALSA — Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALU — Arithmetic and Logical Unit
AM — Active Matrix
AM — Access Method
AM — Active Monitor
AM - Allied Mastercomputer
AM — Amplitude Modulation
AMD — Advanced Micro Devices
AMR — Audio Modem Riser
ANN — Artificial Neural Network
ANSI — American National Standards Institute
ANT — Another Neat Tool
AoE — ATA over Ethernet
AOP — Aspect-Oriented Programming
APCI — Application-Layer Protocol Control Information
API — Application Programming Interface
APIC — Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APIPA — Automatic Private IP Addressing
APL — A Programming Language
APR — Apache Portable Runtime
ARC – Advanced RISC Computing
ARIN — American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARM — Advanced RISC Machines
ARP — Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA — Address and Routing Parameter Area
ARPA — Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARPANET — Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
AS — Access Server
ASCII — American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASG — Abstract Semantic Graph
ASIC — Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASLR - Address Space Layout Randomization
ASMP — Asymmetric Multiprocessing
ASN.1 — Abstract Syntax Notation 1
ASP — Active Server Pages
ASP — Application Service Provider
ASR — Asynchronous Signal Routine
AST — Abstract Syntax Tree
ASSP — Application Specific Standard Product
AT — Advanced Technology
AT — Access Time
AT — Active Terminator
ATA — Advanced Technology Attachment
ATAG — Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
ATAPI — Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATM — Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVC — Advanced Video Coding
AVI — Audio Video Interleaved
AWT — Abstract Window Toolkit
B2B — Business-to-Business
B2C — Business-to-Consumer
Bash — Bourne-again shell
BASIC — Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBP — Baseband Processor
BBS — Bulletin Board System
BCD — Binary Coded Decimal
BEEP — Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
BER — Bit Error Rate
BFD — Binary File Descriptor
BFS — Breadth-First Search
BGP — Border Gateway Protocol
BiDi — Bi-Directional
bin — binary
BINAC — Binary Automatic Computer
BIND — Berkeley Internet Name Daemon
BIOS — Basic Input Output System
BJT — Bipolar Junction Transistor
bit — binary digit
Blob — Binary large object
Blog — Web Log
BMP — Basic Multilingual Plane
BNC — Bayonet Neill-Concelman
BOINC — Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
BOM — Byte Order Mark
BOOTP — Bootstrap Protocol
BPDU — Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPEL — Business Process Execution Language
BPL — Broadband over Power Lines
bps — bits per second
BRR — Business Readiness Rating
BSA — Business Software Alliance
BSD — Berkeley Software Distribution
BSoD — Blue Screen of Death
BSS — Block Started by Symbol
BT — BitTorrent
BT — Bluetooth
BTAM — Basic Telecommunications Access Method
BW — Bandwidth
CA — Certificate Authority
CAD — Computer-Aided Design
CAE — Computer-Aided Engineering
CAID — Computer-Aided Industrial Design
CAI — Computer-Aided Instruction
CAM — Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CAPTCHA — Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CAT - Computer-Aided Translation
CAQ — Computer-Aided Quality Assurance
CASE — Computer-Aided Software Engineering
cc — C Compiler
CD — Compact Disc
CDE — Common Desktop Environment
CDMA — Code Division Multiple Access
CDN - Content Delivery Network
CDP — Continuous Data Protection
CD-R — CD-Recordable
CD-ROM — CD Read-Only Memory
CD-RW — CD-Rewritable
CDSA — Common Data Security Architecture
CERT — Computer Emergency Response Team
CES — Consumer Electronics Show
CF — Compact Flash
CFD — Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFG — Context-Free Grammar
CFG — Control Flow Graph
CG — Computer Graphics
CGA — Color Graphics Array
CGI — Common Gateway Interface
CGI — Computer-Generated Imagery
CGT — Computational Graph Theory
CHAP — Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHS — Cylinder-Head-Sector
CIFS — Common Internet Filesystem
CIM — Common Information Model
CISC — Complex Instruction Set Computer
CJK — Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
CJKV — Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese
CLI — Command Line Interface
CLR — Common Language Runtime
CM — Configuration Management
CM — Content Management
CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMOS — Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMS — Content Management System
CN — Canonical Name
CN — Common Name
CNC — Computer Numerical Control
CNR — Communications and Networking Riser
COBOL — Common Business-Oriented Language
COM — Component Object Model
CORBA — Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COTS — Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CPA — Cell Processor Architecture
CPA — Converged Packet Access
CPAN — Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
CP/M — Control Program/Monitor
CPRI — Common Public Radio Interface
cps — characters per second
CPU — Central Processing Unit
CR — Carriage Return
CRAN — Comprehensive R Archive Network
CRC — Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRLF — Carriage Return Line Feed
CRM — Customer Relationship Management
CRT — Cathode Ray Tube
CRUD — Create, Read, Update and Delete
CS — Cable Select
CS — Computer Science
CSE — Computer Science and Engineering
CSI — Common System Interface
CSRF — Cross-Site Request Forgery
CSS — Cascading Style Sheets
CSS — Content-Scrambling System
CSS — Closed Source Software
CSS — Cross-Site Scripting
CSV — Comma-Separated Values
CT — Computerized Tomography
CTAN — Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
CTCP — Client-To-Client Protocol
CTI — Computer Telephony Integration
CTL — Computational Tree Logic
CTM — Close To Metal
CTS — Clear To Send
CTSS — Compatible Time-Sharing System
CUA — Common User Access
CVS — Concurrent Versioning System
DAC — Digital-To-Analog Converter
DAC — Discretionary Access Control
DAO — Data Access Objects
DAO — Disk-At-Once
DAP — Directory Access Protocol
DARPA — Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAT — Digital Audio Tape
DB — Database
DBA — Database Administrator
DBCS — Double Byte Character Set
DBMS — Database Management System
DCC — Direct Client-to-Client
DCCP — Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
DCCA — Debian Common Core Alliance
DCL — Data Control Language
DCMI — Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DCOM — Distributed Component Object Model
DD — Double Density
DDE — Dynamic Data Exchange
DDL — Data Definition Language
DDoS — Distributed Denial of Service
DDR — Double Data Rate
DEC — Digital Equipment Corporation
DES — Data Encryption Standard
dev — development
DFA — Deterministic Finite Automaton
DFD — Data Flow Diagram
DFS — Depth-First Search
DFS — Distributed File System
DHCP — Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML — Dynamic HTML
DIF — Data Integrity Field
DIMM — Dual Inline Memory Module
DIN — Deutsches Institut für Normung
DIP — Dual In-line Package
DIVX — Digital Video Express
DIY - Do It Yourself devices
DKIM — Domain Keys Identified Mail
DL — Download
DLL — Dynamic Link Library
DLP — Digital Light Processing
DMA — Direct Memory Access
DMCA — Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DML — Data Manipulation Language
DMR — Dennis M. Ritchie
DN — Distinguished Name
DND — Drag-and-Drop
DNS — Domain Name System
DOCSIS — Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DOM — Document Object Model
DoS — Denial of Service
DOS — Disk Operating System
DP — Dot Pitch
DPI — Deep Packet Inspection
DPI — Dots Per Inch
DPMI — DOS Protected Mode Interface
DPMS — Display Power Management Signaling
DRAM — Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRI — Direct Rendering Infrastructure
DRM — Digital Rights Management
DRM — Direct Rendering Manager
DSDL — Document Schema Definition Languages
DSDM — Dynamic Systems Development Method
DSL — Digital Subscriber Line
DSL — Domain-Specific Language
DSLAM — Digital subscriber line access multiplexer
DSN — Database Source Name
DSN — Data set Name
DSP — Digital Signal Processor
DSSSL — Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
DTD — Document Type Definition
DTE — Data Terminal Equipment
DTP — Desktop Publishing
DTR — Data Terminal Ready
DVD — Digital Versatile Disc
DVD — Digital Video Disc
DVD-R — DVD-Recordable
DVD-ROM — DVD-Read Only Memory
DVD-RW — DVD-Rewritable
DVI — Digital Visual Interface
DVR — Digital Video Recorder
EaaS — Everything as a Service
EAI — Enterprise Application Integration
EAP — Extensible Authentication Protocol
EBCDIC — Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EBML — Extensible Binary Meta Language
ECC — Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECMA — European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECN — Explicit Congestion Notification
EDA — Electronic Design Automation
EDI — Electronic Data Interchange
EDO — Extended Data Out
EDSAC — Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EDVAC — Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EEPROM — Electronically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFF — Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFI — Extensible Firmware Interface
EFM — Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation
EGA — Enhanced Graphics Array
EGP — Exterior Gateway Protocol
eID — electronic ID card
EIDE — Enhanced IDE
EIGRP — Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
EISA — Extended Industry Standard Architecture
ELF — Extremely Low Frequency
ELF — Executable and Linkable Format
ELM — Electronic Mail
EMACS — Editor Macros
EMS — Expanded Memory Specification
ENIAC — Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
EOF — End of File
EOL — End of Life
EOL — End of Line
EOM — End of Message
EPROM — Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ERP — Enterprise Resource Planning
ESCON — Enterprise Systems Connection
ESD — Electrostatic Discharge
ETL — Extract, Transform, Load
ESR — Eric Steven Raymond
EUC — Extended Unix Code
EULA — End User License Agreement
EXE — EXEcutable
EXT — Extended file system
FAP — FORTRAN Assembly Program
FAT — File Allocation Table
FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions
FBDIMM — Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module
FC-AL — Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop
FCB — File Control Block
FCS — Frame Check Sequence
FDC — Floppy Disk Controller
FDS — Fedora Directory Server
FDD — Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI — Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDMA — Frequency-Division Multiple Access
FEC — Forward Error Correction
FEMB — Front-End Motherboard
FET — Field Effect Transistor
FICON — Fiber Connectivity
FIFO — First In First Out
FHS — Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
FLAC — Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLOPS — FLoating-Point Operations Per Second
FLOSS — Free/Libre/Open Source Software
FOLDOC — Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
FOSDEM — Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting
FOSI — Formatted Output Specification Instance
FOSS — Free and Open Source Software
FPGA — Field Programmable Gate Array
FPU — Floating Point Unit
FRU — Field Replaceable Unit
FS — File System
FSB — Front Side Bus
FSF — Free Software Foundation
FSM — Finite State Machine
FTTC — Fiber To The Curb
FTTH — Fiber To The Home
FTTP — Fiber To The Premises
FTP — File Transfer Protocol
FQDN — Fully Qualified Domain Name
FUCT — Failed Under Continuous Test
FUD — Fear Uncertainty Doubt
FWS — Folding White Space
FXP — File eXchange Protocol
G11N — Globalization
Gb — Gigabit
GB — Gigabyte
GCC — GNU Compiler Collection
GCJ — GNU Compiler for Java
GCR — Group Code Recording
GDB — GNU Debugger
GDI — Graphics Device Interface
GFDL — GNU Free Documentation License
GIF — Graphics Interchange Format
GIGO — Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIMP — GNU Image Manipulation Program
GIMPS — Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
GIS — Geographic Information System
GLUT — OpenGL Utility Toolkit
GML — Geography Markup Language
GNOME — GNU Network Object Model Environment
GNU — GNU's Not Unix
GOMS — Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules
GPG — GNU Privacy Guard
GPGPU — General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units
GPIB — General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus
GPL — General Public License
GPL — General-Purpose Language
GPRS — General Packet Radio Service
GPT — GUID Partition Table
GPU — Graphics Processing Unit
GRUB — Grand Unified Boot-Loader
GSM — Global System for Mobile Communications
GTK+ — GIMP Toolkit
GUI — Graphical User Interface
GUID — Globally Unique IDentifier
GWT — Google Web Toolkit
HAL — Hardware Abstraction Layer
HBA — Host Bus Adapter
HCI — Human Computer Interaction
HD — High Density
HDD — Hard Disk Drive
HCL — Hardware Compatibility List
HD DVD — High Definition DVD
HDL — Hardware Description Language
HF — High Frequency
HHD — Hybrid Hard Drive
HID — Human Interface Device
HIG — Human Interface Guidelines
HIRD — Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth
HMA — High Memory Area
HP — Hewlett-Packard
HPC — High-Performance Computing
HPFS — High Performance File System
HSM — Hierarchical Storage Management
HT — Hyper Threading
HTM — Hierarchical Temporal Memory
HTML — Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP — Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPd — Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon
HTX — HyperTransport eXpansion
HURD — Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons
HVD — Holographic Versatile Disc
Hz — Hertz
I2C — Inter-Integrated Circuit
I18N — Internationalization
IANA — Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
iBCS — Intel Binary Compatibility Standard
IBM — International Business Machines
IC — Integrated Circuit
ICANN — Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICE — In-Circuit Emulator
ICE — Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
ICMP — Internet Control Message Protocol
ICP — Internet Cache Protocol
ICT — Information and Communication Technology
IDE — Integrated Development Environment
IDE — Integrated Drive Electronics
IDF — Intermediate Distribution Frame
IDL — Interface Definition Language
IDS — Intrusion Detection System
IE — Internet Explorer
IEC — International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF — Internet Engineering Task Force
IFL — Integrated Facility for Linux
IGMP — Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP — Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IHV — Independent Hardware Vendor
IIOP — Internet Inter-Orb Protocol
IIS — Internet Information Services
IL — Intermediate Language
IM — Instant Messaging
IMAP — Internet Message Access Protocol
IME — Input Method Editor
INFOSEC — Information Systems Security
I/O — Input/Output
IP — Intellectual Property
IP — Internet Protocol
IPC — Inter-Process Communication
IPL — Initial Program Load
IPO — Inter Procedural Optimization
IPP — Internet Printing Protocol
IPS — Intrusion Prevention System
IPsec — Internet Protocol security
IPTV — Internet Protocol Television
IPX — Internetwork Packet Exchange
IRC — Internet Relay Chat
IrDA — Infrared Data Association
IRP — I/O Request Packet
IRQ — Interrupt Request
IS — Information Systems
ISA — Industry Standard Architecture
ISA — Instruction Set Architecture
ISAM — Indexed Sequential Access Method
ISC — Internet Storm Center
iSCSI — Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISDN — Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO — International Organization for Standardization
iSNS — Internet Storage Name Service
ISP — Internet Service Provider
ISPF — Interactive System Productivity Facility
ISR — Interrupt Service Routine
ISV — Independent Software Vendor
IT — Information Technology
ITL — Interval Temporal Logic
ITU — International Telecommunication Union
