

1. 论文结果意义的阐释部分应该从哪里开始?(starting from the literature gap)


尝试强调本研究的独特性和意义; 阐述原有的研究假设和问题; 结果与具体的研究假设/问题是什么关系;这样的关系所意为着什么。

体现严谨性: 研究的局限性(研究范式局限;缺乏纵向研究的数据支持;忽略了一些重要变量/影响要素,可验证); 对未来的展望(合理纳入更多研究范式;收集更多全面系统的数据;纳入更多变量要素;在其他条件下或情境中验证本研究的结论)。

2. 论文序言的关键内容都有哪些? 最关键的部分如何组织?

本文的出发点 (情境,前提条件,聚焦方向/层面/范围/视角),及原因;

研究的核心对象/变量, 及原因;



序言部分关于文章最后部分的价值/贡献/意义需要巧妙的浓缩并凸显, 既体现学术意义又吊足读者的胃口。

3. 基于前两次作业,列出你的课题相关的理论和实践意义。如果得到了预期的结果,理论和实践意义都有哪些?如果没有得到或部分得到预期结果,理论和实践意义又有哪些?此外,列出引言部分需要展现的要点。

'how social network facilitates the dynamic capabilities of an organization'

•Theoretical significance:most prior research focused on the internal factors of how can these factors facilitates dynamic capabilities, to have an research focus on the external social network can be a relatively fresh try. If the research get the expected outcomes, it can be a theoretical further research based on the prior researches, and If not, it can still give some inspirations to the future research.

•Practical significance:for an organization, if the research get the result of how social network can facilitates the dynamic capabilities, the organization can use these result to pursue the method of increasing the dynamic capabilities in terms of the competitive advantages as well.

•The starting point of the research (situation, preconditions, focus direction/level/scope/view), and reasons:The dynamic capabilities perspectives have become one of the most frequently used theoretical lenses in management research, while when it comes to connect with the social network, it is not researched very concluded. This research will focus on finding the connection between the social network and the dynamic capabilities of an organization.

•Core objects/variables of the study, and reasons:The dynamic capabilities of an organization, the firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environment (Teece, 2007). To find out if the variable can affect the ability of sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring of an organization to meet the changing environment.

•The main influencing factors/components of the core objects/variables, and the reasons: Social network connection level, focus on the structure of relationships ranging from casual acquaintance to close bonds (Serrat, 2017). The individuals of the organization have a good connection in the social network.

•The uniqueness of this research (such as theme, perspective), important findings, corresponding meaning (present and future): This research based on the finding the connection between social network and DC which is not been developed very well based on the prior research, finding the relationship between these two can have both theoretical and practical significance. For future research, it can also have some inspiration meaning.

4. 你对本课程有什么意见和建议?

The course gave us a very clear direction of how can we finding our research topic and how can develop it as well, I found maybe the time leaving for us to find out very clearing about what we want to research would be a little tight. For the first homework, one week would be too limited to find out the research gap and thinking about if that one is what I want to researching for future.

After all, the course gave me a concept of how can develop a research topic which is very useful, and after 6 courses, I have clear vision of how an dissertation should be developed gradually. 


Serrat, O. (2017). Social Network Analysis. 收入 O. Serrat, Knowledge Solutions (页 39-43). Singapore: Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-0983-9_9

Teece, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.640
