如何隐藏Eclipse的引用包From Matt Raible

In order to clean up the project view in Eclipse, you can hide the files you don't need. First of all, make sure you're in the Java Perspective (Window → Open Perspective). Then click the little (down) arrow in the top right corner of the Package Explorer pane. Select Filters, check the "Name Filter Patterns" and type "*.jar" (no quotes) in the text field. Then in the list of elements, scroll down and check Referenced Libraries. Click OK to continue.

Another useful Eclipse trick is to use abbreviated package names. You probably won't need it on this project, but its nice on projects where you're inflicted with super.long.package.name.syndrome. Go to Window → Preferences → Java → Appearance. Check the "Compress all package names" checkbox and type "1." (no quotes) in the text field.

Matt Raible 是何许人也?
Matt Raible 是国外J2EE和开源社区的一个牛人,是AppFuse的开发者,AppFuse指导开发人员快速构建由目前流行的框架建立J2EE构架。著有:Spring live。
