10 Steps To Become Better .NET Developer


  1. Learn Unit Testing
  2. Get familiar with distributed Version Control Systems: Git or Mercurial.
  3. Learn about IoC Containers: Autofac, Windsor Container andStructureMap.
  4. Contribute to Open Source Projects of your choice.
  5. Learn about Continuous Integration and try setting up TeamCity, Hudsonor CruiseControl.NET.
  6. Learn about NHibernate Object Relational Mapper, but be prepared to outgrow it for NoSQL persistence like CouchDB, MongoDB or RavenDB.
  7. Check out the buzz about cloud computing, try Windows Azure Platformand also give a shot to running your .NET App with Mono on Linux (some free offers to try).
  8. Familiarize yourself with messaging architectures and try NServiceBus,MassTransit or RhinoQueues; then learn about alternative to MSMQ -AMQP and RabbitMQ.
  9. Read Domain-Driven Design and apply it in your projects.
  10. Get Started with CQRS Architectures and practice it in a learning project.
