SQLite 入门笔记(一)

近期遇到一个项目要在海思开发板上使用一个数据库管理图片。由此接触了 SQLite。在此记录下学习过程中的一些问题,以防日后忘记。本文主要针对零基础入门者,老鸟可跳过。

1. 什么是 SQLite?

SQLite,是一款轻型的数据库,是遵守ACID的关系型数据库管理系统,它包含在一个相对小的C库中。它的设计目标是嵌入式的,它能够支持Windows/Linux/Unix等等主流的操作系统,同时能够跟很多程序语言相结合,比如 Tcl、C#、PHP、Java等,SQLite第一个Alpha版本诞生于2000年5月, 至2015年已经有15个年头,SQLite也迎来了一个版本 SQLite 3已经发布。

2. 什么是SQL?

结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL, 是一种特殊目的的编程语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统。

总结:SQLite 是一款轻型数据库,目前通用 sqlite3; SQL 是一种与数据库沟通的语言,它需要在数据库应用程序上运行,例如sqlite3。支持 SQL 的应用程序有很多,由于我是做嵌入式的所以这里就使用 sqlite3.

3. 新手如何学习 SQLite
确切来讲我们使用的是 sqlite3 ,正如第1部分概念中介绍的那样,它可以运行在windos/linux/unix 下,所以我们要选择一个系统进行安装。这里我是在 linux 下安装。虽然我的最终目的是在开发板上使用数据库,但是这里我先讲怎么在 ubuntu 上使用数据库,先在 ubuntu 上把 sqlite3 玩会了再移植到开发板。这样对新手来说比较容易接受。如何移植到开发板参见我下一篇博客
《SQLite 入门笔记(二)》。
(1) 安装 sqlite3
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
(2) 安装 sqlite3 编译需要的库
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
注:其实只安装 sqlite3 就可以在命令行下进行 SQL 语句的执行,安装libsqlite3-dev 是为了支持编译 SQL 源码程序。

4. 使用说明
sqlite3 安装完成后,我们就可以使用了。
a. 新建/打开 数据库
在终端直接输入 sqlite3 test.db
即可进入 sqlite 的命令行,如下图。这里 sqlite3 是应用程序名,test.db 是数据库名,可以为pathname,即带路径的文件名。这句命令的意思是 新建/打开一个名为 test.db 的数据库,数据库一般以 .db 为后缀。如果该文件不存在则新建,否则直接打开。教程里没有明确说明我在这里补充一下。
SQLite 入门笔记(一)_第1张图片
b. 编译 c 语言源码程序。
例如我想要编译自己写的 sql test.c 文件,需要这样做:
gcc test.c -o test -lsqlite3 // here -lsqlite3 means link the dynamic library of sqlite3.

5. 一些源码记录
(1) 增、删、改、查 以及 取出图片数据的 c 语言实现方法


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)

int handle_insert(sqlite3 *db);
int handle_delete(sqlite3 *db);
int handle_update(sqlite3 *db);
int handle_select(sqlite3 *db);
int handle_export_data(sqlite3 *db);
void handle_abnormal(void);

/* struct to store data from user */
typedef struct pic_info
    int     iID;
    char    arrcGender[10];
    char    arrcName[20];
    int     iAge;
    void    *pData;
} st_pic_info_t;

// sqlite 每查到一条记录,就调用一次这个回调
// data是 sqlite3_exec 里传入的 void * 参数,即第4个参数; 一般不使用。
 static int LoadMyInfo(void *data, int column_cnt, char **column_value, char **column_name)
   int i;
   //fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", (const char*)data);
   for(i = 0; i < column_cnt; i++)
      printf("%s = %s\n", column_name[i], column_value[i]);
   return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    sqlite3 *db;
    char *pcErrMsg = NULL;
    int  iRet;
    char *pcCreateSql;
    int iKey;

    /* Open database */
    iRet = sqlite3_open("img.db", &db);
    if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
      fprintf(stdout, "Opened database successfully\n");

    /* Create SQL statement */
    pcCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS img_tb(" \
          "ID INT PRIMARY KEY     NOT NULL," \
          "GENDER         TEXT    NOT NULL," \
          "NAME           TEXT," \
          "AGE            INT," \
          "DATA           BLOB    NOT NULL);";

    /* Execute SQL statement */
    iRet = sqlite3_exec(db, pcCreateSql, LoadMyInfo, NULL, &pcErrMsg);
    if( iRet != SQLITE_OK )
        fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", pcErrMsg);
        fprintf(stdout, "Table created successfully\n");

    printf("please enter one of the keys to do what you want('q' to quit).\n\
    1 :insert a data into the database;\n\
    2 :delete a data from the database;\n\
    3 :update the data in the database;\n\
    4 :select the data from the database;\n\
    5 :export the data from the database.\n");
    printf("what you will enter is:");
    while(scanf("%d", &iKey) == 1)
            case 1: handle_insert(db); break;
            case 2: handle_delete(db); break;
            case 3: handle_update(db); break;
            case 4: handle_select(db); break;
            case 5: handle_export_data(db); break;
            default: handle_abnormal(); break;
    printf("please enter one of the keys to do what you want('q' to quit).\n\
    1 :insert a data into the database;\n\
    2 :delete a data from the database;\n\
    3 :update the data in the database;\n\
    4 :select the data from the database;\n\
    5 :export the data from the database.\n");
    printf("what you will enter is:");
    return 0;

int handle_insert(sqlite3 *db)
    int iRet = -1;    // return value
    char arrcPicPath[50] = {0};    // buf to keep the pathname of a pic file
    st_pic_info_t stPicInfo;
    printf("please enter the pathname of the pic file:");    
    scanf("%s", arrcPicPath);
	int iFd = open(arrcPicPath, O_RDONLY);
	if(iFd < 0)
		perror("open error:");
		return 2;
    printf("open pic success.\n");
	struct stat st;
	fstat(iFd, &st);
	int iImgSize = st.st_size;
	stPicInfo.pData = malloc(iImgSize);
		perror("malloc error:");
		return 2;
	read(iFd, stPicInfo.pData, iImgSize);
    printf("read pic success.\n");
    printf("please enter the ID of the pic file:");    
    scanf("%d", &(stPicInfo.iID));    
    printf("please enter the gender of the pic file:");    
    scanf("%s", stPicInfo.arrcGender);
    printf("please enter the name of the pic file:");    
    scanf("%s", stPicInfo.arrcName);
    printf("please enter the age of the pic file:");    
    scanf("%d", &(stPicInfo.iAge));    
 	// here "?" is a plaseholder, which means the place it stands needs to be filled by a value later.
	char *pcInsertSql = "INSERT INTO img_tb (ID, GENDER, NAME, AGE, DATA) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);";
	sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
	iRet = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, pcInsertSql, strlen(pcInsertSql), &stmt, NULL);
	if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
		fprintf(stderr,"prepare db error:%s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(db));
    printf("sqlite3_prepare_v2 success.\n");
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, stPicInfo.iID);   //bind ID 
	sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, stPicInfo.arrcGender, strlen(stPicInfo.arrcGender), NULL);   //bind gender
	sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 3, stPicInfo.arrcName, strlen(stPicInfo.arrcName), NULL);   //bind name
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 4, stPicInfo.iAge);   //bind age
	sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 5, stPicInfo.pData, iImgSize, NULL);    // bind data 
    printf("sqlite3_bind_blob success.\n");       
    printf("sqlite3_step success.\n");           

    return 0;

int handle_delete(sqlite3 *db)
    int iRet = -1;  // return value
    char arrcDeleteSql[100]= {0};   // buffer to store the sql statement from user
    char *pcErrMsg = NULL;
    puts("Please enter the delete sql statement:");
    getchar();   // drop the enter key "\n" in stdin stream;           
    fgets(arrcDeleteSql, 100, stdin);
    printf("What you've entered is: %s\n", arrcDeleteSql);
    iRet = sqlite3_exec(db, arrcDeleteSql, LoadMyInfo, NULL, &pcErrMsg);
    if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
       fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", pcErrMsg);
       return -1;
        fprintf(stdout, "Delete done successfully\n");        
    return 0;

int handle_update(sqlite3 *db)
    int iRet = -1;  // return value
    char arrcUpdateSql[100]= {0};   // buffer to store the sql statement from user
    char *pcErrMsg = NULL;
    puts("Please enter the update sql statement:");
    getchar();   // drop the enter key "\n" in stdin stream;           
    fgets(arrcUpdateSql, 100, stdin);
    printf("What you've entered is: %s\n", arrcUpdateSql);
    iRet = sqlite3_exec(db, arrcUpdateSql, LoadMyInfo, NULL, &pcErrMsg);
    if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
       fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", pcErrMsg);
       return -1;
        fprintf(stdout, "Update done successfully\n");        
    return 0;

int handle_select(sqlite3 *db)
    int iRet = -1;  // return value
    char arrcSelectSql[100]= {0};   // buffer to store the sql statement from user
    char *pcErrMsg = NULL;
    puts("Please enter the select sql statement:");
    getchar();   // drop the enter key "\n" in stdin stream;           
    fgets(arrcSelectSql, 100, stdin);
    printf("What you've entered is: %s\n", arrcSelectSql);
    iRet = sqlite3_exec(db, arrcSelectSql, LoadMyInfo, NULL, &pcErrMsg);
    if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
       fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", pcErrMsg);
       return -1;
        fprintf(stdout, "Select done successfully\n");        
    return 0;

int handle_export_data(sqlite3 *db)
    int iRet = -1;
    char arrcSelectSql[100]= {0};   // buffer to store the sql statement from user
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;	//读取文件信息
    puts("Please enter the select sql statement:");
    getchar();   // drop the enter key "\n" in stdin stream;           
    fgets(arrcSelectSql, 100, stdin);
    // select
    iRet = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, arrcSelectSql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
	if(iRet != SQLITE_OK)
		fprintf(stderr,"prepare db error:%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
		return 2;
    iRet = sqlite3_step(stmt);   //execute
    /* definition of variables */
    int         iID;
    const char  *pGender;
    const char  *pName;
    int         iAge;
    const void  *pData;
    int iImgSize;
    while(iRet == SQLITE_ROW)//如果执行成功就写入到文件描述符
        iID = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
        pGender = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);   
		pName = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2);
        iAge = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 3);
		pData = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 4);
		iImgSize = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 4);
		char arrcPicName[32] = {0}; // arrary to store the picture name
        snprintf(arrcPicName, sizeof(arrcPicName), "%s01.jpg", pName);
		printf("ID        GENDER    NAME      AGE       IMG_SIZE\n");
        printf("%-10d%-10s%-10s%-10d%-10d\n", iID, pGender, pName, iAge, iImgSize);
		int iFd = open(arrcPicName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
		if(iFd < 0)
			perror("open error:");
			return -1;
		write(iFd, pData, iImgSize);
		iRet = sqlite3_step(stmt);//执行
    return 0;

void handle_abnormal(void)
    puts("Invalid input! Please enter a number among(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!");
