Video banking 帮助银行扩展服务范围,国内市场和海外市场冰火两重天

在中国市场,视频银行服务已经过了被热捧、吸人眼球的营销噱头。随着中国人民银行《关于落实个人银行账户分类管理制度的通知》新规于2016年12月1日开始实施,视频银行业务快速下滑。大部分银行的VTM(Video Teller Machine)上取消了开户/发卡等业务,仅保留一些签约、转账等业务,这让VTM变成了鸡肋。

但是,根据2019年RBR网点转型的报告,在全球23个主要市场,许多金融机构逐渐使用视频银行技术扩展服务范围,尤其是服务农村市场的客户,类似于中国市场的惠农金融服务。其中,重点提到了土耳其市场和新加坡市场。事实上,土耳其Kuveyt Turk银行在2013~2014年使用VTM建设微型网点,微型网点面积约为25平方米,里面布放1台VTM和1~2台ATM,同时配备1名银行工作人员。但在此之后,Kuveyt Turk银行却放缓了VTM的步伐。

再来看新加坡市场,新加坡国土面积719平方公里,人口近600万。为了让大家有一个直观的感觉,这里列出广州市的信息,广州市面积7435平方公里(新加坡国土面积的10倍),人口近1600万。新加坡市场经济发达,人工成本比较高,劳动力缺乏,所以大批外劳在新加坡工作。新加坡DBS银行为了降低银行运营成本,使用VTM取代部分银行柜员的工作,并且VTM的服务时间可以延长到晚上12点,这大大方便了上班族下班后到VTM办理银行业务。 但随着,token电子化和无纸化等技术的发展,VTM能存活多久还有待时间的验证。


Video banking helps banks extend financial services to new locations
Video banking technology provides banks with the ability to extend their services to more customers at a lower cost than full-service branches

Another banking touchpoint

According to RBR’s Teller Automation and Branch Transformation 2019 report, which covers 23 key global markets, a number of financial institutions are turning to video banking technology to extend their services, in particular to serve customers in rural areas.

The technology provides banks with an additional point of contact for their customers. It enables them to offer a wider variety of transactions and assistance remotely, addressing the needs of customers in areas where full-service branches cannot be profitably located.

Bridging the gap between self-service and in-person

RBR’s study shows that video banking allows banks to provide remote teller services to assist with transactions such as cashing cheques and dispensing cash in denominations which are not typically offered at an ATM. In addition to the expansion of services, the hours of operation can also be extended.

One market where video banking is making a difference is Canada, where it allows credit unions to reach customers spread across the country’s vast geography. An example is FirstOntario Credit Union which offers remote teller services at ATMs. Members are able to talk and see a teller via the ATM screen and carry out services including loan payments, cash advances and booking appointments.

Video banking helping to extend bank footprint

Banks are using video banking to build a presence in areas where a regular branch may prove too expensive to establish and maintain. In some markets, terminals have been marketed as micro-branches or booths and allow banks to offer assisted self-service transactions. According to RBR’s report, such terminals have grown in popularity within the Turkish market and are currently deployed by banks including Kuveyt Türk and ZiraatBank. DBS Bank in Singapore has deployed similar self-service terminals in soundproof booths, to provide customers greater privacy when making video transactions.

Banks and customers both benefit from remote video banking

“Video banking technology is now at the forefront of banks’ strategies in the provision of new offerings and cost efficiencies” says Beatriz Benito, who led RBR’s Teller Automation and Branch Transformation 2019 study. “Both customers and banks can benefit from the successful implementation of video banking technology in the transition towards customer-centricity”.

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