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翻译 | web前端开发(ID:web_qdkf)
function doStuff() { // both a and b will be available for this function, but not outside let a = 5; var b = 5;
console.log(a + b); // 10}
doStuff(); // 10;console.log(a); // ReferenceErrorconsole.log(b); // ReferenceError
function doMoreStuff() { if (2 + 2 === 4) { // Here, a will be available for the whole function var a = 5; // But b will be available only inside this if block let b = 5; } console.log(a); // 5 console.log(b); // ReferenceError}
doMoreStuff();// 5// ReferenceError
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // i is reccreated on every interation // and setTimeout gets a new i every time setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 100);}/*01234*/
for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // j is scoped to the outside function (which is the file itself) // thus, it is not recreated and setTimeout gets the same reference to j setTimeout(() => console.log(j), 100);}/*55555*/
如果你的答案是“ ==按值比较,===也按类型比较”,那是不正确的。JS引擎的理解方式, == 允许强制类型和 === 不允许。类型强制是解释器的自动类型转换。这是JS中最令人困惑的原因([] == ![]确实如此)。你可以在以下代码段中观察到差异:
/* Here, '5' will be converted to 5 */5 == '5'; // true5 === '5'; // false
/* Here, true will be converted to 1 */1 == true; // true1 > false; // true0 === false; // false
// Here, JS will try to convert both of these to number// Number('true') = NaN (Not a Number), but Number(true) = 1'true' == true; // false'true' === true; // false
const myObject = { a: 'b', b: 'c', doStuff: function() { // Here, this refers to myObject console.log(this.a + this.b); }}
myObject.doStuff(); // bc
// BUT:const anotherObject = { a: 'abacaba', b: '!'};anotherObject.doStuff = myObject.doStuff;anotherObject.doStuff(); // abacaba!
// Arrow functions do not have their own this and refer to the outer one:const arrowObject = { a: 'b', // here, this refers to the root function (file itself), which has no idea about a doMoreStuff: () => console.log(this.a)};
arrowObject.doMoreStuff(); // undefined
function Car(name, make) {
// Here, this is not a reference to outer object
// But a placeheloder object you can use to construct the
// desired value
this.name = name;
this.make = make;
// you do not have to return anything, as this is automatically returned
const myCar = new Car('Outback', 'Subaru');
console.log(myCar.name); // Outback
// the function itselffunction getData(callback, errorCallback) { try { // Do some network/api stuff... callback(result) } catch (e) { errorCallback(e); }}
// Here is how you would use it:getData(result => console.log(result), error => console.error(error));
// Here is how to create a Promise-based function from it:
function getDataAsync() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { getData(resolve, reject); });}
getDataAsync() .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.error(error));
// OR
async functoin main() { const result = await getDataAsync(); console.log(result);}
假。这是无休止的争论之源,也是有关JS的最令人困惑的部分之一。简而言之,NaN代表“不是数字”,仅因为一个值不是数字,而另一个值不是数字并不意味着它们相等。缺点是你无法真正检查变量是否正在NaN使用myVariable === NaN。你可以使用该Number.isNaN功能或myVariable !== myVariable进行检查。
假。这个技巧不仅适用于JS:在任何语言的浮点运算中都很常见。它与CPU处理浮点数的方式有关。实际值0.1 + 0.2类似于0.300000001并检查是否相等,你将编写Math.abs(0.3 - (0.2 + 0.1)) <= EPS,其中EPS是一个任意小的值(例如0.00001)。
在JS中,你可以通过"use strict";在文件的开头放置严格模式。严格模式可以在代码中进行更严格的错误检查,并使调试更加容易。例如,此代码段可在常规JS中使用,但不严格:
x = 'abacaba'; // using an undeclared variable is not allowed in strict mode
delete x; // deleting variables is also not allowed
function(x1, x1) {} // duplicating argument names is not allowed
function abacaba() { return { a: 'b' }}