Tensorflow nmt的超参数

Tensorflow nmt的超参数  


在tensorflow/nmt这个demo中,我们的超参数在 nmt.nmt 模块中配置.这也导致了nmt.py这个文件的代码行数比较多,我们完全可以把参数的配置放到单独的一个文件中去.nmt.py 这个文件也是整个项目的入口文件.如果你想了解这个demo的整体结构,请查看我的另一篇博客tensorflow/nmt的整体结构, 这就不展开了. 


本demo的超参数使用的是argparse模块进行配置的,如果你喜欢,也可以使用tensorflow中的 tf.app.flags.DEFINE_xxx() 函数来配置,后者是前者的简单封装.  



超参数(hparams) 类型(type) 默认值(default) 简介(help)
--num_units int 32 network size
--num_layers int 2 network depth
--num_encoder_layers int None encoder depth, equal to num_layers if None
--num_decoder_layers iny None decoder depth, equal to num_layers if None
--encoder_type str uni one of uni, bi, gnmt
--residual bool False whether to add residual connections
--time_major bool True whether to add time-major mode for dynamic RNN
--num_embeddings_partitions int 0 number of partitions for embedding vars
--attention str "" one of "", luong, scaled_luong, bahdanau, normed_bahdanau
--attention_architecture str standard one of standard, gnmt, gnmt_v2
--output_attention bool True only used in standard attention_architecture
--pass_hidden_state bool True whether to pass encoder’s hidden state to decoder
--optimizer str sgd one of sgd, adam
--learning_rate float 1.0 adam: 0.001 or 0.0001
--warmup_steps int 0 how many steps we inverse-decay learning
--warmup_scheme str t2t how to warmup learning rates
--decay_scheme str "" how we decay learning rate
--num_train_steps int 12000 num steps to train
--colocate_gradients_with_ops bool True whether try colocating gradients with corresponding op
--init_op str uniform one of uniform, glorot_normal, glorot_uniform
--init_weight float 0.1 for uniform init_op, initialize weights
--src str None source suffix
--tgt str None target suffix
--train_prefix str None train prefix
--dev_prefix str None dev prefix
--test_prefix str None test prefix
--out_dir str None model folder
--vocab_prefix str None vocab prefix
--emded_prefix str None Pretrained embedding prefix, should be Glove formated txt files
--sos str Start-of-sentence symbol
--eos str End-of-sentence symbol
--share_vocab str False whether use the same vocab between source and target
--check_special_token bool True whether check special sos, eos, unk tokens exist in the vocab files
--src_max_len int 50 max length of source sequence during training
--tgt_max_len int 50 max length of target sequence during training
--src_max_len_infer int None max length of source sequence during inference
--tgt_max_len_infer int None max length of target sequence during inference
--unit_type str lstm one of lstm, gru, layer_norm_lstm, nas
--forget_bias float 1.0 forget bias for BasicLSTMCell
--dropout float 0.2 dropout rate
--max_gradient_norm float 5.0 clip gradients to this norm
--batch_size int 128 batch size
--steps_per_stats int 100 how many training steps to do per stats logging
--max_train int 0 limit on the size of training data(0: no limit)
--num_buckets int 5 put data into similar-length buckets
--subword_option str "" one of "", bpe, spm
--num_gpus int 1 number of gpus in each worker
--log_device_placement bool False debug gpu allocation
--metrics str bleu comma-separated list of evaluations
--steps_per_external_eval int None how many training steps to do per external evaluation
--scope str None scope to put variables under
--hparams_path str None path to hparams json file
--random_seed int None random seed
--override_loadded_hparams bool Flase override loaded hparams with values specified
--num_keep_ckpts int 5 max number of checkpoints to keep
--avg_ckpts bool False average the last N checkpoints for external evaluation
--ckpt str "" checkpoint file to load a model for inference
--inference_input_file str None set to the text decode
--inference_list str None a comma-separated list of sentence indices
--infer_batch_size int 32 batch size for inference mode
--inference_ouput_file str None output file to store decoding results
--inference_ref_file str None reference file to compute evaluation scores
--beam_width int 0 beam width when using beam search decoder
--length_penalty_weight float 0.0 length penalty for beam search
--sampling_temperature float 0.0 softmax sampling temperature for inference decoding
--num_translations_per_input int 1 number of translations generated for each sentence
--jobid int 0 task if of the worker
--num_workers int 1 number of workers(inference only)
--num_inter_threads int 0 number of inter_op_parallelism_threads
--num_train_threads int 0 number of intra_op_parallelism_threads




* --src
该参数指定训练数据中,源数据的文件后缀名。举个例子,我们的训练数据是一对逐行一一对应的文本文件,分别为address_train.ocraddress_train.std,那么此时我们需要指定该参数为: --src=ocr  
* --tgt
该参数指定训练数据中,目标数据的文件后缀名,按照上面的举例,我们需要指定该参数为: --tgt=std
* --train_prefix
该参数是train数据文件的前缀,注意 需要包含完整路径 ,路径可以是相对路径,也可以是绝对路径。举个例子,上述例子的两个文件我们放在 /tmp/nmt_model 目录下面,那么该参数需要设置为:--train_prefix=/tmp/nmt_model/address_train,那么train数据的完整路径就是: /tmp/nmt_model/address_train.ocr/tmp/nmt_model/address_train.std
* --dev_prefix
该参数指定dev数据文件的前缀,同--train_prefix类似。举个例子,在 /tmp/nmt_model 目录下面存放我们的dev数据文件 address_dev.ocr 和 address_dev.std,那么该参数应该指定为: --dev_prefix=/tmp/nmt_model/address_dev
* --test_prefix
* --vocab_prefix
该参数指定的是词典文件的前缀,注意 需要包含完整路径 ,可以是相对路径也可以是绝对路径。举个例子,我们的词典文件为 vocab.ocr 和 vocab.std ,位于 /tmp/nmt_model/ 那么该参数应该指定为:--vocab_prefix=/tmp/nmt_model/vocab,最终的词典路径为 /tmp/nmt_model/vocab.ocr 和 /tmp/nmt_model/vocab.std 。  
* --embed_prefix
* --out_dir
该参数指定模型的保存路径。比如你想保存在 /tmp/ 目录下,那你这样指定:--out_dir=/tmp 。  



* Platform Windows 7 x64
* Memory 8G
* CPU intel core i5-6500
* GPU GTX950 2G x1

此配置在我改小了batch_size到32之后,还是报错 Out of memoey.
* Platform Ubuntu16.04 amd64
* Memory 32G
* CPU intel core i7-7700k
* GPU GTX1080ti 11G x1


这里也就说明一个小技巧: 改小batch_size可以降低显存使用。


