
原名名称:Goldman Sachs Eyes Bitcoin Price Near $4,000 in Latest Analysis



Bitcoin markets could rise as high as $3,900 in the future, according to a recent client note from investment bank Goldman Sachs.


The note from the bank's chief technician, Sheba Jafari, published by financial news site Zero Hedge, argues that bitcoin "could consolidate sideways for a while longer", highlighting a possible low of $1,857 and "eventually targeting" a figure of $3,212.

这个记录来自高盛的首席技术官Sheba Jafari,并被发表在Zero Hedge这个财经网站上,主张比特币在一段时间会巩固横盘,最低可能低至1857刀,最终会达到3212刀。

consolidate sideways——巩固横盘  sideways adv. 斜着,斜向一边;以侧面对着  例句:He would be moved sideways, rather than demoted.他会被平级调动而不是降级

a while longer——一段时间、一会儿

The analysis from Goldman comes weeks after Jafari published a more bearish analysis of the digital currency's prospects.It was around that time when bitcoin markets briefly surpassed the $3,000 mark. According to the CoinDeskBitcoin Price Index, prices reached an all-time high of $3,018.55 on 11th June. At press time, markets are currently trading around $2,595.


It was around that time——大约就在那里 

At press time——截至发稿时    posit——[ˈpɒzɪt] vt.假定,设想,假设     Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness有几个作者都假设存在普遍意识

As for 至于,就…方面说来;至于, 关于;说起      As for what comes next——至于接下来会出现什么acknowledge——[əkˈnɒlɪdʒ]  vt. 承认;鸣谢;对…打招呼;告知已收到  He is also acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper 他也被公认为是一名出色的守门员

In the note, Jafari posits that bitcoin markets are in the fourth "wave" of a sequence that dates back to late 2010. As for what comes next, Jafari acknowledges that fourth waves "tend to be messy/complex".


Jafari goes on to write:

"This means that it could remain sideways/overlapping for a little while longer. At this point, it’s important to look for either an ABC pattern or a more triangular ABCDE. The former would target somewhere close to 1,856; providing a much cleaner setup from which to consider getting back into the uptrend. The latter would hold within a 2,076/3,000 range for an extended period of time.”

Jafari写到,这意味着在一小段时间内它将会保持横盘/重叠。在这一点上,寻找一个ABC模式或更多的ABCDE三角就很重要。前者可能目标接近于1856(提供更清洁的。。。。)。后者将会在2076 3000的范围之间。

“Either way, eventually expecting one more leg higher; a 5th wave. From current levels, [bitcoin] has a minimum target that goes out to 3,212 (if equal to the length of wave I)," Jafari wrote. "There’s potential to extend as far as 3,915 (if 1.618 times the length of wave I). It just might take time to get there."


either way——无所谓,没关系  The judge could have decided either way.两种结果法官怎样判都有可能。The sea may rise or the land may fall;either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time.可能会出现海平面上升或陆地下沉:不论发生哪种情况,沙丘都会在短时间内消失。

