《Principles》 Ray Dalio 01




adopting pre-packaged principles without much thought exposes you to the risk of inconsistency with your true values.


I want you to work for yourself, to come up with independent opinions, to stress-test them, to be wary about being overconfident, and to reflect on the consequences of your decisions and constantly improve.

Truth—more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality—

is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes.

In other words, the sequence of 1) seeking new things (goals); 2) working and learning in the process of pursuing these goals; 3) obtaining these goals; and 4) then doing this over and over again is the personal evolutionary process that fulfills most of us and moves society forward.

the quality of our lives depends on the quality of the decisions we make.

Pain + Reflection = Progress 直面困难,对应解决


5个步骤 试图把生命看做游戏或工艺品

Have clear goals.【提高工作效率,与此同时,学习开创副业】

Identify and don’t tolerate the problems that stand in the way of achieving your goals.

【自控力差 拖延症 缺乏长期践行的能力】

Accurately diagnose these problems.

Design plans that explicitly lay out tasks that will get you around our problems and on to your goals.

【分解小目标 确定时限做事 多看书 开始坚持写作记录 以测试来分解目标】

Implement these plans—i.e.,do these tasks.

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