数据模型原理及应用 数据模型(三)

Attibutes and Domain

■The features of an entity in real world are expressed as attributes in relational model

E.g.a student can be described with the attributes such as name,sid,gender,age,birthday,nationality,etc.


■The value scope of an attribute is called its domain.(属性的取值范围,或者说值域)

   ►Atomic data---1NF(关系属性必须是原子的,不能再分,即不允许表中套表)


Relation and Tuple(关系和元组)

■An entity of real world can be expressed as one or more than one relations.


■A relation is a N-ary relationship defined on all of its attribute domain.


Suppose a relation R with attributes A1,A2,...,An,the corresponding domains are D1,D2,...,Dn,then R can be expressed as:

R=(A1/D1,A2/D2,...,An/Dn),or R=(A1,A2,...,An)

■This is called the schema of R ,and n is the number of attributes,called the degree of R(目或度).Ai(1<=i<=n) is attribute name.

■An instance (value) of R can be expressed as r or r(R),it is a set of  n-tuple:


every tuple t can be expressed as:

t=,vi ∈Di,1<=i<=n

that is:


that is:

r⊆ D1×D2×...×Dn,1<=i<=n

■Relation is also called table.Attribute is also called column,and tuple is also called row.

Primary Key

■A set of attributes is a candidate key for a relation if:

  1.No two distinct tuples can have same values in this set of attributes.and

  2.This is not true for any subset of this set of attributes.(候选码是满足此1条件的最小属性集合


  ►Part 2 false? A superkey.(如果不满足第二个条件的话,就成为超码

  ►If there's >1 key for a relation,one of the key is chosen (by DBA) to be the primary key,and the others are called alternate key候补码).

  ►If the primary key consists of all attributes of a relation,it is called all key全码).

■That means,the key can decide a tuple uniquely.

■E.g.sid is a key for Students.(What about name?)The set {sid,gpa} is a superkey.

Foreign Keys,Referential Integrity

Foreign key:Set of attributes in one relation that is used to 'refer' to a tuple in another relation.(Must correspond to primary key of the second relation.) Like a  'logical pointer'.


■Eg:sid is a foreign key referring to Students:


   ►If all foreign key constraints are enforced,referential integrity is achieved,i.e.,no dangling references.


   ►Have you forgotten soft link?






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