官方文档翻译-ESP32-Virtual filesystem component



Virtual filesystem (VFS) component provides a unified interface for drivers which can perform operations on file-like objects. This can be a real filesystems (FAT, SPIFFS, etc.), or device drivers which exposes file-like interface.

This component allows C library functions, such as fopen and fprintf, to work with FS drivers. At high level, each FS driver is associated with some path prefix. When one of C library functions needs to open a file, VFS component searches for the FS driver associated with the file’s path, and forwards the call to that driver. VFS also forwards read, write, and other calls for the given file to the same FS driver.

For example, one can register a FAT filesystem driver with /fat prefix, and call fopen("/fat/file.txt", "w"). VFS component will then call open function of FAT driver and pass /file.txt argument to it (and appropriate mode flags). All subsequent calls to C library functions for the returned FILE* stream will also be forwarded to the FAT driver.
例如,可以使用/fat前缀注册FAT文件系统驱动程序,然后调用fopen("/fat/file.txt", "w")。之后VFS组件将调用FAT驱动程序的open函数并将参数/file.txt传递给它(以及适当的模式标志)。所有后续调用返回FILE*流的C库函数也将被转发到FAT驱动程序。


To register an FS driver, application needs to define in instance of esp_vfs_t structure and populate it with function pointers to FS APIs:
要注册FS驱动程序,应用程序需要在esp_vfs_t结构的实例中定义并使用指向FS API的函数指针填充它:

esp_vfs_t myfs = {
    .flags = ESP_VFS_FLAG_DEFAULT,
    .write = &myfs_write,
    .open = &myfs_open,
    .fstat = &myfs_fstat,
    .close = &myfs_close,
    .read = &myfs_read,

ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register("/data", &myfs, NULL));

Depending on the way FS driver declares its APIs, either read, write, etc., or read_p, write_p, etc. should be used.

Case 1: API functions are declared without an extra context pointer (FS driver is a singleton):

ssize_t myfs_write(int fd, const void * data, size_t size);

// In definition of esp_vfs_t:
    .flags = ESP_VFS_FLAG_DEFAULT,
    .write = &myfs_write,
// ... other members initialized
// ...其他成员初始化

// When registering FS, context pointer (third argument) is NULL:
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register("/data", &myfs, NULL));

Case 2: API functions are declared with an extra context pointer (FS driver supports multiple instances):

ssize_t myfs_write(myfs_t* fs, int fd, const void * data, size_t size);

// In definition of esp_vfs_t:
    .write_p = &myfs_write,
// ... other members initialized
// ...其他成员初始化

// When registering FS, pass the FS context pointer into the third argument
// (hypothetical myfs_mount function is used for illustrative purposes)
// 注册FS时,将FS上下文指针传递给第三个参数
myfs_t* myfs_inst1 = myfs_mount(partition1->offset, partition1->size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register("/data1", &myfs, myfs_inst1));

// Can register another instance:
myfs_t* myfs_inst2 = myfs_mount(partition2->offset, partition2->size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register("/data2", &myfs, myfs_inst2));


Each registered FS has a path prefix associated with it. This prefix may be considered a “mount point” of this partition.

In case when mount points are nested, the mount point with the longest matching path prefix is used when opening the file. For instance, suppose that the following filesystems are registered in VFS:

  • FS 1 on /data
  • FS 2 on /data/static


  • FS 1 will be used when opening a file called /data/log.txt
  • FS 2 will be used when opening a file called /data/static/index.html
  • Even if /index.html" doesn’t exist in FS 2, FS 1 will not be searched for /static/index.html.

  • 当打开一个名为的文件时将使用FS 1 /data/log.txt

  • 当打开一个叫做文件时,将使用FS 2 /data/static/index.html
  • 即使/index.html"在FS 2中不存在,也不会搜索FS 1 /static/index.html

As a general rule, mount point names must start with the path separator (/) and must contain at least one character after path separator. However an empty mount point name is also supported, and may be used in cases when application needs to provide “fallback” filesystem, or override VFS functionality altogether. Such filesystem will be used if no prefix matches the path given.

VFS does not handle dots (.) in path names in any special way. VFS does not treat .. as a reference to the parent directory. I.e. in the above example, using a path /data/static/../log.txtwill not result in a call to FS 1 to open /log.txt. Specific FS drivers (such as FATFS) may handle dots in file names differently.
VFS不对路径中的.进行处理。VFS不将..视为对父目录的引用。即在上面的例子中,使用路径/data/static/../log.txt不会导致调用FS 1打开/log.txt。特定的FS驱动程序(如FATFS)可能会以不同方式处理文件名中的点。(VFS不支持相对路径.若使用则会根据不同的FS驱动产生不同的结果 )

When opening files, FS driver will only be given relative path to files. For example:

  • myfs driver is registered with /data as path prefix
  • and application calls fopen("/data/config.json", ...)
  • then VFS component will call myfs_open("/config.json", ...).
  • myfs driver will open /config.json file

  • myfs驱动程序注册/data为路径前缀

  • 和应用程序调用 fopen("/data/config.json", ...)
  • 那么VFS组件将会调用。myfs_open("/config.json", ...)
  • myfs驱动程序将打开/config.json文件

VFS doesn’t impose a limit on total file path length, but it does limit FS path prefix to ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX characters. Individual FS drivers may have their own filename length limitations.


It is suggested that filesystem drivers should use small positive integers as file descriptors. VFS component assumes that CONFIG_MAX_FD_BITS bits (12 by default) are sufficient to represent a file descriptor.

While file descriptors returned by VFS component to newlib library are rarely seen by the application, the following details may be useful for debugging purposes. File descriptors returned by VFS component are composed of two parts: FS driver ID, and the actual file descriptor. Because newlib stores file descriptors as 16-bit integers, VFS component is also limited by 16 bits to store both parts.

Lower CONFIG_MAX_FD_BITS bits are used to store zero-based file descriptor. The per-filesystem FD obtained from the FS open call, and this result is stored in the lower bits of the FD. Higher bits are used to save the index of FS in the internal table of registered filesystems.
低位CONFIG_MAX_FD_BITS用于存储基于零的文件描述符。调用FS的open函数获得的每个文件系统FD(文件描述符),并且该结果存储在FD的较低位中。高位用于将已注册文件系统中FS的索引保存在内部表(internal table)中。

When VFS component receives a call from newlib which has a file descriptor, this file descriptor is translated back to the FS-specific file descriptor. First, higher bits of FD are used to identify the FS. Then only the lower CONFIG_MAX_FD_BITS bits of the fd are masked in, and resulting FD is passed to the FS driver.
当VFS组件从具有文件描述符的newlib接受调用时,此文件描述符将为FS特定的文件描述符。首先,FD的较高位用于识别FS。然后,只有fd的较低位CONFIG_MAX_FD_BITS 被屏蔽,并将生成的FD传递给FS驱动程序。

   FD as seen by newlib                                    FD as seen by FS driver

+-------+---------------+                               +------------------------+
| FS id | Zero—based FD |     +-------------------------->                        |
+---+---+------+--------+     |                          +------------------------+
    |          |              |
    |          +--------------+
    |       +-------------+
    |       | Table of    |
    |       | registered  |
    |       | filesystems |
    |       +-------------+    +-------------+
    +------->  entry      +----> esp_vfs_t   |
    index   +-------------+    | structure   |
            |             |    |             |
            |             |    |             |
            +-------------+    +-------------+

标准IO流(stdin, stdout, stderr)

If “UART for console output” menuconfig option is not set to “None”, then stdin, stdout, and stderr are configured to read from, and write to, a UART. It is possible to use UART0 or UART1 for standard IO. By default, UART0 is used, with 115200 baud rate, TX pin is GPIO1 and RX pin is GPIO3. These parameters can be changed in menuconfig.
如果menuconfig的选项“UART for console output”未设置为“None”,那么stdinstdoutstderr被配置为向UART读取和写入。标准IO可以使用UART0或UART1。默认情况下,使用UART0,波特率为115200,TX引脚为GPIO1,RX引脚为GPIO3。这些参数可以在menuconfig中更改。

Writing to stdout or stderr will send characters to the UART transmit FIFO. Reading from stdinwill retrieve characters from the UART receive FIFO.

By default, VFS uses simple functions for reading from and writing to UART. Writes busy-wait until all data is put into UART FIFO, and reads are non-blocking, returning only the data present in the FIFO. Because of this non-blocking read behavior, higher level C library calls, such as fscanf("%d\n", &var); may not have desired results.
默认情况下,VFS使用简单的函数来读取和写入UART。写入忙等待,直到所有数据被放入UART FIFO中,并且读取是非阻塞的,只返回FIFO中的数据。由于这种非阻塞式读取行为,更高级别的C库调用,例如fscanf("%d\n", &var);可能不具有期望的结果。

Applications which use UART driver may instruct VFS to use the driver’s interrupt driven, blocking read and write functions instead. This can be done using a call to esp_vfs_dev_uart_use_driverfunction. It is also possible to revert to the basic non-blocking functions using a call to esp_vfs_dev_uart_use_nonblocking.

VFS also provides optional newline conversion feature for input and output. Internally, most applications send and receive lines terminated by LF (‘’n’‘) character. Different terminal programs may require different line termination, such as CR or CRLF. Applications can configure this separately for input and output either via menuconfig, or by calls to esp_vfs_dev_uart_set_rx_line_endings and esp_vfs_dev_uart_set_tx_line_endings functions.


FILE objects for stdin, stdout, and stderr are shared between all FreeRTOS tasks, but the pointers to these objects are are stored in per-task struct _reent. The following code:
stdinstdoutstderrFILE对象在所有FreeRTOS的任务间是共享的,但指向这些对象的指针存储在每个任务的struct _reent中。以下代码:

fprintf(stderr, "42\n");

actually is translated to to this (by the preprocessor):

fprintf(__getreent()->_stderr, "42\n");

where the __getreent() function returns a per-task pointer to struct _reent(newlib/include/sys/reent.h#L370-L417). This structure is allocated on the TCB of each task. When a task is initialized, _stdin, _stdout and _stderr members of struct _reent are set to the values of _stdin, _stdout and _stderr of _GLOBAL_REENT (i.e. the structure which is used before FreeRTOS is started).
其中__getreent()函数返回每个任务的struct _reent指针(newlib/include/sys/reent.h#L370-L417)。这个结构被分配在每个任务的TCB上。当一个任务已初始化,struct _reent_stdin, _stdout_stderr成员被设置为_GLOBAL_REENT_stdin, _stdout_stderr,和的(即其被FreeRTOS的之前使用的结构启动)。

Such a design has the following consequences:

  • It is possible to set stdin, stdout, and stderr for any given task without affecting other tasks, e.g. by doing stdin = fopen("/dev/uart/1", "r").
  • Closing default stdin, stdout, or stderr using fclose will close the FILE stream object — this will affect all other tasks.
  • To change the default stdin, stdout, stderr streams for new tasks, modify _GLOBAL_REENT->_stdin (_stdout, _stderr) before creating the task.

  • 对于任何给定的任务,它可以设置stdinstdout以及stderr为不影响其他任务的,例如,通过stdin = fopen("/dev/uart/1", "r")

  • 关闭默认值stdinstdoutstderr使用fclose将关闭FILE流对象 - 这将影响所有其他任务。
  • 要为新任务更改默认的stdinstdoutstderr流,需要在创建任务之前修改_GLOBAL_REENT->_stdin (_stdout, _stderr).





  • vfs/include/esp_vfs.h


