Sep. 2017 草莓专题之 Swimming

在夏天,我们经常说的就是 It's too hot! 当然我们也可以说的更夸张一些,It is as hot as a sauna(这天气简直像在蒸桑拿),I'm melting!(我热的要融化了)那么这么热的天气里,我们一起带宝宝去游泳怎么样?Shall we go swimming?


(1) 游泳帽 Swim Cap

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Swim cap

(2) 游泳镜 Goggles

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(3) 游泳衣 Swimsuit

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(4) 游泳裤 Swim Trunks

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Swim trunks

(5) 游泳圈 Swim Ring / swim tube / lifesaver

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Swim ring

(6) 臂浮 Arm float

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Arm floats

And don't forget to bring a big towel! 准备好这些物品之后,我们就可以出发咯,Let's have some fun in the pool.

First, let's change into our swimsuits! 首先,让我们换上泳衣。

下水前,爸爸妈妈们可以跟宝宝一起试一下水温,我们可以问宝宝,感觉怎么样?水冷不冷/暖和吗?How does it feel? Is it cold? Does it feel warm? Whenever you are ready, we can get in the water. 你准备好了,我们就下水吧。

刚下水,我们可以让宝宝在浅水区先熟悉一下。Let's start in shallow water. 还可以先跟宝宝唱些戏水的儿歌,让他们更容易接受在水里的感觉。


Get in your ring / put on your arm floats, please. Now stretch out your little arms and kick your little legs. Keep kicking. Splish, splash!


Look, your rubber ducky is swimming away. Let's try and catch it, shall we? We are getting closer. Kick a little harder.


Are you ready to get out? You get to play for 5 more minutes. Time's up honey, out we go. Here's your towel, let's dry you up.

游完之后,我们可以问宝宝 Are you tired? Did you enjoy swimming? We can come again tomorrow if you want.


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