+ Save to library
Example 1
Project: OMW Author: globalwordnet File: wn_syntax.py View Source Project | 10 votes |
def uploadFile(current_user): format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(format) try: file = request.files['file'] except: file = None try: url = request.form['url'] except: url = None if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = now + '_' +str(current_user) + '_' + file.filename filename = secure_filename(filename) file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) file_uploaded = True elif url: file = urllib.urlopen(url) filename = url.split('/')[-1] filename = now + '_' +str(current_user) + '_' + filename filename = secure_filename(filename) if file and allowed_file(filename): open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), 'wb').write(file.read()) file_uploaded = True else: filename = None file_uploaded = False return file_uploaded, filename
Example 2
Project: aws-greengrass-mini-fulfillment Author: awslabs File: web.py View Source Project | 8 votes |
def upload(): log.info('[upload] request') if request.method == 'POST': log.info('[upload] POST request') if 'file' not in request.files: log.error('[upload] Upload attempt with no file') return Response('No file uploaded', status=500) f = request.files['file'] if f.filename == '': log.error('[upload] Upload attempt with no filename') return Response('No filename uploaded', status=500) if f and allowed_file(f.filename): absolute_file = os.path.abspath(UPLOAD_FOLDER + f.filename) log.info('[upload] absolute_filename:{0}'.format(absolute_file)) filename = secure_filename(absolute_file) f.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) return Response('Uploaded file successfully', status=200) return
Example 3
Project: NotHotDog Author: ryanml File: nothotdog.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def is_hot_dog(): if request.method == 'POST': if not 'file' in request.files: return jsonify({'error': 'no file'}), 400 # Image info img_file = request.files.get('file') img_name = img_file.filename mimetype = img_file.content_type # Return an error if not a valid mimetype if not mimetype in valid_mimetypes: return jsonify({'error': 'bad-type'}) # Write image to static directory and do the hot dog check img_file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], img_name)) hot_dog_conf = rekognizer.get_confidence(img_name) # Delete image when done with analysis os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], img_name)) is_hot_dog = 'false' if hot_dog_conf == 0 else 'true' return_packet = { 'is_hot_dog': is_hot_dog, 'confidence': hot_dog_conf } return jsonify(return_packet)
Example 4
Project: BookLibrary Author: hufan-akari File: views.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def avatar(user_id): if current_user.id == user_id or current_user.can(Permission.UPDATE_OTHERS_INFORMATION): the_user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id) avatar_edit_form = AvatarEditForm() avatar_upload_form = AvatarUploadForm() if avatar_upload_form.validate_on_submit(): if 'avatar' in request.files: forder = str(user_id) avatar_name = avatars.save(avatar_upload_form.avatar.data, folder=forder) the_user.avatar = json.dumps({"use_out_url": False, "url": avatar_name}) db.session.add(the_user) db.session.commit() flash(u'??????!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('user.detail', user_id=user_id)) if avatar_edit_form.validate_on_submit(): the_user.avatar = json.dumps({"use_out_url": True, "url": avatar_edit_form.avatar_url.data}) db.session.add(the_user) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('user.detail', user_id=user_id)) return render_template('avatar_edit.html', user=the_user, avatar_edit_form=avatar_edit_form, avatar_upload_form=avatar_upload_form, title=u"????") else: abort(403)
Example 5
Project: microcosm-flask Author: globality-corp File: upload.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def temporary_upload(name, fileobj): """ Upload a file to a temporary location. Flask will not load sufficiently large files into memory, so it makes sense to always load files into a temporary directory. """ tempdir = mkdtemp() filename = secure_filename(fileobj.filename) filepath = join(tempdir, filename) fileobj.save(filepath) try: yield name, filepath, fileobj.filename finally: rmtree(tempdir)
Example 6
Project: deep-instrument-heroku Author: bzamecnik File: main.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def classify(): if 'audio_file' not in request.files: return redirect('/') # File-like object than can be directy passed to soundfile.read() # without saving to disk. audio_file = request.files['audio_file'] if audio_file.filename == '': return redirect('/') class_probabilities = model.predict_probabilities(audio_file) class_probabilities = class_probabilities.round(5) label = model.class_label_from_probabilities( class_probabilities) return render_template('home.html', model_id=model_id, example_files=example_files, audio_file=audio_file.filename, predicted_label=label, class_probabilities=class_probabilities)
Example 7
Project: nthu-ee-progreport-autogen Author: HW-Lee File: app.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def post_file(): if "var.json" in request.files.keys(): usrvar = json.load(request.files["var.json"]) else: return make_response("no var.json", 200) if "data.csv" in request.files.keys(): csvfile = request.files["data.csv"] resp = { "server-connected": False, "data-posted": False, "err-occur": False } rpmng = ReportManager(usrvar) try: if rpmng.connect_server(): resp["server-connected"] = True if rpmng.submit_progress(csvfile=csvfile): resp["data-posted"] = True except: resp["err-occur"] = True rpmng.finalize() return make_response(jsonify(resp), 200) else: return make_response("no data.csv", 200)
Example 8
Project: autolipsync Author: evgenijkatunov File: main.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def post_phonemes(): print(request.files) if 'wave' not in request.files: abort(400) file = request.files['wave'] tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=UPLOAD_FOLDER) tmp_filename = tf.name tf.close() file.save(tmp_filename) wave = Wave() wave.load(tmp_filename) recogn = PhonemeRecognition() recogn.load('model_en_full') recogn.predict(wave) result = {'phonemes': wave.get_phoneme_map()} print(result) return json.dumps(result)
Example 9
Project: python-ares Author: pynog File: report.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def getAuthorizedFiles(fileConfigs, reportObj, report_name, userDirectory, fnct=None, ajax=False): ALIAS, DISK_NAME = 0, 1 SQL_CONFIG = os.path.join(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], config.ARES_SQLITE_FILES_LOCATION) sqlFileDict = {'data': 'get_file_auth.sql', 'static': 'static_file_map.sql'} fileNameToParser = {} for fileConfig in fileConfigs: queryFileAuthPrm = {'team': session['TEAM'], 'file_cod': fileConfig['filename'], 'username': current_user.email, 'type': fileConfig.get('folder')} files = executeSelectQuery(os.path.join(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], config.ARES_USERS_LOCATION, report_name, 'db', 'admin.db'), open(os.path.join(SQL_CONFIG, sqlFileDict.get(fileConfig.get('folder')))).read(), params=queryFileAuthPrm) for file in files: if fileConfig.get('parser', None): reportObj.files[file[DISK_NAME]] = fileConfig['parser'](open(os.path.join(userDirectory, fileConfig['folder'], file[DISK_NAME]))) elif fileConfig.get('type') == 'pandas': reportObj.files[file[DISK_NAME]] = os.path.join(userDirectory, fileConfig['folder'], file[DISK_NAME]) else: reportObj.files[file[DISK_NAME]] = open(os.path.join(userDirectory, fileConfig['folder'], file[DISK_NAME])) if not ajax: fileNameToParser[file[DISK_NAME]] = "%s.%s" % (fileConfig['parser'].__module__.split(".")[-1], fileConfig['parser'].__name__) if fnct == 'params' and not ajax: reportObj.fileMap.setdefault(file[ALIAS], []).append(file[DISK_NAME]) return fileNameToParser
Example 10
Project: python-ares Author: pynog File: report.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def deployment(): """ """ hasFiles = False if request.files.getlist('file')[0]: hasFiles = True DATA = {'files': list(zip(request.files.getlist('file'), request.form.getlist('File Type'), request.form.getlist('file_code')))} for file, fileType, fileCod in DATA['files']: if fileType in ['static', 'data'] and not fileCod: return json.dumps('Error - You should specify a file code for statics and outputs'), 500 env = request.values['env'] isNew = True if request.values['isNew'] == 'true' else False if isNew: createEnv(env) if hasFiles: return deployFiles(env, DATA) return json.dumps("Environment created"), 200
Example 11
Project: python-ares Author: pynog File: report.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def getAresFilesVersions(): """ Return the files, the version and the size """ aresModulePath = os.path.join(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], config.ARES_FOLDER, 'Lib') files = {} for pyFile in os.listdir(aresModulePath): if Ares.isExcluded(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], file=pyFile): continue stat = os.stat(os.path.join(aresModulePath, pyFile)) files[pyFile] = [stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size] # Add all the external libraries libPath = os.path.join(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], 'Lib') for (path, dirs, f) in os.walk(libPath): for pyFile in f: if Ares.isExcluded(current_app.config['ROOT_PATH'], file=pyFile): continue stat = os.stat(os.path.join(libPath, pyFile)) files[pyFile] = [stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size] return json.dumps(files)
Example 12
Project: WebAppEx Author: karlafej File: view.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def index(): form1 = InputFile(request.form) form2 = InputLim(request.form) if form2.limit.data: session['limit'] = int(form2.limit.data) else: session['limit'] = 500 if form1.submit1.data : txt = request.files[form1.textfile.name].read() txt=str(txt.decode("utf-8")) txt=regex.sub(" ", txt).lower() if len(txt)>0 : session['text'] = txt if 'text' in session: result = get_plot(session['limit'], session['text']) else: result = None return render_template('view.html', form1=form1, form2 = form2, result=result)
Example 13
Project: kuberdock-platform Author: cloudlinux File: predefined_apps.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def _take_template_from_uploads_if_needed(fn): """Takes template from request.files if 'template' from **kwargs is empty. Must be called before @use_kwargs. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): template = kwargs.get('template') if template is None: template = request.files.to_dict().get('template') if template is not None: template = template.stream.read() kwargs['template'] = template return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
Example 14
Project: fame Author: certsocietegenerale File: files.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def index(self): """Get the list of objects. .. :quickref: File; Get the list of objects Response is paginated and will only contain 25 results. The most recent objects appear first. :query page: page number. :type page: int :>json list files: list of files (see :http:get:`/files/(id)` for details on the format of a file). """ page = int(request.args.get('page', 1)) files = current_user.files.find().sort('_id', DESCENDING).limit(PER_PAGE).skip((page - 1) * PER_PAGE) pagination = Pagination(page=page, per_page=PER_PAGE, total=files.count(), css_framework='bootstrap3') files = {'files': clean_files(list(files))} return render(files, 'files/index.html', ctx={'data': files, 'pagination': pagination})
Example 15
Project: fame Author: certsocietegenerale File: files.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def get(self, id): """Get the object with `id`. .. :quickref: File; Get an object Resulting object is in the ``file`` field. :param id: id of the object. :>json dict _id: ObjectId dict. :>json string md5: MD5 hash. :>json string sha1: SHA1 hash. :>json string sha256: SHA256 hash. :>json string type: FAME type. :>json string mime: mime type. :>json string detailed_type: detailed type. :>json list groups: list of groups (as strings) that have access to this file. :>json list owners: list of groups (as strings) that submitted this file. :>json list probable_names: list of probable names (as strings). :>json list analysis: list of analyses' ObjectIds. :>json list parent_analyses: list of analyses (as ObjectIds) that extracted this object. :>json dict antivirus: dict with antivirus names as keys. """ file = {'file': clean_files(get_or_404(current_user.files, _id=id))} return return_file(file)
Example 16
Project: fame Author: certsocietegenerale File: files.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def submit_to_av(self, id, module): """Submit a file to an Antivirus module. .. :quickref: File; Submit file to an antivirus module If succesful, the response will be ``"ok"``. Otherwise, it will be an error message. :param id: id of the file to submit. :param module: name of the module to submit the file to. """ f = File(get_or_404(current_user.files, _id=id)) for av_module in dispatcher.get_antivirus_modules(): if av_module.name == module: av_module.submit(f['filepath']) f.update_value(['antivirus', module], True) break else: return make_response("antivirus module '{}' not present / enabled.".format(module)) return make_response("ok")
Example 17
Project: anti-captcha.shuosc.org Author: shuopensourcecommunity File: app.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def jwc(): response = {'succeed': 0} try: captcha_file = request.files['captcha'] except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "cannot fetch the image file, please post it with key 'captcha'." return json.dumps(response) if not allowed_file(captcha_file.filename): response['reason'] = "this file type is no supported." return json.dumps(response) try: im = Image.open(captcha_file) predict = solve_jwc(im) except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "an error occurred: %s" % str(e) else: response['succeed'] = 1 response['result'] = predict return json.dumps(response)
Example 18
Project: web_develop Author: dongweiming File: app.py View Source Project | 7 votes |
def j(): uploaded_file = request.files['file'] if uploaded_file: paste_file = PasteFile.create_by_upload_file(uploaded_file) db.session.add(paste_file) db.session.commit() width, height = paste_file.image_size return jsonify({ 'url': paste_file.url_i, 'short_url': paste_file.url_s, 'origin_filename': paste_file.filename, 'hash': paste_file.filehash, 'width': width, 'height': height }) return abort(400)
Example 19
Project: Cuneiform Author: nervouna File: __init__.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def create_post(): post_data = { 'title': request.form.get('title'), 'content': request.form.get('content'), } post = Post() post.set(post_data) post = markdown(post) upload_image = request.files.get('featured_image') if upload_image.filename != '' and allowed_file(upload_image.filename): f = Attachment(upload_image.filename, data=upload_image.stream) post.set('featured_image', f) post.save() tag_names = request.form.get('tags').lower().strip() tags = [get_tag_by_name(x) for x in split_tag_names(tag_names)] map_tags_to_post(tags, post) return redirect(url_for('show_post', post_id=post.id))
Example 20
Project: pokedex-as-it-should-be Author: leotok File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def predict(): import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace(context=20) if 'file' not in request.files: flash('No file part') return redirect(request.url) file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash('No selected file') return redirect(request.url) if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) try: pokemon_name = predict_mlp(file).capitalize() pokemon_desc = pokemon_entries.get(pokemon_name) msg = "" except Exception as e: pokemon_name = None pokemon_desc = None msg = str(e) return jsonify({'name': pokemon_name, 'description': pokemon_desc, "msg": msg})
Example 21
Project: anti-captcha.shuosc.org Author: shuopensourcecommunity File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def phylab(): response = {'succeed': 0} try: captcha_file = request.files['captcha'] except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "cannot fetch the image file, please post it with key 'captcha'." return json.dumps(response) if not allowed_file(captcha_file.filename): response['reason'] = "this file type is no supported." return json.dumps(response) try: im = Image.open(captcha_file) predict = solve_phylab(im) except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "an error occurred: %s" % str(e) else: response['succeed'] = 1 response['result'] = predict return json.dumps(response)
Example 22
Project: anti-captcha.shuosc.org Author: shuopensourcecommunity File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def xgb(): response = {'succeed': 0} try: captcha_file = request.files['captcha'] except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "cannot fetch the image file, please post it with key 'captcha'." return json.dumps(response) if not allowed_file(captcha_file.filename): response['reason'] = "this file type is no supported." return json.dumps(response) try: filename = time.time() captcha_file.save("tmp/%s" % (str(filename))) cmd = "tesseract tmp/%s stdout" % (filename) predict = str(os.popen(cmd).read().strip('\n')) os.popen("mv tmp/%s tmp/%s" % (str(filename), "".join([str(filename), "_", predict]))) except Exception as e: response['reason'] = "an error occurred: %s" % str(e) else: response['succeed'] = 1 response['result'] = predict return json.dumps(response)
Example 23
Project: web_develop Author: dongweiming File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def j(): uploaded_file = request.files['file'] if uploaded_file: rs = create(uploaded_file) if rs['r']: return rs['error'] paste_file = rs['paste_file'] width, height = paste_file.image_size return jsonify({ 'url': paste_file.url_i, 'short_url': paste_file.url_s, 'origin_filename': paste_file.filename, 'hash': paste_file.filehash, 'width': width, 'height': height }) return abort(400)
Example 24
Project: web_develop Author: dongweiming File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def j(): uploaded_file = request.files['file'] if uploaded_file: paste_file = PasteFile.create_by_upload_file(uploaded_file) db.session.add(paste_file) db.session.commit() width, height = paste_file.image_size return jsonify({ 'url': paste_file.url_i, 'short_url': paste_file.url_s, 'origin_filename': paste_file.filename, 'hash': paste_file.filehash, 'width': width, 'height': height }) return abort(400)
Example 25
Project: web_develop Author: dongweiming File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def j(): uploaded_file = request.files['file'] if uploaded_file: paste_file = PasteFile.create_by_upload_file(uploaded_file) paste_file.save() width, height = paste_file.image_size return jsonify({ 'url': paste_file.url_i, 'short_url': paste_file.url_s, 'origin_filename': paste_file.filename, 'hash': paste_file.filehash, 'width': width, 'height': height }) return abort(400)
Example 26
Project: son-emu Author: sonata-nfv File: dummygatekeeper.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def onboard(self): """ Do all steps to prepare this service to be instantiated :return: """ # 1. extract the contents of the package and store them in our catalog self._unpack_service_package() # 2. read in all descriptor files self._load_package_descriptor() self._load_nsd() self._load_vnfd() if DEPLOY_SAP: self._load_saps() # 3. prepare container images (e.g. download or build Dockerfile) if BUILD_DOCKERFILE: self._load_docker_files() self._build_images_from_dockerfiles() else: self._load_docker_urls() self._pull_predefined_dockerimages() LOG.info("On-boarded service: %r" % self.manifest.get("name"))
Example 27
Project: son-emu Author: sonata-nfv File: dummygatekeeper.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def _load_vnfd(self): """ Load all VNFD YAML files referenced in MANIFEST.MF and keep them in dict. :return: """ # first make a list of all the vnfds in the package vnfd_set = dict() if "package_content" in self.manifest: for pc in self.manifest.get("package_content"): if pc.get("content-type") == "application/sonata.function_descriptor": vnfd_path = os.path.join( self.package_content_path, make_relative_path(pc.get("name"))) vnfd = load_yaml(vnfd_path) vnfd_set[vnfd.get("name")] = vnfd # then link each vnf_id in the nsd to its vnfd for vnf_id in self.vnf_id2vnf_name: vnf_name = self.vnf_id2vnf_name[vnf_id] self.vnfds[vnf_id] = vnfd_set[vnf_name] LOG.debug("Loaded VNFD: {0} id: {1}".format(vnf_name, vnf_id))
Example 28
Project: nftablui Author: larsbs File: files.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def restore_backup(): ''' POST: Receive a backup file and load it into the system ''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nft', delete=False) as tf: backup = request.files['file'].read() tf.write(backup) cmd = nft_utils.nft_command('-f ' + tf.name) cmd_result = cmd.wait() if cmd_result == 0: nft_utils.close_nft_command(cmd) os.remove(tf.name) return make_response('Backup restored') else: return abort(500, NFTError(Error(cmd.stdout.read())))
Example 29
Project: suricatest Author: 0x00ach File: worker.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def new_analysis(): analysis_pcap = None analysis_title = None analysis_ruleset = None pcap_name = None pcap_path = None if "title" in request.form: analysis_title = request.form["title"] if "pcap" in request.files: analysis_pcap = request.files["pcap"] if "ruleset" in request.form: analysis_ruleset = request.form["ruleset"] if analysis_pcap is None: return render_template("index.html", analyses = db_handler.search_analyses()) pcap_name = analysis_pcap.filename pcap_name = secure_filename(str(int(time.time()))+"_"+hashlib.sha256(pcap_name).hexdigest()+".pcap") pcap_path = os.path.join(storage_folder, pcap_name) analysis_pcap.save(pcap_path) x = analysis_handler(pcap_file=pcap_path, ruleset=analysis_ruleset, pcap_name=pcap_name, title=analysis_title) analysis_pool.add_analysis(x) return render_template("index.html", analyses=db_handler.search_analyses())
Example 30
Project: suricatest Author: 0x00ach File: worker.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def api_new_analysis(): analysis_pcap = None analysis_title = None analysis_ruleset = None pcap_name = None pcap_path = None if "title" in request.form: analysis_title = request.form["title"] if "pcap" in request.files: analysis_pcap = request.files["pcap"] if "ruleset" in request.form: analysis_ruleset = request.form["ruleset"] if analysis_pcap is None: return "{'id':0}" pcap_name = analysis_pcap.filename pcap_name = secure_filename(str(int(time.time()))+"_"+hashlib.sha256(pcap_name).hexdigest()+".pcap") pcap_path = os.path.join(storage_folder, pcap_name) analysis_pcap.save(pcap_path) x = analysis_handler(pcap_file=pcap_path, ruleset=analysis_ruleset, pcap_name=pcap_name, title=analysis_title) analysis_pool.add_analysis(x) return json.dumps({"id":x.analysis_id})
Example 31
Project: budgettracker Author: maximebf File: __init__.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def update(year, month): date = datetime.date(year, month, 1) filename = None delete_file = False if bank_adapter.fetch_type == 'file': if 'file' not in request.files: abort(400) file = request.files['file'] if config.get('imports_dir'): filename = os.path.join(config['imports_dir'], '%s-%s' % (datetime.date.today().isoformat(), secure_filename(file.filename))) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) else: temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) filename = temp_file.name temp_file.close() delete_file = True file.save(filename) update_local_data(config, date=date, filename=filename, storage=storage) if delete_file: os.unlink(filename) return redirect(url_for('index', year=year, month=month))
Example 32
Project: blcf Author: willard-yuan File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def upload(): # Get the name of the uploaded file file = request.files['file'] # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions if file and allowed_file(file.filename): # Make the filename safe, remove unsupported chars filename = secure_filename(file.filename) # Move the file form the temporal folder to # the upload folder we setup file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) # Redirect the user to the uploaded_file route, which # will basicaly show on the browser the uploaded file # CV2 #img_np = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(file.read(), np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # cv2.IMREAD_COLOR in OpenCV 3.1 img_np = cv2.imread(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename), -1) cv2.imshow("Image", img_np) return redirect(url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename)) # This route is expecting a parameter containing the name # of a file. Then it will locate that file on the upload # directory and show it on the browser, so if the user uploads # an image, that image is going to be show after the upload
Example 33
Project: duckpond Author: alexmilowski File: api.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def content_item_resource_upload(id,property): #print(request.headers['Content-Type']) #print(request.files) file = request.files['file'] #print(file.filename) #print(file.content_type) #print(file.content_length) uploadContentType = file.content_type if file.content_type.startswith("text/") and file.content_type.find("charset=")<0: uploadContentType = file.content_type+"; charset=UTF-8" uploadDir = app.config['UPLOAD_STAGING'] if 'UPLOAD_STAGING' in app.config else 'tmp' os.makedirs(uploadDir,exist_ok=True) staged = os.path.join(uploadDir, file.filename) file.save(staged) status = 500 responseJSON = None contentType = None with open(staged,"rb") as data: status,responseJSON,contentType = model.uploadContentResource(id,property,file.filename,uploadContentType,os.path.getsize(staged),data) os.unlink(staged) if status==200 or status==201: return Response(stream_with_context(responseJSON),status=status,content_type = contentType) else: return Response(status=status)
Example 34
Project: flask-nsfw Author: smitthakkar96 File: flask_nsfw.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def block(self): """ block is a decorator function that wraps around the route and does all the crazy stuff """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(): if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'PUT': result = True result2 = True if request.form: result2 = self.collect_urls(request.form.values()) if request.files: result = self.test_files_against_api( request.files.values()) elif request.json: result = self.test_base64_data(request.json.values()) result2 = self.collect_urls(request.json.values()) if not result or not result2: return jsonify({"response": "seems like the request contains the" \ + " images that contains NSFW content."}), 403 return func() return wrapped return decorator
Example 35
Project: tfserving_predict_client Author: epigramai File: mnist_example.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def predict(): logger.info('/predict, hostname: ' + str(socket.gethostname())) if 'image' not in request.files: logger.info('Missing image parameter') return Response('Missing image parameter', 400) # Write image to disk with open('request.png', 'wb') as f: f.write(request.files['image'].read()) img = cv2.imread('request.png', 0) img = np.resize(img, (28, 28, 1)) ''' Return value will be None if model not running on host ''' prediction = mnist_client.predict(np.array([img])) logger.info('Prediction of length: ' + str(len(prediction))) ''' Convert the dict to json and return response ''' return jsonify( prediction=prediction, prediction_length=len(prediction), hostname=str(socket.gethostname()) )
Example 36
Project: tfserving_predict_client Author: epigramai File: mnist_mock_client_example.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def predict(): logger.info('/predict, hostname: ' + str(socket.gethostname())) if 'image' not in request.files: logger.info('Missing image parameter') return Response('Missing image parameter', 400) # Write image to disk with open('request.png', 'wb') as f: f.write(request.files['image'].read()) img = cv2.imread('request.png', 0) img = np.resize(img, (28, 28, 1)) prediction = mnist_client.predict(np.array([img])) logger.info('Prediction of length:' + str(len(prediction))) ''' Convert the dict to json and return response ''' return jsonify( prediction=prediction, prediction_length=len(prediction), hostname=str(socket.gethostname()) )
Example 37
Project: cuckoodroid-2.0 Author: idanr1986 File: api.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def pcap_get(task_id): task = Task.query.get(task_id) if not task: return json_error(404, "Task not found") if task.status == Task.DELETED: return json_error(404, "Task files has been deleted") if task.status != Task.FINISHED: return json_error(420, "Task not finished yet") pcap_path = os.path.join(settings.reports_directory, "%s" % task_id, "dump.pcap") if not os.path.isfile(pcap_path): return json_error(404, "Pcap file not found") return send_file(pcap_path)
Example 38
Project: cuckoodroid-2.0 Author: idanr1986 File: api.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def memorydumps_list(task_id): folder_path = os.path.join(CUCKOO_ROOT, "storage", "analyses", str(task_id), "memory") if os.path.exists(folder_path): memory_files = [] memory_path = os.path.join(CUCKOO_ROOT, "storage", "analyses", str(task_id), "memory") for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(memory_path): for filename in files: memory_files.append(filename.replace(".dmp", "")) if len(memory_files) == 0: return json_error(404, "Memory dump not found") return jsonify({"dump_files": memory_files}) else: return json_error(404, "Memory dump not found")
Example 39
Project: flask-app-for-mxnet-img-classifier Author: XD-DENG File: app.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def FUN_upload_image(): if request.method == 'POST': # check if the post request has the file part if 'file' not in request.files: return(redirect(url_for("FUN_root"))) file = request.files['file'] # if user does not select file, browser also submit a empty part without filename if file.filename == '': return(redirect(url_for("FUN_root"))) if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = os.path.join("static/img_pool", hashlib.sha256(str(datetime.datetime.now())).hexdigest() + secure_filename(file.filename).lower()) file.save(filename) prediction_result = mx_predict(filename, local=True) FUN_resize_img(filename) return render_template("index.html", img_src = filename, prediction_result = prediction_result) return(redirect(url_for("FUN_root"))) ################################################ # Start the service ################################################
Example 40
Project: Loxo Author: JamesMilnerUK File: loxoapi.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename, ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) file_location = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) print "file location", file_location file.save(file_location) saved_file = url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename) endpoint_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] database = request.form.get("database") if not database: print request.form["database"] raise InvalidUsage("Database name was not provided", 400, '{ "error" : "database was not provided" }') else: handle_file(database, file_location, endpoint_name, host) return redirect('/loxo/' + database + '/collections/' + endpoint_name) return render_template('upload.html')
Example 41
Project: codenn Author: sriniiyer File: legacy.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def _get_sql(data, files=None): sql = None if files is not None and 'datafile' in files: raw = files['datafile'].read() try: sql = raw.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError, err: logging.error(err) logging.debug(repr(raw)) sql = (u'-- UnicodeDecodeError: %s\n' u'-- Please make sure to upload UTF-8 encoded data for now.\n' u'-- If you want to help improving this part of the application\n' u'-- please file a bug with some demo data at:\n' u'-- http://code.google.com/p/python-sqlparse/issues/entry\n' u'-- Thanks!\n' % err) if not sql: sql = data.get('data') return sql or ''
Example 42
Project: im2txt_api Author: mainyaa File: run_inference.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def upload(): #pprint.pprint(request.files) # check if the post request has the file part if 'file' not in request.files: #print("not file") return redirect("/") file = request.files['file'] # if user does not select file, browser also # submit a empty part without filename if file.filename == '': return redirect("/") filename = secure_filename(file.filename) path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) file.save(path) FLAGS.input_files = path # inference result = main(None) #print(result) return jsonify(result)
Example 43
Project: zou Author: cgwire File: resources.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def get(self, instance_id): if not self.is_exist(instance_id): abort(404) if not self.is_allowed(instance_id): abort(403) folder_path = thumbnail_utils.get_preview_folder_name( self.subfolder, instance_id ) file_name = thumbnail_utils.get_file_name(instance_id) # Use legacy folder name if the file cannot be found. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)): folder_path = thumbnail_utils.get_folder_name("preview-files") return send_from_directory( directory=folder_path, filename=file_name )
Example 44
Project: zou Author: cgwire File: resources.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def post(self, instance_id): if not self.is_exist(instance_id): abort(404) self.check_permissions(instance_id) uploaded_file = request.files["file"] thumbnail_utils.save_file( self.data_type, instance_id, uploaded_file, size=self.size ) thumbnail_url_path = \ thumbnail_utils.url_path( self.data_type, instance_id ) return {"thumbnail_path": thumbnail_url_path}, 201
Example 45
Project: zou Author: cgwire File: base.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def post(self): uploaded_file = request.files["file"] file_name = "%s.csv" % uuid.uuid4() file_path = os.path.join(app.config["TMP_DIR"], file_name) uploaded_file.save(file_path) result = [] try: self.check_permissions() self.prepare_import() with open(file_path) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: result.append(self.import_row(row)) return fields.serialize_models(result), 201 except KeyError as e: return {"error": "A column is missing: %s" % e}, 400 except permissions.PermissionDenied: abort(403)
Example 46
Project: OpenRPG Author: jdsutton File: gameServer.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def addTileset(gameID): ''' Create a tileset ''' file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash('No file selected') elif not file.filename.endswith('.png'): flash('Upload failed: file type must be .png') else: directory = GamesList.getByID(gameID).getTileDir() destination = os.path.join(directory, file.filename) file.save(destination) return redirect(url_for('GAMES_PATH_BLUEPRINT.editGame', gameID=gameID))
Example 47
Project: OpenRPG Author: jdsutton File: gameServer.py View Source Project | 6 votes |
def addProp(gameID): ''' Upload a prop image ''' file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash('No file selected') elif not file.filename.endswith('.png'): flash('Upload failed: file type must be .png') else: directory = GamesList.getByID(gameID).getPropDir() destination = os.path.join(directory, file.filename) file.save(destination) flash('Prop added successfully') return redirect(url_for('GAMES_PATH_BLUEPRINT.editGame', gameID=gameID))
Example 48
Project: margy Author: opentower File: letters.py View Source Project | 5 votes |
def upload_letter(): if request.method == 'POST': rfn = request.form['rec_fname'].lstrip().rstrip() #assigns input text to variables; this is Recommender's First Name rln = request.form['rec_lname'].lstrip().rstrip() #Recommender's Last Name afn = request.form['app_fname'].lstrip().rstrip() #Applicant's First Name aln = request.form['app_lname'].lstrip().rstrip() #Applicant's Last Name aem = request.form['app_email'].lstrip().rstrip() #Applicant's Email Address aec = request.form['app_emailc'].lstrip().rstrip() #Applicant's Email Address (confirmed) note = request.form['app_note'] #Optional note to applicant rfncode = rfn.replace(" ", "_") #Replaces spaces with underscores in names rlncode = rln.replace(" ", "_") afncode = afn.replace(" ", "_") alncode = aln.replace(" ", "_") codename = alncode + rlncode #Assigns Applicant's Last Name and Recommender's Last Name as the fist part of the letter's file name d = io.open('metadata.txt', 'r', encoding="utf-8") num = 0 for line in d: #checks whether there are other lines in the metadata with the same Last Names combination if codename.lower() == line.rstrip().lower()[:len(codename)]: num += 1 if num != 0: #if there are n instances of this particular Last Name Combination in the metadata and n > 0, appends the codename with n+1. codename += str(num) codedfilename = 'letters/' + codename + ".pdf" #assigns the file a path: letters/[value of codename].pdf metadata = codename + ' ' + rfncode + ' ' + rlncode + ' ' + afncode + ' ' + alncode + ' ' + aem + '\r\n' #creates a line of metadata from all the above f = request.files['letter'] if f.mimetype != 'application/pdf': #displays an error if the uploaded file is not a PDF return render_template('failure.html') else: if aem != aec: #displays an error if the email addresses do not match return render_template('mismatch.html') else: key = f_encrypt(codedfilename, f.read()) #encrypts the letter and assigns it a decryption key mailto = codename + '_' + key #creates a mailto code, concatenating the codename, an underscore, and the key a = io.open('metadata.txt', 'a', encoding="utf-8") a.write(metadata) #writes the metadata to metadata.txt a.close() txtbody = render_template('rec_confirm.txt',rfn=rfn,rln=rln,afn=afn,aln=aln,aem=aem,codename=mailto,note=note) htmlbody = render_template('rec_confirm.html',rfn=rfn,rln=rln,afn=afn,aln=aln,aem=aem,codename=mailto,note=note) EmailUtils.rich_message('[email protected]',aem,'Letter Received',txtbody,htmlbody) #sends an email to the applicant with their mailto code savedas = codename + '.pdf' return render_template('success.html',aem=aem,codename=codename,savedas=savedas) #displays a success message to the uploader
Example 49
Project: toll_road Author: idosekely File: toll_road.py View Source Project | 5 votes |
def data(command): def handle_file(): f_name = request.args.get('file_name') path = app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] if not f_name: path, f_name = os.path.split(app._cr.csv_file) return path, f_name def _set_data_file(path, f_name): _file = os.path.join(path, f_name) app._cr.csv_file = _file app._ar.csv_file = _file def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS if request.method == 'GET': if command == 'set': path, f_name = handle_file() _set_data_file(path, f_name) return 'data file set to %s\n' % f_name elif command == 'download': path, f_name = handle_file() return send_from_directory(path, f_name, as_attachment=True) elif command == 'upload': return render_template('upload_file.html') elif command == 'list': files = os.listdir(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) files = [f for f in files if allowed_file(f)] return render_template('file_list.html', file_list=files) if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['data_file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) return "File Saved!\n"
Example 50
Project: Flask_Blog Author: sugarguo File: views.py View Source Project | 5 votes |
def ckupload(): #site_info = site_get() """CKEditor file upload""" error = '' url = '' callback = request.args.get("CKEditorFuncNum") if request.method == 'POST' and 'upload' in request.files: fileobj = request.files['upload'] fname, fext = os.path.splitext(fileobj.filename) rnd_name = '%s%s' % (gen_rnd_filename(), fext) filepath = os.path.join(app.static_folder, 'upload', rnd_name) # ??????????????? dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.path.exists(dirname): try: os.makedirs(dirname) except: error = 'ERROR_CREATE_DIR' elif not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK): error = 'ERROR_DIR_NOT_WRITEABLE' if not error: fileobj.save(filepath) url = url_for('static', filename='%s/%s' % ('upload', rnd_name)) else: error = 'post error' #print callback res = """""" % (callback, url, error) response = make_response(res) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html" return response