IBX 常见问题解答(译)

IBX 常见问题解答

  • 我在哪里能下载到最新版本的IBX?

  • IBX中的ReFresh是怎样执行的?

  • IBX中的RecordCount是怎样执行的?

  • 为什么把一个DBLookUpComboBox与一夜IBQuery连接时,我在下拉框中只看到一条记录?

  • 为什么应该避免使用IBTABLE?

  • 为什么不能看到其他人做的更新?

  • 为什么当我提交或回滚事务时,我的数据集关闭了?

  • 在一个主/细表关系中使用缓存更新,当我Post时细表怎么不见了?





A:BDE相反, IBXRefresh方法只刷新当前记录(数据集的游标指向的记录),这是为了减小网络流量。如果想更新多条记录,你需要关闭再重新打开数据集。




IBX, 不应该靠使用RecordCount得到存在的记录数,其实只是ParadoxDbase需要它。如果你确实需要知道数据集中的总数,这里有一个技巧:不要调用FetchAll方法,大多数情况下只要在一个单独的TIBSQL中写一条类似"SELECT COUNT(*)"的语句然后执行就可以了。




解决这个问题,只要在combo AfterOpen事件中写上下面的代码就可以了(强行获得记录以增加RecordCount的值):





详细一点,Table范例来自基于文件的数据库,如Paradox。基本上不管表位于哪里,所有的行和列(一般还有所有的索引信息)都被存在本地,这样SQL 引擎(如BDE)才能处理数据。既然不管怎样,所有的数据都要在本地重新存储,TTable 被设计为能在那种环境下很好的工作。
范例意味着你让服务器来处理你需要的数据查询且只返回用户所需要的数据。 比如,你只需要返回5个列中的3个或者1000条记录中的100条,等等。在这种C/S 环境中,Table 范例可能会阻塞网络而且性能一点也不好。
要获得需要的数据,你只需填写TIBDatasetSelectSQL属性,右键单击TIBDataset选择DataSet Editor可以帮助你写InsertSQL, ModifySQL, DeleteSQL RefreshSQL。一旦把它们填上,你就得到了一个完整的可更新的结果集。这样,在速度,网络流量和存储方面都比一个基于Table的范例所花的开销要小。



A:首先,检查你的事务隔离机制是否为Read Committed。如果是Snapshot模式(IB默认的设置 ,你就总是得到一个和刚开始一致的数据库视图——你看不到其他用户做的更新。提示:双击你的TIBTransaction组件,把事务隔离模式改为Read Committed

然后,确保你的应用程序在所有更新操作后明确的提交了一个事务,使用CommitRetaining Commit 之一即可。






实际上有两方面依赖于一个事务:1) 所有已经post给服务器的改变; 2) 所有当前打开的“游标”。









InterBase Express FAQ

  • Where can I download latest version of IBX?

  • How does Refresh work in IBX?

  • How does RecordCount work in IBX?

  • When connecting a DBLookUpComboBox to a TIBQuery, I see just one record in the drop down list. Why?

  • Why should I avoid using TIBTable?

  • I can't see updates made by other users. Why?

  • Why do my datasets close when I call Commit or Rollback?

  • When using Cached Updates with a Master/Detail relation, details disappear when I Post. What gives?

Where can I download latest version of IBX?

Always from CodeCentral.


How does Refresh work in IBX?

Contrary to BDE's behavior, the Refresh method in IBX refreshes only the current record (where the dataset cursor is positionated) in order to minimize network traffic. If you want to refresh more than one record, close and re-open the dataset.


How does RecordCount work in IBX?

Recordcount returns the number of fetched records. Because IBX only fetches new records when something actually asks for the next record, after opening a dataset RecordCount will return 0 if the dataset is empty and 1 if it is not. After a FetchAll (not an advisable practice), RecordCount will return the total number of records in the dataset.

In IBX, RecordCount should never be used to rely on how many records exist since it is only reliable for Paradox and DBase. If you really need to know the number of records in a dataset, issuing a "SELECT COUNT(*)" in a separate TIBSQL does the trick in most cases without the overhead of a FetchAll.


When connecting a DBLookUpComboBox to a TIBQuery, I see just one record in the drop down list. Why?

Again, IBX only fetches records when something actually asks for the next record. In the case of the DBLookupCombo, it is incorrectly relying on the RecordCount (see previous question) to scale the drop down area before trying to fill the drop down list.

To solve it, just do the following in the combo's AfterOpen event (to force the fetching of at least a handful of records; this will increase the value of RecordCount):

With (Sender as TDataset) do begin


Why should I avoid using TIBTable?

Short answer: TIBTable is not C/S friendly, it is included in IBX for compatibility reasons only. TIBDataSet is the direct replacement.

Not-so-short answer: The Table Paradigm comes from file based databases like Paradox.  Basically no matter where the table is located all the rows and all the columns (and usually all the index information) is brought locally so the SQL engine (like the BDE) can work
with the data.  Since all the data must be retrieved locally anyways the TTable
was designed to work better in that environment.

The C/S Paradigm says that you let the server do the work of selecting what data
you need and you return only that which the user needs.  IOW you may only return
3 of the 5 columns or only 100 of the 1,000,000 rows etc.  The Table paradigm
tends to flood the network and does not scale well at all in the C/S world.

TIBDataset you just fill out the SelectSQL for what data needs to be retrieved
and the right click on it and select the DataSet Editor to let it help you
determine the InsertSQL, ModifySQL, DeleteSQL and RefreshSQL.  Once those are
filled out you have a fully updatable result set.  And it will be less expensive
in terms of speed, network traffic and memory than a table based paradigm.


I can't see updates made by other users. Why?

First, check if your transaction isolation mode is Read Committed. If it's Snapshot (the Interbase default), you'll always get a consistent view of the data -- i.e., you won't see changes made by other users. Hint: To change the transaction isolation mode to Read Committed, double-click on your TIBTransaction component.

Next, make sure your application actually commits a transaction after any updates, either by using CommitRetaining or Commit.

Finally, if your dataset is already open on your PC when another user performs some updates, you will see those changes only after you close and re-open the dataset, or after you call the Refresh method and the updated record is the current record you are viewing.


Why do my datasets close when I call Commit or Rollback?

Short answer: That's normal IBX behavior. Use CommitRetaining or RollbackRetaining to keep your datasets open.

Not-so-short-answer: In IBX, if you call Commit or Rollback this brings to an end the existence of a transaction handle on the client. As a result, all things that depend upon that transaction need to be rectified or they will become invalid. Without a transaction, InterBase doesn't know which versions of the records you should see -- i.e., it doesn't know whether your isolation mode should be ReadCommitted or Snapshot.

There are essentially two things that depend on a transaction. 1) Any changes that have been posted to the server and 2) any currently open "cursors".

A cursor in InterBase is what you get after executing a select statement with multiple records to return. You interact with the cursor by requesting fetches until that cursor is exhausted. All open cursors are dependant upon a transaction handle being present and if that transaction is ended the cursor will become invalid.

So, what IBX does when you call Commit or Rollback is to close all of your open datasets in order to avoid getting an invalid cursor error. This is because with IBX there isn't a layer that provides isolation between having datasets opened and ending transactions as the BDE and IBO do.

If you want to keep your datasets open, it is recommended that you use CommitRetaining or RollbackRetaining for processing your logical units of work (changes) to avoid datasets closing and that you reserve the usage of Commit and Rollback for when you want to free up the server so it can do its garbage collection, etc. You should do a "hard" Commit or Rollback as frequently as possible, though.


When using Cached Updates with a Master/Detail relation, details disappear when I post. What gives?

This behavior is up at the TDataset level. When you go into Edit mode (or when
you ApplyUpdates) the DataLink is passed a message that the cursor has been
repositioned. This message will cause detail queries to close and re-open on the
"new" position. The only way to stop this is to break the DataLink. Set the detail's DataSource to nil before applying the master's update.

