


 * This structure declares media transport. A media transport is called
 * by the stream to transmit a packet, and will notify stream when
 * incoming packet is arrived.
struct pjmedia_transport
    /** Transport name (for logging purpose). */
    char		     name[PJ_MAX_OBJ_NAME];

    /** Transport type. */
    pjmedia_transport_type   type;

    /** Transport's "virtual" function table. */
    pjmedia_transport_op    *op;

    /** Application/user data */
    void		    *user_data;





 * This structure describes the operations for the stream transport.
struct pjmedia_transport_op

     * This function is called by the stream when the transport is about
     * to be used by the stream for the first time, and it tells the transport
     * about remote RTP address to send the packet and some callbacks to be 
     * called for incoming packets. This function exists for backwards
     * compatibility. Transports should implement attach2 instead.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_attach() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*attach)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
			  void *user_data,
			  const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_addr,
			  const pj_sockaddr_t *rem_rtcp,
			  unsigned addr_len,
			  void (*rtp_cb)(void *user_data,
					 void *pkt,
					 pj_ssize_t size),
			  void (*rtcp_cb)(void *user_data,
					  void *pkt,
					  pj_ssize_t size));

     * This function is called by the stream to send RTP packet using the 
     * transport.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_send_rtp() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*send_rtp)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
			    const void *pkt,
			    pj_size_t size);

     * Prepare the transport for a new media session.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_create() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*media_create)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
				pj_pool_t *sdp_pool,
				unsigned options,
				const pjmedia_sdp_session *remote_sdp,
				unsigned media_index);

     * This function is called by application to start the transport
     * based on local and remote SDP.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_start() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*media_start) (pjmedia_transport *tp,
			        pj_pool_t *tmp_pool,
			        const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_local,
			        const pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp_remote,
				unsigned media_index);

     * This function is called by application to stop the transport.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_media_stop() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*media_stop)  (pjmedia_transport *tp);

     * This function can be called to destroy this transport.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_close() instead of 
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*destroy)(pjmedia_transport *tp);

     * This function is called by the stream when the transport is about
     * to be used by the stream for the first time, and it tells the transport
     * about remote RTP address to send the packet and some callbacks to be
     * called for incoming packets.
     * Application should call #pjmedia_transport_attach2() instead of
     * calling this function directly.
    pj_status_t (*attach2)(pjmedia_transport *tp,
			   pjmedia_transport_attach_param *att_param);




     * Create media transport used to send/receive RTP/RTCP socket.
     * One media transport is needed for each call. Application may
     * opt to re-use the same media transport for subsequent calls.
    for (i = 0; i < PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(g_med_transport); ++i) {
	status = pjmedia_transport_udp_create3(g_med_endpt, AF, NULL, NULL, 
					       RTP_PORT + i*2, 0, 


 * Create UDP stream transport.
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_udp_create3(pjmedia_endpt *endpt,
						  int af,
						  const char *name,
						  const pj_str_t *addr,
						  int port,
						  unsigned options,
						  pjmedia_transport **p_tp)
    pjmedia_sock_info si;
    pj_status_t status;

    /* Sanity check */
    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(endpt && port && p_tp, PJ_EINVAL);

    pj_bzero(&si, sizeof(pjmedia_sock_info));
    si.rtp_sock = si.rtcp_sock = PJ_INVALID_SOCKET;

    /* Create RTP socket */
    status = pj_sock_socket(af, pj_SOCK_DGRAM(), 0, &si.rtp_sock);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    /* Bind RTP socket */
    status = pj_sockaddr_init(af, &si.rtp_addr_name, addr, (pj_uint16_t)port);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    status = pj_sock_bind(si.rtp_sock, &si.rtp_addr_name, 
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    /* Create RTCP socket */
    status = pj_sock_socket(af, pj_SOCK_DGRAM(), 0, &si.rtcp_sock);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    /* Bind RTCP socket */
    status = pj_sockaddr_init(af, &si.rtcp_addr_name, addr, 
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    status = pj_sock_bind(si.rtcp_sock, &si.rtcp_addr_name,
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    /* Create UDP transport by attaching socket info */
    return pjmedia_transport_udp_attach( endpt, name, &si, options, p_tp);

    if (si.rtp_sock != PJ_INVALID_SOCKET)
    if (si.rtcp_sock != PJ_INVALID_SOCKET)
    return status;

udp_attach先申请UDP媒体传输结构体transport_udp *tp的内存,注意,此结构体包含了媒体传输pjmedia_transport和一些回调,但是这些回调还没有设置。

struct transport_udp
    pjmedia_transport	base;		/**< Base transport.		    */
    void  (*rtp_cb)(	void*,		/**< To report incoming RTP.	    */
    void  (*rtp_cb2)(pjmedia_tp_cb_param*); /**< To report incoming RTP.    */
    void  (*rtcp_cb)(	void*,		/**< To report incoming RTCP.	    */


 * Create UDP stream transport from existing socket info.
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_udp_attach( pjmedia_endpt *endpt,
						  const char *name,
						  const pjmedia_sock_info *si,
						  unsigned options,
						  pjmedia_transport **p_tp)
    struct transport_udp *tp;
    pj_pool_t *pool;
    pj_ioqueue_t *ioqueue;
    pj_ioqueue_callback rtp_cb, rtcp_cb;
    unsigned i;
    pj_status_t status;

    /* Get ioqueue instance */
    ioqueue = pjmedia_endpt_get_ioqueue(endpt);

    /* Create transport structure */
    pool = pjmedia_endpt_create_pool(endpt, name, 512, 512);
    if (!pool)
	return PJ_ENOMEM;

    tp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct transport_udp);
    tp->pool = pool;
    tp->options = options;
    pj_memcpy(tp->base.name, pool->obj_name, PJ_MAX_OBJ_NAME);
    tp->base.op = &transport_udp_op;
    tp->base.type = PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_TYPE_UDP;

    /* Copy socket infos */
    tp->rtp_sock = si->rtp_sock;
    tp->rtp_addr_name = si->rtp_addr_name;
    tp->rtcp_sock = si->rtcp_sock;
    tp->rtcp_addr_name = si->rtcp_addr_name;

    /* Setup RTP socket with the ioqueue */
    pj_bzero(&rtp_cb, sizeof(rtp_cb));
    rtp_cb.on_read_complete = &on_rx_rtp;

    status = pj_ioqueue_register_sock(pool, ioqueue, tp->rtp_sock, tp,
				      &rtp_cb, &tp->rtp_key);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    pj_ioqueue_op_key_init(&tp->rtp_read_op, sizeof(tp->rtp_read_op));
    for (i=0; irtp_pending_write); ++i)

    /* Setup RTCP socket with ioqueue */
    pj_bzero(&rtcp_cb, sizeof(rtcp_cb));
    rtcp_cb.on_read_complete = &on_rx_rtcp;

    status = pj_ioqueue_register_sock(pool, ioqueue, tp->rtcp_sock, tp,
				      &rtcp_cb, &tp->rtcp_key);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    status = pj_ioqueue_set_concurrency(tp->rtcp_key, PJ_FALSE);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    pj_ioqueue_op_key_init(&tp->rtcp_read_op, sizeof(tp->rtcp_read_op));
    pj_ioqueue_op_key_init(&tp->rtcp_write_op, sizeof(tp->rtcp_write_op));

    tp->ioqueue = ioqueue;

    /* Done */
    *p_tp = &tp->base;
    return PJ_SUCCESS;

    return status;



static pjmedia_transport_op transport_udp_op = 

