spark 数据倾斜问题



spark 数据倾斜问题_第1张图片

spark 数据倾斜问题_第2张图片

16/11/07 10:31:50 INFO OutputCommitCoordinator: Task was denied committing, stage: 5, partition: 887, attempt: 1
16/11/07 10:33:11 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 632.1 in stage 5.0 (TID 1286) in 244369 ms on hadoop0009 (1199/1200)
16/11/07 10:36:35 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 632.0 in stage 5.0 (TID 695, hadoop0004): TaskCommitDenied (Driver denied task commit) for job: 5, partition: 632, attemptNumber: 0

16/11/07 10:31:50 INFO OutputCommitCoordinator: Task was denied committing, stage: 5, partition: 887, attempt: 1
16/11/07 10:33:11 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 632.1 in stage 5.0 (TID 1286) in 244369 ms on hadoop0009 (1199/1200)
16/11/07 10:36:35 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 632.0 in stage 5.0 (TID 695, hadoop0004): TaskCommitDenied (Driver denied task commit) for job: 5, partition: 632, attemptNumber: 0
16/11/07 10:36:35 INFO OutputCommitCoordinator: Task was denied committing, stage: 5, partition: 632, attempt: 0
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 7.0 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0008:34591 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0003:53324 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0005:39567 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0004:55268 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0003:57855 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0009:39399 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0009:53846 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0004:59068 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0005:37489 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_9_piece0 on hadoop0007:60705 in memory (size: 2.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB)
16/11/07 10:38:59 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_8_piece0 on in memory (size: 2.8 KB, free: 7.0 GB)

* :: DeveloperApi ::
* Task requested the driver to commit, but was denied.
case class TaskCommitDenied(
jobID: Int,
partitionID: Int,
attemptNumber: Int) extends TaskFailedReason {
override def toErrorString: String = s"TaskCommitDenied (Driver denied task commit)" +
s" for job: $jobID, partition: $partitionID, attemptNumber: $attemptNumber"
* If a task failed because its attempt to commit was denied, do not count this failure
* towards failing the stage. This is intended to prevent spurious stage failures in cases
* where many speculative tasks are launched and denied to commit.
override def countTowardsTaskFailures: Boolean = false
--conf spark.speculation=true \
--conf spark.speculation.interval=100 \
--conf spark.speculation.quantile=0.75 \
--conf spark.speculation.multiplier=1.5 \
从监控界面看到的是最后一个stage的操作一直没完成,所以定位到了大概的代码上面了,因为有个sort,groupByKey之后letfjoin,然后对比leftjoin 两边内容的过程。用countByKey打印出groupByKey后的内容,看到了想要的东西,果然存在数据倾斜的情况,因为数据存在10000*1000000的情况,所以数据处理一直完成不了。
