1.1 提供的服务
Service | Project name | Description |
Dashboard | Horizon | Provides a web-based self-service portal to interact with underlying OpenStack services, such as launching an instance, assigning IP addresses and configuring access controls. |
Compute | Nova | Manages the lifecycle of compute instances in an OpenStack environment. Responsibilities include spawning, scheduling and decommissioning of virtual machines on demand. |
Networking | Neutron | Enables Network-Connectivity-as-a-Service for other OpenStack services, such as OpenStack Compute. Provides an API for users to define networks and the attachments into them. Has a pluggable architecture that supports many popular networking vendors and technologies. |
Object Storage | Swift | Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data objects via a RESTful, HTTP based API. It is highly fault tolerant with its data replication and scale-out architecture. Its implementation is not like a file server with mountable directories. In this case, it writes objects and files to multiple drives, ensuring the data is replicated across a server cluster. |
Block Storage | Cinder | Provides persistent block storage to running instances. Its pluggable driver architecture facilitates the creation and management of block storage devices. |
Identity service | Keystone | Provides an authentication and authorization service for other OpenStack services. Provides a catalog of endpoints for all OpenStack services. |
Image service | Glance | Stores and retrieves virtual machine disk images. OpenStack Compute makes use of this during instance provisioning. |
Telemetry | Ceilometer | Monitors and meters the OpenStack cloud for billing, benchmarking, scalability, and statistical purposes. |
Orchestration | Heat | Orchestrates multiple composite cloud applications by using either the native HOT template format or the AWS CloudFormation template format, through both an OpenStack-native REST API and a CloudFormation-compatible Query API. |
Database service | Trove | Provides scalable and reliable Cloud Database-as-a-Service functionality for both relational and non-relational database engines. |
Data processing service | Sahara | Provides capabilities to provision and scale Hadoop clusters in OpenStack by specifying parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology and nodes hardware details. |
1.2 Openstack version:
1.4 openstack 架构图
是OpenStack云中的计算组织控制器。OpenStack云中实例(instances)生命周期的所有活动都由Nova处理。这样使得Nova成为一个负责管理计算资源、网络、认证、所需可扩展性的平台。但是,Nova自身并没有提供任何虚拟化能力,相反它使用libvirt API来与被支持的Hypervisors交互。Nova通过一个与Amazon Web Services(AWS)EC2 API兼容的web services API来对外提供服务。
2.1 提供的服务:
OpenStack Compute interacts with OpenStack Identity for authentication; OpenStack Image service for disk and server images; and OpenStack dashboard for the user and administrative interface. Image access is limited by projects, and by users; quotas are limited per project (the number of instances, for example). OpenStack Compute can scale horizontally on standard hardware, and download images to launch instances.
OpenStack Compute consists of the following areas and their components:
A worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through hypervisor APIs. For example:
Processing is fairly complex. Basically, the daemon accepts actions from the queue and performs a series of system commands such as launching a KVM instance and updating its state in the database.
Compute Worker处理管理实例生命周期。他们通过Message Queue接收实例生命周期管理的请求,并承担操作工作。在一个典型生产环境的云部署中有一些compute workers。一个实例部署在哪个可用的compute worker上取决于调度算法。
调度器Scheduler把nova-API调用映射为OpenStack组件。调度器作为一个称为nova-schedule守护进程运行,通过恰当的调度算法从可用资源池获得一个计算服务。Scheduler会根据诸如负载、内存、可用域的物理距离、CPU构架等作出调度决定。nova scheduler实现了一个可插入式的结构。
Stores most build-time and run-time states for a cloud infrastructure, including:
Theoretically, OpenStack Compute can support any database that SQL-Alchemy supports. Common databases are SQLite3 for test and development work, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
3.1OpenStack Compute逻辑框架
nova-schedule负责从queue里取得虚拟机请求并决定把虚拟机分配到哪个服务器上去。schedule的算法可以自己定义,目前有Simple (最少加载主机),chancd(随机主机分配) ,zone(可用区域内的随机节点)等算法。
nova-api守护进程是OpenStack Compute的中心。它为所有API查询提供一个入口, 并且同时支持OpenStack API 和 Amazon EC2 API。
Glance:该项目独立于Openstack Compute,起到镜像的作用。在该项目中,主要包括三个部分: glance-api, glance-registry and 镜像存储。Glance-api接受API调用,glance-registry存储和检索镜像的元数据。镜像存储Image blobs。存储可以选择不同的存储方案,比如用Swift实现存储。
2.2 运行架构
4.1 用户管理
用法: nova-manage user admin name [access] [secret]
其中access 和secret可选,没有的话系统会自动生成一个。
用法:nova-manage user create name [access] [secret]
用法: nova-manage user delete username
用法:nova-manage user exports username
用法:nova-manage user list
用法:nova-manage user modify name access secret is_admin
is_admin:是否改为管理员 ,取值 'T' 或者'F'
例如:nova-manage user modify test1 '' secret '' 表示修改test1的密码为secret
用法:nova-manage user revoke userid
project 管理
用法:nova-manage project add project_id user_id
用法:nova-manage project create name project_manager [description]
nama : project id
project_manager :一个user id,作为project 管理者
[description] :可选,描述信息
用法:nova-manage project delete projectname
用法:nova-manage project environment project_id user_id [filename='novarc]
project 列表
用法:nova-manage project list
用法:nova-manage project modify name project_manager [description]
nova-manage project quota project_id [key] [value]
例如:root@ubuntu10:~# nova-manage project quota testproject
metadata_items: 128
gigabytes: 1000
floating_ips: 10
instances: 10
volumes: 10
cores: 20
用法:nova-manage project remove project_id user_id
用法:nova-manage project scrub project_id
用法:nova-manage project zipfile project_id user_id [filename='']
例如:nova-manage project zipfile testproject test1 creds/
account 管理
nova-manage account add 添加用户到project
nova-manage account create 创建一个新的project
nova-manage account delete 删除project
nova-manage account environment 生成一个环境变量文件
nova-manage account list 显示project
nova-manage account modify 修改一个project的管理员
nova-manage account quota 设置或者显示定额
nova-manage account remove 从一个project中删除某个用户
nova-manage account scrub 删除与一个project相关的数据,例如网络等。。
nova-manage account zipfile 把登录project的用户证书压缩到.zip
role 管理
openstack的用户角色有六种,分别是Cloud Administrator(cloudadmin 云管理员),IT Security(itsec ,it安全管理),System Administrator (sysadmin,系统管理),Network Administrator(netadmin,网络管理员),Developer(开发者),Project Manager(projectmanager, 创建工程时的默认角色,工程管理员)
用法:nova-manage role add user role [project]
用法:nova-manage role has user role [project]
判断user是否具有role角色,如果指定了project,那么只有当user拥有全局角 色和project角色时,才返回真,对于判断角色projectmanager,必须指定project.
用法:nova-manage role remove user role [project]
network 管理
用法:nova-manage network create fixed_range=FLAG, [num_networks=FLAG],
[network_size=FLAG], [vlan_start=FLAG],
[_start=FLAG], [fixed_range_v6=FLAG]
例如:nova-manage network create 1 256
用法:nova-manage network list
用法:nova-manage network delete network
fixed_range :就是上面list时显示的
例如:nova-manage network delete
上面是固定ip的管理,下面是floating ip(浮动ip?)的管理
用法:nova-manage floating create host ip_range
例如: nova-manage floating create ubuntu10
用法:nova-manage floating delete ip_range
用法:nova-manage floating list
4.2 常用命令
openstack nova 命令有很多方便查找,这里记录一下。
absolute-limits Print a list of absolute limits for a user
actions Retrieve server actions.
add-fixed-ip Add new IP address to network.
add-floating-ip Add a floating IP address to a server.
add-secgroup Add a Security Group to a server.
aggregate-add-host Add the host to the specified aggregate.
aggregate-create Create a new aggregate with the specified details.
aggregate-delete Delete the aggregate by its id.
aggregate-details Show details of the specified aggregate.
aggregate-list Print a list of all aggregates.
aggregate-remove-host Remove the specified host from the specified aggregate.
aggregate-set-metadata Update the metadata associated with the aggregate.
aggregate-update Update the aggregate's name and optionally availability zone.
boot Boot a new server.
cloudpipe-create Create a cloudpipe instance for the given project
cloudpipe-list Print a list of all cloudpipe instances.
cloudpipe-update Update a cloudpipe instance
console-log Get console log output of a server.
credentials Show user credentials returned from auth
delete Immediately shut down and delete a server.
diagnostics Retrieve server diagnostics.
dns-create Create a DNS entry for domain, name and ip.
dns-create-private-domain Create the specified DNS domain.
dns-create-public-domain Create the specified DNS domain.
dns-delete Delete the specified DNS entry.
dns-delete-domain Delete the specified DNS domain.
dns-domains Print a list of available dns domains.
dns-list List current DNS entries for domain and ip or domain and name.
endpoints Discover endpoints that get returned from the authenticate services
fixed-ip-get Show information for a fixed IP
fixed-ip-reserve Reserve a fixed IP
fixed-ip-unreserve Unreserve fixed IP
flavor-create Create a new flavor
flavor-delete Delete a specific flavor
flavor-key Set or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
flavor-list Print a list of available 'flavors' (sizes of servers).
flavor-show Show details about the given flavor.
floating-ip-create Allocate a floating IP for the current tenant.
floating-ip-delete De-allocate a floating IP.
floating-ip-list List floating ips for this tenant.
floating-ip-pool-list List all floating ip pools.
get-vnc-console Get a vnc console to a server.
host-action Perform a power action on a host.
host-describe Describe a specific host
host-list List all hosts by service
host-update Update host settings.
hypervisor-list List hypervisors.
hypervisor-servers List instances belonging to specific hypervisors.
hypervisor-show Display the details of the specified hypervisor.
hypervisor-stats Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.[cpu,mem]
hypervisor-uptime Display the uptime of the specified hypervisor.
image-create Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a running server.
image-delete Delete an image.
image-list Print a list of available images to boot from.
image-meta Set or Delete metadata on an image.
image-show Show details about the given image.
keypair-add Create a new key pair for use with instances
keypair-delete Delete keypair by its id
keypair-list Print a list of keypairs for a user
list List active servers.
list-extensions List available extensions
live-migration Migrates a running instance to a new machine.
lock Lock a server.
meta Set or Delete metadata on a server.
migrate Migrate a server.
network-list Print a list of available networks.
network-show Show details about the given network.
pause Pause a server.
quota-class-show List the quotas for a quota class.
quota-class-update Update the quotas for a quota class.
quota-defaults List the default quotas for a tenant.
quota-show List the quotas for a tenant.
quota-update Update the quotas for a tenant.
rate-limits Print a list of rate limits for a user
reboot Reboot a server.
rebuild Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
remove-fixed-ip Remove an IP address from a server.
remove-floating-ip Remove a floating IP address from a server.
remove-secgroup Remove a Security Group from a server.
rename Rename a server.
rescue Rescue a server.
reset-state Reset the state of an instance
resize Resize a server.
resize-confirm Confirm a previous resize.
resize-revert Revert a previous resize (and return to the previous
resume Resume a server.
root-password Change the root password for a server.
Add a source group rule to a security group.
secgroup-add-rule Add a rule to a security group.
secgroup-create Create a security group.
secgroup-delete Delete a security group.
Delete a source group rule from a security group.
Delete a rule from a security group.
secgroup-list List security groups for the current tenant.
List rules for a security group.
service-list List nova services
show Show details about the given server.
ssh SSH into a server.
start Start a server.
stop Stop a server.
suspend Suspend a server.
unlock Unlock a server.
unpause Unpause a server.
unrescue Unrescue a server.
usage-list List usage data for all tenants
volume-attach Attach a volume to a server.
volume-create Add a new volume.
volume-delete Remove a volume.
volume-detach Detach a volume from a server.
volume-list List all the volumes.
volume-show Show details about a volume.
volume-snapshot-create Add a new snapshot.
volume-snapshot-delete Remove a snapshot.
volume-snapshot-list List all the snapshots.
volume-snapshot-show Show details about a snapshot.
volume-type-create Create a new volume type.
volume-type-delete Delete a specific flavor.
volume-type-list Print a list of available 'volume types'.
x509-create-cert Create x509 cert for a user in tenant.
x509-get-root-cert Fetches the x509 root cert.
bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout
为了看看nova是如何工作的,我们可以以启动一个实例为例来进行说明,因为启动一个新的instance涉及到很多openstack nova里面的组件共同协作。在一个经典部署的 OpenStack中,Nova、Swift和 Glance这三大组件需要协同交互,这里我们通过启动实例这样一个典型操作来看看它们之间的交互:
· 1.客户端利用API发出请求,要求启动一个实例。
· 2.该请求通过一系列检查 (比如配额、权限等等)后,由 Nova API服务器进行处理。
· 3. Nova API服务器通过队列将启动实例的任务交给了 Nova调度器。
· 4.调度器根据调度规则决定在哪运行实例 —即从 N个计算节点中选取符合规则的节点
· 5.调度器通过队列向指定的计算节点发出消息让其开始创建实例
· 6.计算节点通知客户端实例开始创建,现在客户端可以继续其它任务
· 7.在后台,计算节点利用 Glance API在 Glance注册表中查找所需的镜像文件
· 8-9. Glance API向计算节点返回该镜像文件的物理位置和元数据
· 10.得到了物理位置等信息,计算节点就可以 Swift Proxy请求镜像文件
· 12-13. Swift Proxy从Swift工作单元中获得映象,并将其传递给计算节点
获得了镜像文件之后,计算节点就可以利用 libvirt API 来与被支持的Hypervisors交互:
· 计算节点会在数据库中更新实例的详细信息,并调用hypervisor开始配置实例的块设备
· 计算节点向网络节点的队列发出消息以便为实例配置网络
· 一旦收到返回的网络信息,计算节点就开始最后的配置调整,并启动实例
· 创建实例完成之后,无论成功与否,结算节点都会更新数据库,并在消息队列中发出通知
接下来我们来看一下 Nova 各部件在执行启动实例时的通讯过程。
Nova 部件间的通讯
最核心的 Nova 几个服务包括:API,计算服务,调度器和网络。API 是 Nova 的 HTTP 界面,计算服务则运行在每一台主机上负责与 hypervisor 通讯(通常每台主机有一个计算服务)。网络服务管理 IP 地址池并且与交换机、路由器、防火墙等相关服务通讯。调度器则负责既有的池中选择最适合的计算节点来负责运行新的实例(同时它也负责获取卷)。Nova 本身是按分布式应用程序进行架构的,在上一篇文章中,我们已经介绍了各个部件的功能,这里我们简单回忆一下:
· API服务器(nova-api):处理用户请求并将之路由给云控制器
· 云控制器(Cloud Controller):nova-api的一个类,负责处理计算节点、网络控制器、 API 服务器和调度器之间的通讯
· 调度器:选择某一主机来运行命令
· 计算工作单元:管理计算实例:启动或终止实例、挂载或卸载卷等等…
· 网络控制器:管理网络资源:分配固定IP地址、配置 VLAN …
注意:云控制器不是 Nova 7个部件之一,它只是 API 服务器的一个内部类而已。为了方便叙述通讯过程,这里我们单独把它抽离出来。在 Nova 内部,启动实例的流程是这样的:首先 API服务器接收到来自用户的 run_instances 命令。 API服务器将该消息转发到云控制器(1)。我们知道这里需要进行验证以确保用户具有所需的权限。云控制器将消息发送给调度器(2)。调度程序将消息转换为一个随机的主机,并询问他开始一个新的实例(3)。在主机上抓起的消息(4)的计算工作。计算工人需要一个固定的IP,所以将消息发送到网络控制器(5,6,7,8)推出一个新的实例。
2、 Openstack nova :虚拟机的启动过程
Table of Contents
这几天从创建虚拟机这条线缕了一下nova的代码,将虚拟机启动的流程整理在此, 更详细的代码解读将在另外的博客中逐步总结。
七、Nova 生产环境的配置模式
从功能上看, Nova平台中有两类节点:控制节点和计算节点,其角色由安装的服务决定,控制节点包括网络控制 Network、调度管理 Scheduler、api服务、存储卷管理、数据库管理、身份管理和镜像管理等,计算节点主要提供 nova-compute 服务。节点之间使用 AMQP作为通讯总线,只要将 AMQP消息被写入特定的消息队列中,相关的服务就可以获取该消息进行处理。由于使用了消息总线,因此服务之间是位置透明的,你可以将所有服务可以部署在同一台主机上,即 All-in-One(一般用于测试),也可以根据业务需要,将其分开部署在不同的主机上。用在生产环境 Nova平台配置一般有三种类型:最简配置:需要至少两个节点,除了 nova-compute外所有服务都部署在一台主机里,这台主机进行各种控制管理,即控制节点。 图1-1OpenStack双节点架构
标准配置:控制节点的服务可以分开在多个节点,标准的生产环境推荐使用至少 4 台主机来进一步细化职责。控制器、网络、卷和计算职责分别由一台主机担任。
图1-2 OpenStack 多节点架构
图1-3 OpenStack 高级架构
这种配置上的弹性得益于 Nova 选用 AMQP 作为消息传递技术,更准确地说,Nova 服务使用远程过程调用(RPC)彼此进行沟通。。AMQP 代理(可以是 RabbitMQ 或 Qpid)位于任两个 Nova 服务之间,使它们以松耦合的方式进行通信。因此不单 API 服务器可以和服务进行通讯,服务之间也可以相互通讯,如计算服务和网络服务、卷服务进行通讯以获得必要的资源。每一个 Nova 服务(Compute、scheduler 等等)在初始化时会创建两个消息队列:其路由选择关键字分别为“NODE-TYPE.NODE-ID”(如:Compute.)和“NODE-TYPE”(如 Compute)。后者则接收一般性消息,而前者则只接收发给特定节点的命令,例如执行 “euca-terminate instance”, 很明显,该命令只应发送给运行该实例的某个计算节点。无论是那一种生产配置模式,都允许用户根据需添加更多的计算节点,由 N 台服务器执行计算任务。