xcode 导出包的类型说明

xcode 导出包的类型说明_第1张图片

Save for iOS App Store Deployment

保存到本地 准备上传App Store 或者在越狱的iOS设备上使用

Save for Ad Hoc Deployment

保存到本地 准备在账号添加的可使用设备上使用(具体为在开发者账户下添加可用设备的uidi)

Save fro Enterprise Deployment 

这种主要针对企业级账户下 准备本地服务器分发的app。此处到处的时候可能会报错,需要提供

1) As apple integrated testflight in itunes connect so when you select "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" then you can distribute your app to users with designated devices. The app will be code signed with the distribution certificate. i.e it will use distribution certificate which we used to submit app on appstore. Previously when you use "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" then you can create an ipa from development profile also. but now on it requires distribution certificate for "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment".

2) When you select "Save for Development Deployment" then you can distribute your app using development profile. it just like previously we did with "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment". i.e you can create your ipa file using development certificate also and you can distribute this ipa to your client and testers who's device id is present in your provisioning profile.
