Java8 StampedLock(二) 源码解析



1、lock / lockInterruptibly



 4、unlockWrite / tryUnlockWrite


1、lock / lockInterruptibly



4、unlockRead / tryUnlockRead



1、tryConvertToWriteLock / tryConvertToReadLock /tryConvertToOptimisticRead


    上一篇《Java8 StampedLock(一) 源码解析》详细讲解了该类的定义,具体的用法以及同ReentrantReadWriteLock的差异,本篇博客就详细分析源码实现细节。


1、lock / lockInterruptibly



public void lock() { writeLock(); }

public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {

public long writeLock() {
        long s, next;  // bypass acquireWrite in fully unlocked case only
        return ((((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L && //等于0表示锁未被占用
                 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT)) ?
                next : acquireWrite(false, 0L));

public long writeLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
        long next;
        if (!Thread.interrupted() &&
            (next = acquireWrite(true, 0L)) != INTERRUPTED)
            return next;
        throw new InterruptedException();

private long acquireWrite(boolean interruptible, long deadline) {
        WNode node = null, p;
        for (int spins = -1;;) { // spin while enqueuing
            long m, s, ns;
            if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == 0L) {
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + WBIT))
                    return ns;
            else if (spins < 0)
                spins = (m == WBIT && wtail == whead) ? SPINS : 0;
            else if (spins > 0) {
                if (LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() >= 0)
            else if ((p = wtail) == null) { //spins等于0是会进入此分支
                WNode hd = new WNode(WMODE, null);
                if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WHEAD, null, hd))
                    wtail = hd;
            else if (node == null)
                node = new WNode(WMODE, p);
            else if (node.prev != p)
                node.prev = p;
            else if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, p, node)) {
       = node;
        } //for循环结束
        for (int spins = -1;;) {
            WNode h, np, pp; int ps;
            if ((h = whead) == p) {
                if (spins < 0)
                    spins = HEAD_SPINS;
                else if (spins < MAX_HEAD_SPINS)
                    spins <<= 1;
                for (int k = spins;;) { //通过for循环自旋spin次,每次都尝试获取锁
                    long s, ns;
                    if (((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L) {
                        if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,
                                                 ns = s + WBIT)) {
                            whead = node;
                            node.prev = null;
                            return ns;
                    else if (LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() >= 0 && 
                             --k <= 0)
            }else if (h != null) { //还有其他的等待节点
                WNode c; Thread w;
                while ((c = h.cowait) != null) {
                    if (U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) && //将whead的cowait属性设置为该链表的下一个元素
                        (w = c.thread) != null)
            if (whead == h) {
                if ((np = node.prev) != p) {
                    if (np != null)
                        (p = np).next = node;   // stale
                else if ((ps = p.status) == 0)
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(p, WSTATUS, 0, WAITING);
                else if (ps == CANCELLED) {
                    if ((pp = p.prev) != null) {
                        node.prev = pp;
               = node;
                }else {
                    long time; // 0 argument to park means no timeout
                    if (deadline == 0L)
                        time = 0L;
                    else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
                        return cancelWaiter(node, node, false);

                    Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
                    U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
                    node.thread = wt;
                    if (p.status < 0 //p的状态是WAITING
                        && (p != h || (state & ABITS) != 0L) //当前锁被其他线程占用了
                        && whead == h  //whead节点没有变动
                        && node.prev == p)  //node的上一个节点没有变动
                        U.park(false, time);  //将当前线程阻塞掉
                    node.thread = null;
                    U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
                    if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted())//如果线程被中断了
                        return cancelWaiter(node, node, true);
        } //for循环结束

private long cancelWaiter(WNode node, WNode group, boolean interrupted) {
        if (node != null && group != null) {
            Thread w;
            node.status = CANCELLED;
            for (WNode p = group, q; (q = p.cowait) != null;) {
                if (q.status == CANCELLED) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(p, WCOWAIT, q, q.cowait);
                    p = group; //从group开始重新遍历
                    p = q;
            if (group == node) {
                //唤醒group cowait链表中所有节点对应的线程
                for (WNode r = group.cowait; r != null; r = r.cowait) {
                    if ((w = r.thread) != null)
                        U.unpark(w);       // wake up uncancelled co-waiters

                for (WNode pred = node.prev; pred != null; ) { // unsplice
                    WNode succ, pp;        // find valid successor
                    while ((succ = == null ||
                           succ.status == CANCELLED) {
                        WNode q = null;    // find successor the slow way
                        for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != node; t = t.prev)
                            if (t.status != CANCELLED)
                                q = t;     // don't link if succ cancelled

                        if (succ == q ||   //succ和q都是null
                            U.compareAndSwapObject(node, WNEXT,
                                                   succ, succ = q)) {
                            if (succ == null && node == wtail) //如果node就是最后一个节点,将前一个节点作为WTAIL,退出while循环
                                U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, node, pred);
                    if ( == node) // unsplice pred link
                        U.compareAndSwapObject(pred, WNEXT, node, succ);
                    if (succ != null && (w = succ.thread) != null) {
                        succ.thread = null;
                        U.unpark(w);       // wake up succ to observe new pred
                    if (pred.status != CANCELLED || (pp = pred.prev) == null)
                    node.prev = pp;        // repeat if new pred wrong/cancelled
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(pp, WNEXT, pred, succ);
                    pred = pp;
        WNode h; // Possibly release first waiter
        while ((h = whead) != null) {
            long s; WNode q; // similar to release() but check eligibility
            if ((q = == null || q.status == CANCELLED) {
                for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != h; t = t.prev)
                    if (t.status <= 0)
                        q = t;
            if (h == whead) {
                if (q != null && h.status == 0 &&
                    ((s = state) & ABITS) != WBIT && // waiter is eligible
                    (s == 0L || q.mode == RMODE))
        return (interrupted || Thread.interrupted()) ? INTERRUPTED : 0L;

    private void release(WNode h) {
        if (h != null) {
            WNode q; Thread w;
            U.compareAndSwapInt(h, WSTATUS, WAITING, 0);
            if ((q = == null || q.status == CANCELLED) {
                for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != h; t = t.prev)
                    if (t.status <= 0)
                        q = t;
            if (q != null && (w = q.thread) != null)


public boolean tryLock() { return tryWriteLock() != 0L; }

public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException {
            return tryWriteLock(time, unit) != 0L;

public long tryWriteLock() {
        long s, next;
        return ((((s = state) & ABITS) == 0L && 
                 U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT)) ?
                next : 0L);

public long tryWriteLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException {
        long nanos = unit.toNanos(time);
        if (!Thread.interrupted()) {//如果线程未被中断
            long next, deadline;
            if ((next = tryWriteLock()) != 0L) //尝试获取锁成功
                return next;
            if (nanos <= 0L)
                return 0L;
            if ((deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanos) == 0L) //deadline超过允许的最大值了
                deadline = 1L;//置为1
            if ((next = acquireWrite(true, deadline)) != INTERRUPTED)
                return next;
        throw new InterruptedException();



public void unlock() { unstampedUnlockWrite(); }

final void unstampedUnlockWrite() {
        WNode h; long s;
        if (((s = state) & WBIT) == 0L)
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
        if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)

private void release(WNode h) {
        if (h != null) {
            WNode q; Thread w;
            U.compareAndSwapInt(h, WSTATUS, WAITING, 0);
            if ((q = == null || q.status == CANCELLED) {
                for (WNode t = wtail; t != null && t != h; t = t.prev)
                    if (t.status <= 0)
                        q = t;
            if (q != null && (w = q.thread) != null)

 4、unlockWrite / tryUnlockWrite

       unlockWrite是与writeLock、writeLockInterruptibly或者tryWriteLock 配合使用的,这三个方法返回成功加锁时的state属性值,unlockWrite据此解锁。tryUnlockWrite的实现和unstampedUnlockWrite类似,区别在于如果当前线程不持有写锁,前者返回false,后者抛出异常,如下:

public void unlockWrite(long stamp) {
        WNode h;
        if (state != stamp || (stamp & WBIT) == 0L)
            throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
        state = (stamp += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : stamp;
        if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)

public boolean tryUnlockWrite() {
        long s; WNode h;
        if (((s = state) & WBIT) != 0L) {
            state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
            if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
            return true;
        return false;


1、lock / lockInterruptibly


public void lock() { readLock(); }

public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {

public long readLock() {
        long s = state, next;  // bypass acquireRead on common uncontended case
        return ((whead == wtail //说明没有等待的节点
              && (s & ABITS) < RFULL //读锁重入的次数小于最大值且此时写锁未被占有
              && U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT)) ? //增加锁重入次数成功,即获取读锁成功,返回next
                next : acquireRead(false, 0L));//获取读锁失败则调用acquireRead

public long readLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
        long next;
        if (!Thread.interrupted() && //线程没有被中断
            (next = acquireRead(true, 0L)) != INTERRUPTED)
            return next;
        throw new InterruptedException();

private long acquireRead(boolean interruptible, long deadline) {
        WNode node = null, p;
        for (int spins = -1;;) {
            WNode h;
            if ((h = whead) == (p = wtail)) {
                for (long m, s, ns;;) {
                    if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ? //读锁重入的次数小于最大值且此时写锁未被占有
                        U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + RUNIT) :
                        (m < WBIT && (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L))
                        return ns;
                    else if (m >= WBIT) {
                        if (spins > 0) {
                            if (LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() >= 0)
                        else {
                            if (spins == 0) {
                                WNode nh = whead, np = wtail;
                                if ((nh == h && np == p) //链表头和链表尾没有改变,即写锁未释放
                                    || (h = nh) != (p = np) //链表头和链表尾不一样了,即有新的等待节点
                            spins = SPINS;
            if (p == null) { //初始化链表
                WNode hd = new WNode(WMODE, null);
                if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WHEAD, null, hd))
                    wtail = hd;
            else if (node == null) //初始化node属性
                node = new WNode(RMODE, p);
            else if (h == p || p.mode != RMODE) {
                //p.mode != RMODE说明wtail节点是获取写锁的节点
                if (node.prev != p)
                    node.prev = p;//设置prev属性
                else if (U.compareAndSwapObject(this, WTAIL, p, node)) {
           = node;
            else if (!U.compareAndSwapObject(p, WCOWAIT,
                                             node.cowait = p.cowait, node))
                node.cowait = null;
            else {
                for (;;) {
                    WNode pp, c; Thread w;
                    if ((h = whead) != null && (c = h.cowait) != null &&  //whead的cowait不为空
                        U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) && //将whead的cowait修改为c的cowait
                        (w = c.thread) != null) // help release
                        U.unpark(w); //唤醒whead的cowait对应的线程

                    if (h == (pp = p.prev) || h == p || pp == null) {
                        long m, s, ns;
                        do {
                            if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ? //读锁重入的次数没有到最大值
                                U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,  //增加锁重入的计数
                                                     ns = s + RUNIT) : 
                                (m < WBIT &&
                                 (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)) //达到最大次数了,增加readerOverflow属性
                                return ns;
                        } while (m < WBIT);
                    if (whead == h && p.prev == pp) {
                        long time;
                        if (pp == null || h == p || p.status > 0) {
                            node = null; // throw away
                            break; //终止内层for循环
                        if (deadline == 0L)
                            time = 0L;
                        else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
                            return cancelWaiter(node, p, false);
                        Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
                        U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
                        node.thread = wt;
                        if ((h != pp || (state & ABITS) == WBIT) && //当前写锁被占有了
                            whead == h && p.prev == pp) //链表头和p的前一个节点未改变
                            U.park(false, time); //将当前线程阻塞,当p节点变成链表头后会唤醒当前节点,然后走上一个if分支获取锁
                        node.thread = null;
                        U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
                        if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted()) //如果是被中断的
                            return cancelWaiter(node, p, true);
        } //最外层的for循环结束
        for (int spins = -1;;) {
            WNode h, np, pp; int ps;
            if ((h = whead) == p) { //没有等待的节点了
                if (spins < 0)
                    spins = HEAD_SPINS;
                else if (spins < MAX_HEAD_SPINS)
                    spins <<= 1;

                for (int k = spins;;) { // spin at head
                    long m, s, ns;
                    if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) < RFULL ?
                        U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, ns = s + RUNIT) ://重入锁的次数没有到最大值,增加state属性
                        (m < WBIT && (ns = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)) { //达到最大次数了,增加readerOverflow属性
                        WNode c; Thread w;
                        whead = node;
                        node.prev = null;
                        while ((c = node.cowait) != null) {
                            if (U.compareAndSwapObject(node, WCOWAIT,
                                                       c, c.cowait) &&
                                (w = c.thread) != null)
                        return ns;
                    else if (m >= WBIT &&  //写锁未释放,自旋等待写锁释放
                             LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() >= 0 && --k <= 0)
            else if (h != null) {
                WNode c; Thread w;
                while ((c = h.cowait) != null) {
                    if (U.compareAndSwapObject(h, WCOWAIT, c, c.cowait) &&
                        (w = c.thread) != null)
            if (whead == h) {
                if ((np = node.prev) != p) {
                    if (np != null)
                        (p = np).next = node;   // stale
                else if ((ps = p.status) == 0)
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(p, WSTATUS, 0, WAITING);
                else if (ps == CANCELLED) {
                    if ((pp = p.prev) != null) {
                        node.prev = pp;
               = node;
                else {
                    long time;
                    if (deadline == 0L)
                        time = 0L;
                    else if ((time = deadline - System.nanoTime()) <= 0L)
                        return cancelWaiter(node, node, false);
                    Thread wt = Thread.currentThread();
                    U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, this);
                    node.thread = wt;
                    if (p.status < 0 &&  //p的状态是WAITING
                        (p != h || (state & ABITS) == WBIT) && //写锁未被释放
                        whead == h && node.prev == p) //链表头和前一个节点没变
                        U.park(false, time); //让线程休眠等待
                    node.thread = null;
                    U.putObject(wt, PARKBLOCKER, null);
                    if (interruptible && Thread.interrupted())
                        return cancelWaiter(node, node, true); //线程被中断,将该节点置为CANCELLED

private long tryIncReaderOverflow(long s) {
        // assert (s & ABITS) >= RFULL;
        if ((s & ABITS) == RFULL) {
            if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s | RBITS)) {
                state = s;
                return s;
        else if ((LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() &
                  OVERFLOW_YIELD_RATE) == 0)
        return 0L;


public boolean tryLock() { return tryReadLock() != 0L; }

public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
            throws InterruptedException {
            return tryReadLock(time, unit) != 0L;

public long tryReadLock() {
        for (;;) {
            long s, m, next;
            if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == WBIT)//如果写锁被占用了,返回0
                return 0L;
            else if (m < RFULL) {
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
                    return next;
            else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
                return next;

public long tryReadLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException {
        long s, m, next, deadline;
        long nanos = unit.toNanos(time);
        if (!Thread.interrupted()) {
            if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) != WBIT) {
                if (m < RFULL) {
                    if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
                        return next;
                else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
                    return next;
            if (nanos <= 0L)
                return 0L; 
            if ((deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanos) == 0L) //超过最大值了
                deadline = 1L;
            if ((next = acquireRead(true, deadline)) != INTERRUPTED)
                return next;
        throw new InterruptedException();



public void unlock() { unstampedUnlockRead(); }

final void unstampedUnlockRead() {
        for (;;) {
            long s, m; WNode h;
            if ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) == 0L || m >= WBIT)
                throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
            else if (m < RFULL) {
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
                    if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
            else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L) //达到最大次数了,减少readerOverflow属性

    private long tryDecReaderOverflow(long s) {
        // assert (s & ABITS) >= RFULL;
        if ((s & ABITS) == RFULL) {
            if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s | RBITS)) {
                int r; long next;
                if ((r = readerOverflow) > 0) {
                    readerOverflow = r - 1;
                    next = s;
                    next = s - RUNIT;
                 state = next;
                 return next;
        else if ((LockSupport.nextSecondarySeed() &
                  OVERFLOW_YIELD_RATE) == 0)
        return 0L;

4、unlockRead / tryUnlockRead


public void unlockRead(long stamp) {
        long s, m; WNode h;
        for (;;) {
            if (((s = state) & SBITS) != (stamp & SBITS) ||
                (stamp & ABITS) == 0L //stamp下读锁和写锁都没有占有,stamp为非法值
                || (m = s & ABITS) == 0L //state下读锁和写锁都没有占有 
                || m == WBIT) //此时写锁被占有了
                throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
            if (m < RFULL) {
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
                    if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
            else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)

public boolean tryUnlockRead() {
        long s, m; WNode h;
        while ((m = (s = state) & ABITS) != 0L && m < WBIT) {
            if (m < RFULL) {
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
                    if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
                    return true;
            else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L) //达到最大锁重入次数了,减少readerOverflow属性
                return true;
        return false;


      乐观读锁的实现就是基于两个方法,tryOptimisticRead 和 validate,tryOptimisticRead会判断写锁是否被占用,如果是返回0,否则返回写锁被占用的累计次数;validate判断写锁被占用的累计次数是否改变,如果改变则说明写锁被占用了,不能获取读锁;否则没有被占用,可以获取读锁,其实现如下:

public long tryOptimisticRead() {
        long s;
        return (((s = state) & WBIT) == 0L) ? (s & SBITS) : 0L;

public boolean validate(long stamp) {
        return (stamp & SBITS) == (state & SBITS);


1、tryConvertToWriteLock / tryConvertToReadLock /tryConvertToOptimisticRead


public long tryConvertToWriteLock(long stamp) {
        long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next;
        while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
            if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) {
                if (a != 0L)
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + WBIT))
                    return next;
            else if (m == WBIT) {//当前写锁被占用了
                if (a != m) //stamp没有占用写锁
                return stamp;
            else if (m == RUNIT && a != 0L) {//当前读锁被占用了,且只重入了一次,a不等于0,stamp也是读锁
                 if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s,
                                         next = s - RUNIT + WBIT))
                    return next;
        return 0L;

public long tryConvertToReadLock(long stamp) {
        long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next; WNode h;
        while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
            if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) {
                if (a != 0L)
                else if (m < RFULL) {
                    if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s + RUNIT))
                        return next;
                else if ((next = tryIncReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
                    return next;
            else if (m == WBIT) {
                if (a != m)
                state = next = s + (WBIT + RUNIT);
                if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
                return next;
            else if (a != 0L && a < WBIT)
                return stamp;
        return 0L;

    public long tryConvertToOptimisticRead(long stamp) {
        long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s, next; WNode h;
        for (;;) {
            if (((s = state) & SBITS) != (stamp & SBITS)) //如果写锁的次数变了
            if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L) { //如果当前是乐观读锁,stamp也是乐观读锁
                if (a != 0L)
                return s;
            else if (m == WBIT) { //当前是写锁
                if (a != m)
                state = next = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
                if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
                return next;
            else if (a == 0L || a >= WBIT) //stamp是乐观读锁或者写锁
            else if (m < RFULL) { 
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, next = s - RUNIT)) {
                    if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
                    return next & SBITS;
            else if ((next = tryDecReaderOverflow(s)) != 0L)
                return next & SBITS;
        return 0L;



public void unlock(long stamp) {
        long a = stamp & ABITS, m, s; WNode h;
        while (((s = state) & SBITS) == (stamp & SBITS)) {
            if ((m = s & ABITS) == 0L)//乐观读锁,直接返回
            else if (m == WBIT) {//写锁被占用了
                if (a != m)
                state = (s += WBIT) == 0L ? ORIGIN : s;
                if ((h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
            else if (a == 0L || a >= WBIT)
            else if (m < RFULL) { //读锁被占用了
                if (U.compareAndSwapLong(this, STATE, s, s - RUNIT)) {
                    if (m == RUNIT && (h = whead) != null && h.status != 0)
            else if (tryDecReaderOverflow(s) != 0L)
        throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
