#口语通杀小分队#1.7托福口语Task 2

#口语通杀小分队#1.7托福口语Task 2_第1张图片

Hello~大家好~今天我们接着上期讲到的托福口语Task 1,来讲讲同一天考的Task 2吧。这个题目还是很有趣的哦~

Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree withor disagree with this idea, why?


这和大作文有点异曲同工之处,Task 2一般就是在两个选项中进行选择,这一道题需要我们选择同意还是不同意。




首先还是要给出自己的观点,但这次的观点可以加上“百分比”,“I'm not nearly so pessimistic…”,就是我们这一次的观点啦,是不是和往常的有所不同呢?大家看看这是倾向于同意还是不同意吖?

It obviously depends on the two individuals involved, but I'm not nearly so pessimistic as these other Answerers.If you are both diligent people who don't have big

egos and who can communicate well, I don't think there should be any problem at all.


have big egos自负

看到最后一句大家也应该知道了,我的观点是同意这个观点,也就是朋友只见存在不同想法“I don’t think there should be any problem at all”。


If it's an open-minded person who's comfortable with a logical argument and are

capable of understanding someone else's views, then explain your argument,in a friendly and well worded fashion.

If it's someone who's just stubborn and only wants others to agree with him, and any difference in opinion will instantly set him off, there's really not much point in an argument except for breeding conflict. So if the said person is as such, just say, "cool" after he explains his argument and move on. Be a bit more respectful if it's an older family member though.

are capable of能够

well worded良好措辞的

set sb. off引爆某人(脾气)


So I think it’s possible for friends who have disagreement to main friendship.

今天给大家分享的这一个“加百分比”或“加程度”的表达观点法,比较适用于Task 2中,它可以让我们有更多的时间去思考,并且得出一个相对更可信的答案。

那么今天的分享先到这里,我们下期再见咯~See u~


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