pg_ctl restart -m fast
日志的目录可以通过参数 log_directory 来设置,下面是我的参数设置。
log_directory = '/var/applog/pg_log'
[postgres@pg_log]$ ll /var/applog/pg_log
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 4.8M Mar 14 23:57 postgresql-2011-03-14_000000.csv
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Mar 14 00:00 postgresql-2011-03-14_000000.log
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 294K Mar 15 15:10 postgresql-2011-03-15_000000.csv
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Mar 15 00:00 postgresql-2011-03-15_000000.log
2011-03-15 00:07:03.513 CST,"wapportal","wapportal_216",4137,"",4d7e361f.1029,3,"idle",2011-03-14 23:37:03 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"disconnection: session time: 0:30:00.086 user=wapportal database=wapportal_216 host= port=59356",,,,,,,,,""
2011-03-15 00:07:03.514 CST,,,5173,"",4d7e3d27.1435,1,"",2011-03-15 00:07:03 CST,,0,LOG,00000,"connection received: host= port=51135",,,,,,,,,""
上面两条是 postgresql-2011-03-15_000000.csv 日志文件的部分内容 ,由于日志文件的可读性
log_destination = 'csvlog'
logging_collector = on
这两个参数修改后,PG SERVER 需要重启。
CREATE TABLE postgres_log
log_time timestamp(3) with time zone,
user_name text,
database_name text,
process_id integer,
connection_from text,
session_id text,
session_line_num bigint,
command_tag text,
session_start_time timestamp with time zone,
virtual_transaction_id text,
transaction_id bigint,
error_severity text,
sql_state_code text,
message text,
detail text,
hint text,
internal_query text,
internal_query_pos integer,
context text,
query text,
query_pos integer,
location text,
application_name text,
PRIMARY KEY (session_id, session_line_num)
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "postgres_log_pkey" for table "postgres_log"
备注:创建日志表 postgres_log 用来保存 CSV日志数据。
3--导入操作系统 csv 日志到表 postgres_log 表
skytf=# copy skytf.postgres_log from '/var/applog/pg_log/postgresql-2011-03-14_000000.csv' with csv;
COPY 26031
skytf=# copy skytf.postgres_log from '/var/applog/pg_log/postgresql-2011-03-15_000000.csv' with csv;
COPY 1297
备注:文件形式导入导出数据需要以超级用户 postgres 连接到目标库。
skytf=# select min(log_time),max(log_time) from skytf.postgres_log;
min | max
2011-03-14 14:04:07.275+08 | 2011-03-16 05:04:34.427+08
(1 row)
skytf=> select log_time,database_name,user_name,application_name,message from postgres_log where message like '%duration%';
log_time | database_name | user_name | application_name | mess
2011-03-15 00:23:38.957+08 | db_lbs | lbs | | duration: 1297.440 ms execute
yname,province,the_geom as the_geom FROM china_city