雅思口语基础之Part 3概述

前面分两篇文章介绍了口语考试中Part 1和Part 2的一些考试技巧,这篇文章主要介绍口语考试的最后一个部分 Part 3的考试题型和一些答题技巧。

Part 3一般是在part 2 话题的基础上进行延伸,由考官提问与Part 2话题相关的问题。考官的问题很少涉及私生活,一般考察考生对社会问题的思考和表达。下面是Part 3与Part 2问题的示例:

Part 2:Describe a time that you are helped.

Part 3: Have you ever been helped by a neighbor?

How can communities be improved?

How can neighbors help each other?

雅思口语基础之Part 3概述_第1张图片

在Part 3环节,有几个点需要注意:




下面介绍几种Part 3考试的题型:


①时间比较(time comparison)


Are houses nowadays , the same as houses 30 years ago in your country?)


②社会群体(social group)的比较


Do men and women like the same types of books?

Do old and young people like the same holidays?


Are houses in your country the same as houses in here?


1.The comparative language is “whereas, in contrast, while on the other hand”.

2.Well obviously…. Well undoubtedly……….

3.There are a number of underlying differences.

4.However, I guess that the most significant would be that……..

5.For example……. Whereas on the other hand………

6.In addition …….

7.……a second key distinction would be that…….

Predicting题型也是part 3 经常考得一类题型

例如题目” what will houses be like in the future?”


I am sure that in years to come we will see a number of changes related to this.

Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have…….

On top of this, it is quite likely that we will soon have …….

Why 题型是Part 3 中经常考到的题型

例如“why do so many people want to be famous?”

why 问题中可用的加分连接词,例:

1.In my opinion

2.a number of factors involved


4.as well as that

5.As far as I am concerned

6.In my perspective

7.The reason why.

总结:最需要注意的一点是,Part 3的考点在于你怎么去表达,你说的内容是什么远没有你表达方式重要,对于Part 3可套用公式为:opinion+reason+support。

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