

1音频 super simple songs

2动画 peppa pig 2集


A、Good morning my friends!

Baby, it’s time to wake up. Good morning, honey. Get up. Look, there are some animals here. They come here to say “good morning” to you.

“Good morning, baby, wake up.”

Baby, let’s say hello and good morning to them.

Hello, panda/tiger/lion/zebra, good morning.

B、Good morning bus

Baby, let’s play a game. Look, this is our good morning bus. Let’s go to the bus stop to get the passengers. You are the driver.


Here we are at the first stop. Who is waiting at stop number 1? Oh, it’s tiger. Say “hello” to tiger.

Hello, tiger, how are you?

(now mommy is tiger)I’m good. I want to go to the playground. Can I get on your bus?

Yes. Come on.

The good morning bus is leaving. Now we are at the second stop. Who is waiting at stop number 2? Oh , it’s panda. Say “hello” to panda.

Hello, panda, how are you?

(now mommy is panda)I’m not very good. I’ve got a cold. I want to go to see the doctor. Can I get on your bus?


Of course.

The good morning bus is leaving. Now we are at the third stop. Who is waiting at stop number 3? Oh , it’s lion. Say “hello” to lion.

Hello, lion, how are you?

(now mommy is lion)I’m good. I’m hungry. I want to find something to eat. Can I get on your bus?





5 中文 《东郭先生和狼》《大闹天宫》

6 其它-painting

Mommy, I am painting a sunflower. 送给你,妈妈。

Ok. It’s beautiful and colorful. I like it very much.


Mommy is painting a train.

Baby, look, I’m painting a train. This is the head of the train. This is the chimney and smoke. These are the carriages. Can you count how many carriages there are? One, two, three, four. Can you color the train for me?


7 妈妈学习

