Study notes for Non-negative Matrix Factorization

1. Introduction

  • Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a group of algorithms where V is factorized into two matrices W and H :V=WH, subjective to the non-negative constraints:Vij>=0, Wij>=0, Hij>=0; where W contains the basis vectors (of the feature space), and H is the coefficient matrix. NMF has the following properties:
    • basis vectors Wi are not orthogonal, i.e., can have overlap of topics (each column, basis vector is regarded as a topic)
    • can restrict W and H to be sparse
    • NMF has a good interpretability
    • NMF is algorithm-dependent: W and H are not unique. Because for any arbitrary invertible K x K matrix Q, we have V=WH=(WQ-1)(QV). Therefore, there could be many possible solutions, and it is important to enforce additional constraints to ensure the uniqueness of the factorization in clustering. In essence, NMF is an ill-posed problem
  • Well-posed problem refers to the problem has the properties that: 
    • a solution exists
    • the solution is unique
    • the solution's behavior hardly changes when there is a slight change in the initial conditions. 
    The problem that violates any one of the above properties is an ill-posed problem.
  • The motivation is that features with negative values are meaningless and hard to explain in real applications
  • Factorization of matrices is generally non-unique, depending on different constraints, such as PCA and vector quantization (also known as k-means, or isodata). 
    • PCA enforces only a weak orthogonality constraint
    • Vector quantization uses a hard winner-take-all constraint
  • Many different types of non-negative matrix factorization exist due to
    • different cost functions for measuring the divergence between V and WH
    • different regularization of the W and/or H matrices.
  • A paper reading list can be found in here
  • NMF is interesting because it does data clustering. In fact, NMF = Generalized K-means Clustering.
    • K-means clustering  = PCA
      • PCA + Kmeans is a long-hold practice in dealing with high dimensional data:
        • User PCA to project to low-dimension subspace
        • Do K-means clustering in the subspace
      • PCA guids us towards global solution, while K-means is easily trapped in local minima at high dimensions
      • Cluster subspace = PCA subspace: PCA automatically projects into cluster subspace.
    • Many unsupervised learning methods are closely related in a simple way, including PCA, NMF, K-means, Spectral Clustering. 
    • NMF can be regarded as a data clustering method. Details can be referred to (Ding et al., 2005)
  • NMF Summary
    • NMF is doing K-means clustering (or PLSA).
    • Interpretability is a key to motivate new NMF-like factorization.
    • The main merits of NMF are parts-based representation and sparseness included, at the price of more complexity (Wang and Zhang, 2013)
    • NMF-like algorithms can solve NP-hard combinatorial problems.
    • NMF-like algorithms are extremely simple to implement.
    • In conclusion, NMF is a rich paradigm for unsupervised learning and combinatorial optimization problems.
    • More contents and implementations can be referred to nimfa module

2. Basic NMF Algorithm

The basic NMF algorithm is detailed in (Lee &s; Seung, 2001).

Cost Functions

Two commonly used distance measures are introduced by (Lee & Seung, 2001)

  • Euclidean distance (L2 norm)
  • Generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence
  • The distance measure should be chosen according to the properties of the data
    • Euclidean distance assumes additive Gaussian noise
    • KL assumes Poisson observation model (variance scales linearly with the model)

Multiplicative Update Rules

It is known that the objective function above is not convex in W and H together. Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect an algorithm to find the global minimum. The "multiplicative update rules" are guaranteed to be non-increasing, and easy to implement and to extend.

  • Euclidean distance
    In order to standardize while keeping the factorization unique, the resulting W and H is normalized such that the norm of each column vector is equal to one. More precisely:
  • KL divergence
    where is all-one matrix of size .


The currently available optimization methods are sub-optimal as they can only guarantee finding a local minimum, rather than a global minimum of the cost function. A provably optimal algorithm is unlikely in the near future as the NMF problem has been shown to generalize the k-means clustering problem which is known to be computationally difficult (NP-complete). However, as in many other data mining applications, a local minimum may still prove to be useful.

Initialize the entries in W and H with random positive values
Update W
Update H
Iterate steps 2 and 3 until loss function = 0
  • NMF by multiplicative update rules is implemented ===> code
    • The problem is slow convergence due to a first-order convergence rate. 
    • Once one element of W or H becomes 0 during the iterations, it will remain 0 after that. Hence, in real implementation, we usually add a small positive epsilon to the denominator. 
  • NMF is not unique, depending on the initially selected values for W and H
  • The initialization has a great impact on the performance of NMF. Several approaches are proposed: 
    • Random: non-negative random matrices
    • NNDSVD: non-negative double singular value decomposition (NNDSVD) introduced in (Boutsidis and Gallopoulos, 2008). It is better for sparseness, based on two SVD processes: one approximating the data matrix, the other approximating positive sections of the resulting partial SVD factors utilizing an algebraic property of unit rank matrices. 
    • NNDSVDa: NNDSVD with zeros filled with the average of V. It is better when sparsity is not desired
    • NNDSVDar: NNDSVD with zeros filled with small random values. It is generally faster, less accurate alternative to NNDSVDa for when sparsity is not desired.
  • Many update methods are proposed to speedup the decomposition. 
    • Multiplicative update rules (Lee and Seung, 2001).
    • Alternative Least Square.
      • A state-of-the-art method is proposed by Paatero and Tapper (1994) based on alternative non-negative least square (ANLS) framework. 
      • Lin (2007) proposes a projected gradient method which converges faster than the multiplicative update rules. code
    • Coordinate Descent.
      • Cichocki and Phan (2009) propose a coordinate descend method, called FastHals, which is regarded as one of state-of-the-art methods to solve NMF. 
      • Hsieh and Dhillon (2011) propose a fast coordinate descend method, where Matlab codes are available via NMF-CD. This method is shown to be much faster than the FastHals method. 

3. Relations with other ML Methods


  • Both NMF and PLSA are instances of multinomial PCA (Buntine, 2002).
  • PLSA is NMF with KL-divergence (Gaussier and Goutte, 2005). 
  • NMF can help estimates the parameters of the PLSA model. In particular, WQ-1 corresponds to conditional probabilities while QV corresponds to joint probabilities. 
  • It shows that NMF works comparably with EM algorithm (Bruno and Marchand-Maillet, 2009).
  • Another reference is (Ding et al., 2008)

NMF vs. kernel K-means

  • NMF for clustering is equivalent to the kernel K-means algorithm (Ding et al., 2005).

4. NMF Variants

  • Wang and Zhang (2013) give an overview of the family of the NMF methods shown as follows. 
    Study notes for Non-negative Matrix Factorization_第1张图片
    • Constrained NMF approaches add regularization (penalty) terms to enforce certain constraints to NMF. 
    • Structured NMF approaches modify the objective function to enforce structures of data. 
    • Generalized NMF approaches can be regarded as deep extension to NMF. 
  • Hoyer (2002, 2004) introduces sparsity to NMF: 
    • Non-negative Sparse Coding
    • NMF with Sparseness Constraints

Convex NMF

  • Convex-NMF (CNMF) enhance clustering interpretation. CNMF could be reformulated as purely convex optimization, called Convex-hull non-negative matrix factorization (CHNMF). Both CNMF and CHNMF are implemented in the Python Matrix Factorization (PyMF) module (slow) and scikit-learn (sklearn) module.
  • CNMF-LP is proposed by Bittorf et al. 2013
    • The CNMF can be solved using a very fast, shared-memory, lock-free implementation of a SGD solver, called hottopix.
    • This means we can solve very large scale problems with the same performance we have come to expect from our SVMs. 
  • An insightful post is worth reading via here

Local NMF (LNMF)

5. Applications in Recommender Systems

  • Matrix factorization in recommender systems is reviewed in here.
  • The major steps of NMF for recommendations include:
    • Factorize item-user rating matrix: Rnxm=WnxrHrxm 
    • For the feature-user matrix H, and a specific user u whose correlation with features is defined as a column vector Hu:
      • compare with other rows in Hv, and compute the euclidean distance between Hu and Hv
      • find the top K users with the minimum distances, those users are used as candidates of nearest neighbors (KNN)
      • adopt Pearson correlation coefficient to compute user similarity and generate predictions
      • Note that it also can be used to find similar items. 
  • Hence, the major use of NMF is to cluster users based on the latent features, essentially it is a KNN method. The difference is to use matrix factorization to reduce dimensionality. 
  • Example: topic extraction with NMF

Incomplete Ratings

  • The difficulty to apply NMF to recommender systems lies in that the matrix V is not complete. To address this problem, two approaches are proposed in (Zhang et al., 2006).
    • EM algorithm: each step needs to execute NMF algorithm, hence really expensive. 
    • Weighted NMF (WNMF): only compute the cost function on the entries where the original ratings exist. 
    • The results show that EM-based NMF achieves better performance than WNMF at the cost of execution time. 
    • NMF-based approaches work better than SVD. 
    • A hybrid approach by mixing the EM and Weighted NMF is proposed as a compromise.

Online NMF

  • It is developed for real-time data analysis in an online context, proposed by Cao et al. (2007).
  • In the past, NMF is only used for static data analysis and pattern recognition due to the time and memory expensive nature. 
  • Online NMF is proposed to perform rapid NMF analysis to produce real-time recommendations. 
  • Online NMF (Cao et al., 2007)
    • Incrementally update W and H using new coming data and previously trained H.
    • Imposing an orthogonality constraint on H, alleviating the partial-data (i.e., data sparsity) problem.

Paper list

  • Gu et al., Collaborative Filtering: Weighted Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Incorporating User and Item Graphs, SDM 2010.
Online NMF Pseudocodes
time step 0: initialization; using current data V to calculate W and H by orthogonal NMF.
time step t:
    using the new data U and H, calculate W' and H' via orthogonal NMF;
    update W and H by W' and H' using online NMF;
time step T: output final W and H.


  1. Bittorf et al., 2013, Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs.
  2. Bruno and Marchand-Maillet, 2009, Multiview clustering: A late fusion approach using latent models, SIGIR.
  3. Buntine, 2002, Variational extensions to EM and multinomial PCA, ECML.
  4. Cao et al., 2007, Detect and Track Latent Factors with Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
  5. Cichocki and Phan, 2009, Fast local algorithms for large scale nonnegative matrix and tensor factorizations.
  6. Hsieh and Dhillon, 2011, Fast Coordinate Descent Methods with Variable Selection for Non-negative Matrix Factorization, KDD.
  7. Ding et al., 2005, On the equivalence of nonnegative matrix factorization and spectral clustering, SDM. 
  8. Ding et al., 2008, On the equivalence between non-negative matrix factorization and probabilistic latent semantic indexing.
  9. Gaussier and Goutte, 2005, Relation between PLSA and NMF and implications, SIGIR.
  10. Lee and Seung, 2001, Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization.
  11. Li et al., 2001, Learning spatially localized, parts-based representation. CVPR.
  12. Liu et al., 2010, Distributed nonnegative matrix factorization for web-scale dyadic data analysis on MapReduce, WWW. 
  13. Paatero and Tapper, 1994, Positive matrix factorization: A non-negative factor model with optimal utilization of error. 
  14. Wang and Zhang, 2013, Nonnegative matrix factorization: A comprehensive review, TKDE. 
  15. Zhang et al., 2006, Learning from incomplete ratings using non-negative matrix factorization, SIAM.
