1. 解决统计(求和、数量)需要去配置xml的问题。
2. 解决返回字段未知情况
3. mybatis 执行自定sql
一、 sql组装工具类
package com.onem2.pingmi.base.common.util;
import java.io.Serializable;
* @ClassName: SqlBuilder
* @Description: (这里用一句话描述这个类的作用)
* @author heliang
* @date 2017-12-4 下午4:32:07
* @version V2.1 * Update Logs: * Name: * Date: * Description: 初始化
public class SqlBuilder implements Serializable {
private String select;
private String from;
private StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
private String groupBy;
private String having;
private String orderBy;
private String limit;
public SqlBuilder() {
public SqlBuilder(String select, String from) {
if (!isEmpty(select)) {
this.select = select;
if (!isEmpty(from)) {
this.from = from;
public String getSelect() {
return select;
public void setSelect(String select) {
this.select = select;
public String getLimit() {
return limit;
public void setLimit(String limit) {
this.limit = limit;
public SqlBuilder select(String select) {
if (!isEmpty(select)) {
this.select = select;
return this;
public SqlBuilder from(String from) {
if (!isEmpty(from)) {
this.from = from;
return this;
public SqlBuilder where(String where) {
if (isEmpty(where)) {
} else {
this.where.append(" and " + where);
return this;
public SqlBuilder where(String columnOperator, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + columnOperator + " '" + sqlParam(value)
+ "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder groupBy(String groupBy) {
this.groupBy = groupBy;
return this;
public SqlBuilder having(String having) {
this.having = having;
return this;
public SqlBuilder orderBy(String orderBy) {
this.orderBy = orderBy;
return this;
public SqlBuilder limit(String limit) {
this.limit = limit;
return this;
public SqlBuilder eq(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " = '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder ne(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " != '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder like(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " like '%" + sqlParam(value) + "%'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder notLike(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " not like '%" + sqlParam(value)
+ "%'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder in(String column, String... values) {
if (!isEmpty(values)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " in (" + inValuesString(values)
+ ")");
return this;
public SqlBuilder notIn(String column, String... values) {
if (!isEmpty(values)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " not in ("
+ inValuesString(values) + ")");
return this;
public SqlBuilder gt(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " > '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder gte(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " >= '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder lt(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " < '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder lte(String column, String value) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " <= '" + sqlParam(value) + "'");
return this;
public SqlBuilder between(String column, String from, String to) {
if (isEmpty(from) && isEmpty(to)) {
return this;
if (isEmpty(to)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " >= '" + sqlParam(from) + "'");
} else if (isEmpty(from)) {
where.append(" and " + column + " <= '" + sqlParam(to) + "'");
} else {
where.append(" and " + column + " between '" + sqlParam(from)
+ "' and '" + sqlParam(to) + "'");
return this;
public String sql() {
if (isEmpty(select)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("select must not be empty");
if (isEmpty(from)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("from must not be empty");
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select " + select + " from "
+ from);
final int a = 4;
final int b = 5;
if (where.length() > a) {
sql.append(" where " + where.substring(b));
if (!isEmpty(groupBy)) {
sql.append(" group by " + groupBy);
if (!isEmpty(having)) {
sql.append(" having " + having);
if (!isEmpty(orderBy)) {
sql.append(" order by " + orderBy);
if (!isEmpty(limit)) {
sql.append(" limit " + limit);
return sql.toString();
public String toString() {
return sql();
private static boolean isEmpty(String value) {
return value == null || "".equals(value) || value.trim().length() == 0;
private static boolean isEmpty(String[] values) {
if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
return true;
for (String value : values) {
if (!isEmpty(value)) {
return false;
return true;
private static String inValuesString(String[] values) {
StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
for (String value : values) {
if (isEmpty(value)) {
if (string.length() > 0) {
string.deleteCharAt(string.length() - 1);
return string.toString();
private static String sqlParam(String sqlParam) {
return sqlParam.replaceAll("([';]+|(--)+)", "");
二、 mybatis 的 xml 配置
三、 Mapper 书写
* @Description: (用一句话描述该文件做什么)
* @author heliang
* @date 2017-12-2 下午2:35:08
* @version V2.1
package com.onem2.pingmi.util.mapper;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @ClassName: UtilMapper
* @Description: (这里用一句话描述这个类的作用)
* @author heliang
* @date 2017-12-2 下午2:35:08
* @version V2.1 * Update Logs: * Name: * Date: * Description: 初始化
public interface UtilMapper {
* @Title: countSql
* @Description: 执行sql
* @author heliang
* @param sql
* @return
* @throws
Map count(String sql);
* @Title: delete
* @Description: 删除命令
* @author heliang
* @param sql
* @return
* @throws
Integer delete(String sql);
* @Title: list
* @Description: 列表
* @author heliang
* @param sql
* @return
* @throws
四、 service实现
* @Description: (用一句话描述该文件做什么)
* @author heliang
* @date 2017-12-2 下午2:47:03
* @version V2.1
package com.onem2.pingmi.util.service.impl;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.onem2.pingmi.base.common.result.Result;
import com.onem2.pingmi.base.common.util.SimpleLogFormater;
import com.onem2.pingmi.base.common.util.SqlBuilder;
import com.onem2.pingmi.base.helper.ObjectHelper;
import com.onem2.pingmi.util.mapper.UtilMapper;
import com.onem2.pingmi.util.service.TongjiService;
* @ClassName: TongjiServiceImpl
* @Description: (这里用一句话描述这个类的作用)
* @author heliang
* @date 2017-12-2 下午2:47:03
* @version V2.1 * Update Logs: * Name: * Date: * Description: 初始化
public class TongjiServiceImpl implements TongjiService {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TongjiServiceImpl.class);
private UtilMapper utilMapper;
public Result count(SqlBuilder sqlBuilder) {
Result result = null;
// 参数校验
if (sqlBuilder.sql() == null) {
result = Result.newFailure("参数缺失", "无执行SQL语句。");
return result;
try {
Map obj = this.utilMapper.count(sqlBuilder.sql());
if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(obj.get("count"))) {
Integer value = Integer.valueOf(obj.get("count").toString());
result = Result.newSuccess(value);
} else {
result = Result.newFailure("执行错误", "执行SQL获得结果错误,请检查SQL");
} catch (Exception e) {
result = Result.newFailure("执行错误", "执行SQL获得结果错误,请检查SQL");
log.error(SimpleLogFormater.formatException(result.getMessage(), e));
return result;
// 返回结果
return result;
public Result delete(SqlBuilder sqlBuilder) {
Result result = null;
// 参数校验
if (sqlBuilder.sql() == null) {
result = Result.newFailure("参数缺失", "无执行SQL语句。");
return result;
try {
Integer value = this.utilMapper.delete(sqlBuilder.sql());
result = Result.newSuccess(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
result = Result.newFailure("执行错误", "执行SQL获得结果错误,请检查SQL");
log.error(SimpleLogFormater.formatException(result.getMessage(), e));
return result;
// 返回结果
return result;
public Result>> list(SqlBuilder sqlBuilder) {
Result>> result = null;
// 参数校验
if (sqlBuilder.sql() == null) {
result = Result.newFailure("参数缺失", "无执行SQL语句。");
return result;
try {
然后任意Controller 都可以可以注入统计方法,必须去每一张表去写统计了。