
以前做IO操作时,常常会得到一个errno_t,其实就是整数 typedef int errno_t;

以下是VC的errno头文件,可以看出Error Code定义为一些整数值

*errno.h - system wide error numbers (set by system calls)
*       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*       This file defines the system-wide error numbers (set by
*       system calls).  Conforms to the XENIX standard.  Extended
*       for compatibility with Uniforum standard.
*       [System V]
*       [Public]

#pragma once

#ifndef _INC_ERRNO
#define _INC_ERRNO


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

/* Declare reference to errno */

_CRTIMP extern int * __cdecl _errno(void);
#define errno   (*_errno())

errno_t __cdecl _set_errno(_In_ int _Value);
errno_t __cdecl _get_errno(_Out_ int * _Value);
#endif  /* _CRT_ERRNO_DEFINED */

/* Error Codes */

#define EPERM           1
#define ENOENT          2
#define ESRCH           3
#define EINTR           4
#define EIO             5
#define ENXIO           6
#define E2BIG           7
#define ENOEXEC         8
#define EBADF           9
#define ECHILD          10
#define EAGAIN          11
#define ENOMEM          12
#define EACCES          13
#define EFAULT          14
#define EBUSY           16
#define EEXIST          17
#define EXDEV           18
#define ENODEV          19
#define ENOTDIR         20
#define EISDIR          21
#define ENFILE          23
#define EMFILE          24
#define ENOTTY          25
#define EFBIG           27
#define ENOSPC          28
#define ESPIPE          29
#define EROFS           30
#define EMLINK          31
#define EPIPE           32
#define EDOM            33
#define EDEADLK         36
#define ENAMETOOLONG    38
#define ENOLCK          39
#define ENOSYS          40
#define ENOTEMPTY       41

/* Error codes used in the Secure CRT functions */

#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#define EINVAL          22
#define ERANGE          34
#define EILSEQ          42
#define STRUNCATE       80
#endif  /* !defined (_SECURECRT_ERRCODE_VALUES_DEFINED) */
#endif  /* RC_INVOKED */

/* Support EDEADLOCK for compatibility with older MS-C versions */

#define EADDRINUSE      100
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL   101
#define EAFNOSUPPORT    102
#define EALREADY        103
#define EBADMSG         104
#define ECANCELED       105
#define ECONNABORTED    106
#define ECONNREFUSED    107
#define ECONNRESET      108
#define EDESTADDRREQ    109
#define EHOSTUNREACH    110
#define EIDRM           111
#define EINPROGRESS     112
#define EISCONN         113
#define ELOOP           114
#define EMSGSIZE        115
#define ENETDOWN        116
#define ENETRESET       117
#define ENETUNREACH     118
#define ENOBUFS         119
#define ENODATA         120
#define ENOLINK         121
#define ENOMSG          122
#define ENOPROTOOPT     123
#define ENOSR           124
#define ENOSTR          125
#define ENOTCONN        126
#define ENOTSOCK        128
#define ENOTSUP         129
#define EOPNOTSUPP      130
#define EOTHER          131
#define EOVERFLOW       132
#define EOWNERDEAD      133
#define EPROTO          134
#define EPROTOTYPE      136
#define ETIME           137
#define ETIMEDOUT       138
#define ETXTBSY         139
#define EWOULDBLOCK     140

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif  /* __cplusplus */

#endif  /* _INC_ERRNO */


但每次对表岂不麻烦,还好好在string.h中已经定义好了通过错误码得到说明的函数 strerror



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    for (int i = 1; i < 141; i++)
        char* msg = strerror(i);
        printf("%d : %s\n", i, msg);
	return 0;

发现42号之后全是 Unknown error,原因是 errno 中定义之后的是兼容 Older version C的,或者是别的什么,还不清楚。?
