Guava Supplier&Suppliers 源码分析


Guava Functional中的Supplier是通过给定的类型返回一个对象或者创建对象,即用作创建对象。


public interface Supplier<T> extends java.util.function.Supplier<T> {
  	T get();



public final class Suppliers {
	private Suppliers() {}

 	 * 传入一个Guava function与supplier,将supplier.get的F变量通过function返回T
 	 * 使用(以匿名类演示,也可以使用lambda实现):
     *   Suppliers.compose(new Function() {
     *               @Nullable
     *               @Override
     *               public Integer apply(@Nullable String input) {
     *                   Preconditions.checkNotNull(input);
     *                   return input.length();
     *               }
     *           }, new Supplier() {
     *               @Override
     *               public String get() {
     *                   return "xucc";
     *               }
     *           });
    public static <F, T> Supplier<T> compose(Function<? super F, T> function, Supplier<F> supplier) {
    	// function、supplier为null抛出NullPointerException异常
        return new SupplierComposition<F, T>(function, supplier);

    private static class SupplierComposition<F, T> implements Supplier<T>, Serializable {
        final Function<? super F, T> function;
        final Supplier<F> supplier;

        SupplierComposition(Function<? super F, T> function, Supplier<F> supplier) {
            this.function = function;
            this.supplier = supplier;

        public T get() {
        	// 类型转换
        	return function.apply(supplier.get());

        public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof SupplierComposition) {
                SupplierComposition<?, ?> that = (SupplierComposition<?, ?>) obj;
                return function.equals(that.function) && 
        	return false;

        public int hashCode() {
        	return Objects.hashCode(function, supplier);

        public String toString() {
        	return "Suppliers.compose(" + function + ", " + supplier + ")";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

 	 * 备忘录
 	 * 缓存一个对象,以单例的形式存在
 	 * String name = Suppliers.memoize(() -> "xucc").get();
    public static <T> Supplier<T> memoize(Supplier<T> delegate) {
        if (delegate instanceof NonSerializableMemoizingSupplier
        		|| delegate instanceof MemoizingSupplier) {
        	return delegate;
        // 传入的对象是否实现了序列化,创建不同的Supplier实现类
        return delegate instanceof Serializable
        	? new MemoizingSupplier<T>(delegate)
        	: new NonSerializableMemoizingSupplier<T>(delegate);
	// 序列化备忘录,构造时传入Supplier,因为initialized使用了transient、volatile修饰,
	//     所以即使Suppliers序列化之后,get的值也不会变。
    static class MemoizingSupplier<T> implements Supplier<T>, Serializable {
        final Supplier<T> delegate;
        transient volatile boolean initialized;
        // "value" does not need to be volatile; visibility piggy-backs
        // on volatile read of "initialized".
        transient T value;

        MemoizingSupplier(Supplier<T> delegate) {
            this.delegate = Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate);

        public T get() {
            // A 2-field variant of Double Checked Locking.
            // 双重加锁,第一次initialized为false
            if (!initialized) {
            	// 加锁
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (!initialized) {
                        T t = delegate.get();
                        value = t;
                        // 修改initialized,以后get只会获得第一次的value
                        initialized = true;
                        return t;
            return value;

        public String toString() {
            return "Suppliers.memoize(" + delegate + ")";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

	// 非序列化备忘录,在get里会将delegate置空,且initialized不被transient修饰,
	//     当Suppliers序列化之后,get的值可以变化
    static class NonSerializableMemoizingSupplier<T> implements Supplier<T> {
        volatile Supplier<T> delegate;
        volatile boolean initialized;
        // "value" does not need to be volatile; visibility piggy-backs
        // on volatile read of "initialized".
        T value;

        NonSerializableMemoizingSupplier(Supplier<T> delegate) {
        	this.delegate = Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate);

        public T get() {
            // A 2-field variant of Double Checked Locking.
            if (!initialized) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (!initialized) {
                        T t = delegate.get();
                        value = t;
                        initialized = true;
                        // Release the delegate to GC.
                        // 使用过一次delegate变为null,下次可以传入别的delegate来进行get
                        delegate = null;
                        return t;
            return value;

        public String toString() {
        	return "Suppliers.memoize(" + delegate + ")";

     * 设置过期时间的备忘录
     * memoizeWithExpiration方法与memoize方法工作相同,只不过缓存的对象超过了过期时间duration
     * 就会返回真实Supplier实例get方法返回的值,在给定的时间当中缓存并且返回Supplier包装对象。
     * 注意这个实例的缓存不是物理缓存,包装后的Supplier对象当中有真实Supplier对象的值
    public static <T> Supplier<T> memoizeWithExpiration(
    		Supplier<T> delegate, long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
    	// 传入创建memoize的delegate,以及过期时间duration和时间单位unit
    	return new ExpiringMemoizingSupplier<T>(delegate, duration, unit);

    static class ExpiringMemoizingSupplier<T> implements Supplier<T>, Serializable {
        final Supplier<T> delegate;
        final long durationNanos;
        transient volatile T value;
        // The special value 0 means "not yet initialized".
        transient volatile long expirationNanos;

        ExpiringMemoizingSupplier(Supplier<T> delegate, long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
            this.delegate = Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate);
            this.durationNanos = unit.toNanos(duration);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(duration > 0);

        public T get() {
            // Another variant of Double Checked Locking.
            // We use two volatile reads. We could reduce this to one by
            // putting our fields into a holder class, but (at least on x86)
            // the extra memory consumption and indirection are more
            // expensive than the extra volatile reads.
            long nanos = expirationNanos;
            long now = Platform.systemNanoTime();
            if (nanos == 0 || now - nanos >= 0) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (nanos == expirationNanos) { // recheck for lost race
                        T t = delegate.get();
                        value = t;
                        nanos = now + durationNanos;
                        // In the very unlikely event that nanos is 0, set it to 1;
                        // no one will notice 1 ns of tardiness.
                        expirationNanos = (nanos == 0) ? 1 : nanos;
                        return t;
            return value;

        public String toString() {
            // This is a little strange if the unit the user provided was not NANOS,
            // but we don't want to store the unit just for toString
            return "Suppliers.memoizeWithExpiration(" + delegate + ", " + durationNanos + ", NANOS)";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

   	 * 返回传入的实例
	public static <T> Supplier<T> ofInstance(@Nullable T instance) {
		return new SupplierOfInstance<T>(instance);

    private static class SupplierOfInstance<T> implements Supplier<T>, Serializable {
        final T instance;

        SupplierOfInstance(@Nullable T instance) {
        	this.instance = instance;

        public T get() {
        	return instance;

        public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof SupplierOfInstance) {
                SupplierOfInstance<?> that = (SupplierOfInstance<?>) obj;
                return Objects.equal(instance, that.instance);
            return false;

        public int hashCode() {
        	return Objects.hashCode(instance);

        public String toString() {
        	return "Suppliers.ofInstance(" + instance + ")";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

    * 返回一个线程安全的Supplier
    public static <T> Supplier<T> synchronizedSupplier(Supplier<T> delegate) {
    	return new ThreadSafeSupplier<T>(Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate));

    private static class ThreadSafeSupplier<T> implements Supplier<T>, Serializable {
        final Supplier<T> delegate;

        ThreadSafeSupplier(Supplier<T> delegate) {
        	this.delegate = delegate;

        public T get() {
            synchronized (delegate) {
            	return delegate.get();

        public String toString() {
        	return "Suppliers.synchronizedSupplier(" + delegate + ")";

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

     * 使用Supplier模拟一个Function
    public static <T> Function<Supplier<T>, T> supplierFunction() {
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // implementation is "fully variant"
        SupplierFunction<T> sf = (SupplierFunction<T>) SupplierFunctionImpl.INSTANCE;
        return sf;

    private interface SupplierFunction<T> extends Function<Supplier<T>, T> {}

    private enum SupplierFunctionImpl implements SupplierFunction<Object> {

        // Note: This makes T a "pass-through type"
        public Object apply(Supplier<Object> input) {
        	// Supplier作为Function的输入,Supplier.get作为Function的输出
        	return input.get();

        public String toString() {
        	return "Suppliers.supplierFunction()";
