

本文为荷兰埃因霍温科技大学(作者:Wagener, P.)的硕士论文,共87页。


The screen of a radar system is complicated and subject to manyartifacts. Many physical aspects of the world need to be simulated in order tofaithfully reproduce it. In this thesis we introduce an algorithm that canoutput a realistic image of a radar screen and update it in real-time. Thisalgorithm is designed to take advantage of the graphics hardware to allow for arealtime simulation. It works by rendering an image from the viewpoint of theradar antenna and using the depth map of this image as an analogue to thedistance-measuring performed by a real radar system. In this thesis we comparethe results of our algorithm with the results of existing radar simulations aswell as real radar systems. Our radar simulation is currently the only oneknown to us that can simulate in real-time almostall of the features of a real radar system.

  1. 引言
  2. 雷达
    2.1 概述
    2.2 雷达基础
    2.3 对雷达的影响
    2.4 雷达屏幕
  3. 雷达仿真
    3.1 输入
    3.2 输出
    3.3 相关工作
  4. 基于渲染的仿真算法
    4.1 发送信号
    4.2 渲染设置
    4.3 脉冲长度
    4.4 镜面度
    4.5 旁瓣
    4.6 屏幕
    4.7 镜面反射
    4.8 寻找表面法向
    4.9 复杂性
  5. 结果
    5.1 阻塞
    5.2 旁瓣
    5.3 脉冲长度
    5.4 镜面特性
    5.5 镜面反射
    5.6 增益控制
    5.7 雨控制
    5.8 海面
    5.9 简单环境
    5.10 复杂环境1
    5.11 复杂环境2
    5.12 其他信息
  6. 结论与未来工作展望
    6.1 未来工作展望
    6.2 评估
    附录A 深度缓冲器
    附录B 辐射度

