[论文摘录] Web Service QoS的几个研究方向

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P. C. Xiong, Y. S. Fan, and M. C. Zhou, "Web Service Configuration under Multiple Quality-of-Service Attribute," IEEE Trans Auto Sci & Eng., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 311-321, APRIL 2009.

    在google scholar上发现了这篇发表在09年IEEE Transaction上, 内容与QoS service composition相关的论文.  作者Xiong Pengcheng不是一个陌生的名字, 去年看Petri Net方向的论文时记得他有一篇IEEE Trans on SMC上的论文(SMC的会议非常水, 名声很差了, 不过它的Transaction还是很牛的). 到作者的主页上看了一下, 发现今年又中了2篇IEEE Transaction, 相当牛.
    本文仍然是基于Petri Net对web service configuration进行建模和分析, 提出了SC-net (Service Configuration Net)来模拟功能性方面的关联, 并在此基础上加入了基于QoS的选择, 使用linear programming方法来获得最优解. 全文的难点还是在于Petri Net部分, 由于这个方向不是我目前关注的重点, 所以没有精读全文. (S1)综述了Web Service QoS的几个研究方向, 觉得有用, 摘录于此.

方向一: QoS specification and description (QoS modeling) 
(1) generic QoS dimensions

S. Ran, "A model for web services discovery with QoS," SIGecom Exchanges, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–10, Mar. 2003.
将一些Web Service QoS属性进行了分类.
C. A. Perryea and S. Chung, "Community-based service discovery," in Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. Web Services, Chicago, IL, Sep. 2006, pp. 903–906.
(2) non-generic QoS dimensions
W. J. Yang, J. Z. Li, and K. H. Wang, "Domain-adaptive service evaluation model," Chinese J. Computers, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 514–523, Apr.2005.
提到了很多context-dependent, domain-dependent non-functional properties
Y. Liu, A. H. H. Ngu, and L. Zeng, "QoS computation and policing in dynamic web service selection," in Proc. 13th Int. World Wide Web Conf., New York, May 2004, pp. 66–73.
提到了domain specific dimensions

方向二: Composition of web services according to QoS requirements.
这个就是通常说的"QoS-aware service composition", 是很热门的研究方向, 全局的QoS最优解是一个NP难的优化问题, 通常基于整数规划, 遗传算法等方法来求解.
(1) local optimization
F. Casati and M. C. Shan, "Dynamic and adaptive composition of E-services," Inf. Syst., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 143–163, May 2001.
R. Jurca, B. Faltings, and W. Binder, "Reliable QoS monitoring based on client feedback," in Proc. 16th Int. World Wide Web Conf., Banff, Canada, May 2007, pp. 1003–1011.
这篇我看过, 从经济学的角度出发, 讨论如何使用户提供可靠的feedback, 数学公式很多.
C. L. Huang, C. C. Lo, K. M. Chao, and M. Younas, "Reaching consensus: A moderated fuzzy web services discovery method," Inf. Softw.Technol., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 410–423, June 2006.
(2) global optimization
L. Z. Zeng, B. Benatallah, A. H. H. Ngu, M. Dumas, J. Kalagnanam, and H. Chang, "QoS-aware middleware for Web services composition," IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 311–327, May 2004. 
D. Ardagna and B. Pernici, "Global and local QoS constraints guarantee in Web service selection," in Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. Web Services, Orlando, FL, Jul. 2005, pp. 805–806.
S. Lamparter, A. Ankolekar, and S. Grimm, "Preference-based selection of highly configurable web services," in Proc. 16th Int. World Wide Web Conf., Banff, Canada, May 2007, pp. 1013–1022.
X. Gu and K. Nahrstedt, "A Scalable QoS-aware service aggregation model for peer-to-peer computing grids," in Proc. 11th IEEE Int. Symp. High Performance Distributed Computing, Edinburgh, UK, Jul. 2002, pp. 73–82.
Y. Gao, B. Zhang, J. Na, L. Yang, Y. Dai, and Q. Gong, "Optimal selection of web services for composition based on interface-matching and weighted multistage graph," in Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Parallel Distrib.Comput., Appl. Technol., Dalian, China, Dec. 2005, pp. 336–338.
G. Canfora, M. D. Penta, R. Esposito, and M. L. Villani, "An approach for QoS-aware service composition based on genetic algorithms," in Proc. 2005 Conf. Genetic, Evol. Comput,, Washington, D.C., Jun. 2005, pp. 1069–1075.

方向三: 动态环境下的QoS
动态的含义有2层: (1) 处于动态环境下的服务组合的QoS会变化 (2) 有些web service会变的不可用或不可靠
这些都会影响组合服务的QoS, 因此需要动态调节以适应环境,
这方面的项目有: METEOR-S, CrossFlow
相关的中间件有: AgFlow, SwinDeW, GlueQoS

方向四: Web Service Configuration
作者介绍了Service Component Architecture(SCA)的相关研究, 这个方向的研究原本不支持QoS, 不过跟论文的内容很相关所以放在这节中. 文中Conclusion中提到"This work can be treated as a complement to the SCA policy framework to support the specification of functional requirement and QoS expectations."

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