android studio最简单的更新方式(像普通软件一样直接在线升级,谁说as不能在线升级的???)



The user guide for this mirror 

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I. Open your Android Studio's bin directory, such as 'D:\Android Studio\bin' 

II. Using text editor to edit Android Studio config file. 

For x64 system, open 'studio64.exe.vmoptions'; for win32 system, open 'studio.exe.vmoptions' 

III. Add 3 lines configuration to the end of file.

IV. Restart Android Studio, then you will find upgrade Android Studio so easy. 

Click 'Update and Restart'. 

After restart, Android Studio start to apply patch. 
But, Android Studio will validate installation configurations, it will restore our change, so you need update config before you update next time. 
NOTE!! Some big version, u need download Android Studio, and upgrade it manually. 

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