

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

getrusage — Gets the current resource usages


getrusage ([ int $who = 0 ] ) : array

This is an interface to getrusage(2). It gets data returned from the system call.


who If who is 1, getrusage will be called with RUSAGE_CHILDREN.

Return Values

Returns an associative array containing the data returned from the system call. All entries are accessible by using their documented field names.


Example #1 getrusage() example

Example #1 getrusage() example

$dat = getrusage();
echo $dat["ru_oublock"];       // number of block output operations
echo $dat["ru_inblock"];       // number of block input operations
echo $dat["ru_msgsnd"];        // number of IPC messages sent
echo $dat["ru_msgrcv"];        // number of IPC messages received
echo $dat["ru_maxrss"];        // maximum resident set size  单位应该是byte,这个数值基本可以显示当前请求占用的内存大小
echo $dat["ru_ixrss"];         // integral shared memory size
echo $dat["ru_idrss"];         // integral unshared data size
echo $dat["ru_minflt"];        // number of page reclaims (soft page faults)
echo $dat["ru_majflt"];        // number of page faults (hard page faults)
echo $dat["ru_nsignals"];      // number of signals received
echo $dat["ru_nvcsw"];         // number of voluntary context switches
echo $dat["ru_nivcsw"];        // number of involuntary context switches
echo $dat["ru_nswap"];         // number of swaps
echo $dat["ru_utime.tv_usec"]; // user time used (microseconds) 当前请求占用的用户态时间,消耗的用户态cpu时间片累加起来
echo $dat["ru_utime.tv_sec"];  // user time used (seconds)
echo $dat["ru_stime.tv_usec"]; // system time used (microseconds)当前请求占用的系统态时间,消耗的系统态cpu时间片累加起来,即需要系统调用消耗的时间。

