Unitimes 精选 | 规范虚拟货币需要多国合作;泰国银行不会永久禁止加密货币

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2019 年 4 月 26 日,以太币交易总额为 4,648,484 ETH ,比前日上升 52.07%;日活跃用户量 180,338,比前日下降 4.79%;新增合约 47,328 个,比前日上升  39.66%;平均交易费用为 12.06 GWEI,比前日上升 15.30%;最活跃合约为 FAIRDOLLARS (FDS);通证代币交易总额为 377,585个,比前日上升 9.09%。

April 26, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 4,648,484 ETH, increasing 52.07% (compared to April 25); the number of daily active users is 180,338, decreasing 4.79%; the number of new contracts is 47,328, decreasing 39.66%; average fees are 12.06 GWEI, increasing 15.30%; the most active contract is FAIRDOLLARS (FDS); tokens transferred volume is 377,585, decreasing 9.09%.




据韩联社消息,当地时间 4 月 26 日,韩国金融代表参加了纽约联邦储备银行举行的金融稳定委员会(FSB)总会。会议上,他表示:“目前虚拟货币存在的问题需要通过多国合作来共同解决。这样,我们才能在没有监管漏洞的情况下规范虚拟货币。”此外,他还指出,各国需要根据国际反洗钱组织(FATF)制定的《虚拟货币相关的反洗钱国际标准》来制定相关的法律法规。

S. Korean Financial Representative: Standardizing Cryptocurrency Needs Multi-Country Cooperation

According to the Yonhap News, on April 26, the South Korean financial representative attended the general meeting of Financial Stability Board (FSB) held by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. At the meeting, the representative said, the current problems of cryptocurrency need to be solved through multi-country cooperation, and in this way, people can standardize cryptocurrency without regulatory loopholes. In addition, he also pointed out that countries need to follow the international standards for anti-money laundering relating to cryptocurrency formulated by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international anti-money laundering organization, to develop relevant laws and regulations.


泰国 SEC 金融科技部主任:泰国银行禁止加密货币的决定从来都不是永久性的

据 ambcrypto 报道,泰国证券交易委员会(SEC)金融科技部主任 Achari Suppiroj 最近在曼谷举行的 Ripple 地区活动中披露了有关该国对加密货币前景的更多信息。Achari 指出,泰国银行(Bank of Thailand)禁止加密货币的决定从来都不是永久性的。她强调,该国提出了一个框架,并在三个月内将“虚拟货币”归类为数字资产。Achari 也同意之前的 ICO 项目欺骗了人们,对市场产生了很大的影响,对投资者来说是有风险的。然而,该国目前正在努力保持创新与保护投资者之间的平衡。她补充说,以前,任何人都可以要求人们投资换取项目代币。现在,只有在泰国法律下的公司才能发行 ICO,而且 ICO 门户网站会对它们进行审查,就像财务顾问一样,确保有一个可靠的商业计划,然后将其推荐给SEC批准。

Thailand's Ban On Crypto Was Always Meant To Be A Temporary Solution, Says Thai SEC's FinTech Director

Achari Suppiroj, Director of the FinTech Department at the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), revealed more facts about the country's outlook towards crypto at Ripple's Regionals Event held in Bangkok recently. Achari noted that the decision behind banning crypto by the Bank of Thailand (BoT) was never permanent. She highlighted that the country came up with a framework and classified "virtual currencies as digital assets" within three months. However, BoT's Thammarak Moenjak accepted that they were unsure about the regulations.


日本 SBI Virtual Currencies 公司第一年度实现约 3.6 亿日元盈利

据 Cointelegraph 日本站消息,SBI 控股公司今天公布了截至 3 月份的年度财务结算结果。加密货币交易所 VCTRADE 的运营公司 SBI Virtual Currencies 本年度(2018 年 4 月 1 日~2019 年 3 月 31 日)税前利润约为 3.6 亿日元(约 322.25 万美元),在服务启动的第一年实现盈利。未来 SBI Virtual Currencies 公司将根据此次国会提出的《金融商品交易法》及《资金结算法》修正案,开始实施新的举措。

Japan-Based SBI Virtual Currencies Realizes A Profit Of Over $3 Mln

Citing news from jp.cointelegraph.com, SBI Holdings today (April 26) announced the annual financial settlement results as of March. SBI Virtual Currencies, the operating company of the cryptocurrency exchange VCTRADE, has a pre-tax profit of approximately 360 million yen (approx. $3.222 million) for the year (April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019). In the future, SBI Virtual Currencies will implement new measures based on the amendments to the Financial Commodity Trading Act and the Fund Settlement Law proposed by the Japanese parliament.


Facebook 区块链计划的目标或是为了阻止其他人进入其系统

据雅虎财经报道,针对 Facebook 的区块链计划,币安首席财务官周玮表示,“我怀疑这将是一个封闭的 Facebook 生态系统,他们的目标是阻止其他人进入其系统,而不是向其他人开放其系统。”Facebook 在三月份公开宣布已经成立区块链研究小组,有 60 多名工作人员在研究这项技术。据此前报道,纽约时报记者 Nathaniel Popper 发推表示,“有消息来源透露,Facebook 目前正在寻求让风险投资公司投资于其加密货币项目。听说他们的目标很大,高达 10 亿美元。”

Binance CFO Says Facebook's Blockchain Plans Are To Wall Off Other People

WEI Zhou, the CFO of Binance, one of the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchanges, isn't excited about Facebook's closely watched blockchain experiments."I suspect it's going to be a closed Facebook ecosystem," Zhou told Yahoo Finance UK. "Their goal is to wall off other people from coming into their system, their goal is not to open up their system to other people," said him. Facebook publicly announced in March it had formed a blockchain research group with over 60 staff working on the technology.


Anthony Lusardi


8.5 亿美元不见了,但你知道什么是安全的吗?


$850 million USD seized, but you know what can't be seized?

Nothing, because men armed with guns can seize anything from you and you'll pay it because your life is more important to you than any amount of money.



Joseph Young


‏据@nathanielpopper 称,eTrade 正准备为 500 万用户集成比特币和以太坊。

据说 95%的加密货币是伪造的。来自 eTrade 和 TD Ameritrade 等公司的数据提高了比特币的实际交易量。

According to @nathanielpopper eTrade is preparing to integrate bitcoin and ethereum for its 5 million users.

95% of volume in crypto is said to be faked. Volume from firms like eTrade and TD Ameritrade would raise the real volume of bitcoin.



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

‏世界上任何人都可以随时查看 Dai 有多少抵押品






Anyone in the world can check how much collateral backs Dai at any time

You don’t need to trust a bank

You don’t need to trust an auditor 

You don’t need to trust the media

You verify it yourself

This is why open finance is transformational



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人




The internet is an information communication system. But there was one type of information its architecture was unable to communicate—value

Not just a representation of value. Actual value derived from scarcity—like cash, gold, oil

Blockchain adds a value layer to the internet


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