Notes for Java(Part d)

八、Enhancing classes

Overloading Constructors

         Recall method overloading?

         Like methods, constructors can be overloaded

         An overloaded constructor provides multiple ways to set up a new object

Die die1 = new Die();         //creates a 6 sided die

Die die2 = new Die(20);       //creates a 20 sided die

Object-Oriented Analysis

         One of the simplest ways to do object-oriented analysis involves finding nouns and verbs in the program’s specification.

         Many of the nouns will represent classes, and many of the verbs will represent methods.

         This simple technique doesn’t work perfectly, but it can be useful for generating ideas.

         So an initial analysis of a banking system might reveal:

         Nouns ie suggested classes in the specification for a banking system:



         Verbs ie suggested methods in the specification for a banking system:

         Open (an account)

         Deposit (money into an account)

         Withdraw (money from an account)

         Close (an account)

Categories of Methods

         Most instance methods fall into one of several categories:

        Manager methods

        Implementor methods

        Access methods

Manager Methods

         Initialise objects


        Having additional constructors makes a class more useful.

Implementor Methods

         Implementor methods represent useful operations that can be performed on instances of the class.

         Implementor methods usually change the state of an object

         The Account class  implementor methods:





Access Methods

         For access to instance variables, the choice is:

        provide instance methods or

        make the variables public (but this violates good object orientation)

         Accessors (or getters)

        methods that return the value of a private variable.

        by convention, names of getters start with the word get

         Mutators (or setters)

        methods that change the value of a private variable.

        by convention, names of setters start with the word set

The this Reference

         Because an instance method is called by an object, the correct instance data is accessed

            double balance  = acct1.getBalance();

         The keyword this is used to refer to the object that invoked the method

         In the above, the this reference refers to acct1

         The following two methods are actually identical. The first is using the this reference implicitly, the second explicitly

public double getBalance ()


   return balance;


public double getBalance ()


   return this.balance;


Variable Type Differences

Local variables and parameter variables

                        int result = 0;

                        public Account (String owner, int account, double initial)

         Are declared within a method

         Only exist for the duration of the method’s execution

         Need to be initialised

        A method is not allowed to access the value stored in a local variable until the variable has been initialised

Instance variables

         belong to an object

        are created when an object is constructed

        exist as long as the object exists

         each object has its own copy

        that’s what allows objects to be different

         are automatically initialised (if not explicitly set in a constructor),

        zero for numeric and char variables

        false for boolean variables

        null for reference type variables

         every instance variable should be initialised in a constructor

Hidden Variables

         We cant declare a variable with the same name as one already in scope

        always use different variable names except in headers of for loops

         Beware of variable names with instantiable classes!!!

         An instance variable and a local variable could have the same name –

        the local variable with the inner scope will take precedence over (or hide) the variable in the outer scope (instance variable)

this used in Constructors

         The this reference can be used to refer to the instance variable of the object

                        private long acctNumber;

                        private double balance;

                        private String name;

                        public Account(String owner, long account, double balance)


                             this.balance = balance;    // and so on for the other variables


         This approach is eliminates the need for different yet equivalent names

         It is often found in constructors

The static Modifier

         We have used methods that do not require objects

         eg methods of Math class

         These static or class methods are invoked through the class name - not through an object name

         To make a method static, we apply the static modifier to the method definition

                        static double sqrt (double num)

         And call the method by the class name

            System.out.print (“sq rt of 9: “ + Math.sqrt(9));

Static (or Class) Variables

         The static modifier can be applied to variables as well

         It associates a variable with the class rather than an object

         They are declared with the word static

         Normally, each object has its own data space

         If a variable is declared as static, only one copy of the variable exists

         Eg in the Account class a useful class variable may be

                        private static double totalDeposits;

         All objects created from the class share access to the static variable

         Changing the value of a static variable in one object changes it for all others

         Eg to allocate a unique asset number every time a new asset object is created

        A static variable could hold the last used asset number

        Any new asset could increment this number by 1

Arrays of objects

         Because each object has a unique identifier we cant use them in loops as we would do with variables

                        Account acct1 = new Account((“J Bond", 72354, 102.56);


         By storing objects in an array we can use the power of loops to process multiple objects

         Create an array of objects        

                        Account[ ] acctArray = new Account[3];

         No actual objects have been created at this time

        This is merely an array waiting to receive Account objects

         We need to create each object in the usual way

        Call the constructor of the Account class

        Pass it any parameters it requires

        Assign it to a position in the array

            acctArray[index] = new acctArray(name, number, balance);

         After you have instantiated the array with actual objects

        You can use getters and setters or other methods from the Account class to return or change instance variables

            balance = acctArray[index].getBalance();or


Using an array as a database

         Use a for loop to search every position in an array

                        int index;

                        for (index = 0; index < acctArray.length; index ++)


                               if (acctArray[index].getAcctNumber == 72354)



         When the loop has terminated

        Test whether index is less than acctArray.length

        if so index indicates the position of the record in the array

        Use index to modify that object


Comparing Strings for equality

         Remember to use the equals() method not ==

                        if (acctArray[index].getName() .equals (“J Bond”)



         Genetic inheritance - facts

        Eg Your blood type, hair colour, height, body shape

        Many facts about you (ie, your instance data) are inherited

         Genetic inheritance – behaviour

        eg Sports and leisure interests, loudly or quietly spoken

        Much of your behaviour (ie your methods) are inherited

         Many objects have similarities to other objects

        Eg cars and trucks are similar and examples of vehicles

         A class (car) can have a ‘parent’ (vehicle) from which it inherits some of its data and behaviour

         Inheritance allows a software developer to derive a new class from an existing one   

         The existing class is called the parent class, base class or superclass

         The derived class is called the child class or subclass

  • As the name implies, the child inherits characteristics (the methods and data) of the parent

  • Inheritance relationships are often shown graphically in a class diagram, with the arrow pointing to the parent class

  • Inheritance should create an is-a relationship, meaning the child is a more specific version of the parent

         Creating employee objects from the Employee class

                        Employee accountant = new Employee();

                        Employee programmer = new Employee();

         Other employees may require additional data to number and salary eg company car registration number

         We could change the class to have

        3 instance variables (empNumber, empSalary, empCarRego)

        6 methods (getters and setters for the 3 variables)

         It is better programming to keep it as it is and reuse it

         Create a new class EmployeeWithCar that inherits all the instance variables and methods of the Employee class

         Then just add the extra instance variable and methods

Deriving Subclasses

         In Java, we use the reserved word extends to establish an inheritance relationship

            public class EmployeeWithCar extends Employee


                           // class contents


Advantages of inheritance

         Saves time

        reusing data and methods that already exist

        makes programs easier to write

         Reduces errors

        methods have already been used and tested

         A simple Account class may have this instance variable:

            private double balance;

         And these methods:

            public double deposit (double amount)

            public double withdraw (double amount, double fee)

            public double getBalance ()     

       A SavingsAccount class may want to use these features and also have an interest rate

         A SavingsAccount is an Account, but with more features eg it has an interest rate

Writing Subclass Constructors

         A subclass doesn’t inherit constructors from its superclass

         The constructor for the SavingsAccount class will need to initialize both the balance and interestRate variables

        But the superclass instance variables are likely to be private so they cannot be referenced directly from the subclass

         The hard part of writing a constructor for a subclass is initializing the variables that belong to the superclass

         Writing constructors for a subclass is the same, except for initialisation of superclass variables (if private)

                        public SavingsAccount (double initialBalance,  double initialRate)


                                    balance = initialBalance;      //ERROR

                                    interestRate = initialRate;


         As balance was declared as private in the Account class this will not compile – the SavingsAccount class has no access to it

The super Reference

         A child’s constructor is responsible for calling the parent’s constructor

         The first line of a child’s constructor should use the super reference to call the parent’s constructor

         To access a superclass private instance variable we need to use a superclass method…or in this case constructor

         We want to use the parent's constructor to set up the "parent's part" of the object

         The super reference can be used to refer to the parent class, and is often used to invoke the parent's constructor

         The first line of a child’s constructor uses the super reference to call the parent’s constructor

Invoking the superclass constructor

         The SavingsAccount constructor invokes the Account constructor using the word super

                        public SavingsAccount (double initialBalance,  double initialRate)


                                    super (initialBalance);    //invoke Account constructor

                                    interestRate = initialRate;


         The account constructor will initialise the balance variable to the value stored in initialBalance

Superclass constructor parameters

         The subclass constructor must provide all the parameters required by the superclass constructor in order eg.

         If a subclass constructor fails to include super, the compiler will automatically insert super(); at the beginning of the constructor.

         If a subclass has no constructors at all, the compiler will create a no-arg constructor that contains super(); but no other statements.

Controlling Inheritance

         Visibility modifiers determine which class members get inherited and which do not

         Variables and methods declared with public visibility are inherited

         Those with private visibility are not actually inherited in that we need to use the superclass constructor and methods to access them

         But public variables violate our goal of encapsulation!

The protected Modifier

         There is a third visibility modifier that helps in inheritance situations: protected

          protected  behaves the same as private within a class but allows a member of a base class to be inherited into the child class

private  can only be accessed in the same class

protected          can only be accessed in the same class or in a subclass

public   can be accessed in any class

         Declaring instance variables protected exposes them to all subclasses

         This is a potentially unlimited number and may weaken an object-oriented goal of encapsulation

         If a subclass needs access to these variables it should be able to call a getter or setter method of the superclass


         We will not use protected variables

         Always declare instance variables private

Methods available to a subclass

         Inherit methods from the superclass

        superclass methods can be applied to subclass objects


         Define new methods

                        public void setInterestRate(double  rate);

         Override methods from the superclass

        ie specify a method with the same signature (that is the same name, return type and parameter types) in the subclass

        this method defined in the subclass will take precedence

        Use super to call an overridden method

         Java looks first in the class of the calling object, then in the class’s superclass, then its superclass etc

         Consider the following statement:


         Java first looks for the deposit method in the SavingsAccount class, then in the Account class.

Overloading vs. Overriding

         Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and overriding

         Overloading deals with multiple methods in the same class with the same name but different signatures

         Overriding deals with two methods, one in a parent class and one in a child class, that have the same signature

         Overloading lets you define a similar operation in different ways for different data

         Overriding lets you define a similar operation in different ways for different object types


Never finish on Java, even not start.
