VS Code下使用jupyter-notebook

Problem 1

Open dir not in default path, for example in USB

enter into cmd


Pretty simple, no need to modify the config file.
Thanks for https://blog.csdn.net/yefcion/article/details/79431760

Problem 2

“Jupyter kernel cannot be started from a certain environment.”

VS code, with python extension, anaconda, neuron

what we need to do is to add the environment to Jupyter kernel
step 1: install jupyter in the designated environment

enter into anaconda promote

conda activate [Your environment]
conda install jupyter

step 2: check if you have installed ipykernel

pip list

if there is no such module, then install it

conda install ipykernel

step 3: modify

python -m ipykernel install --name [Your environment]

VS Code下使用jupyter-notebook_第1张图片

After that you can reopen your VS code to examine the outcome.
Thanks for https://www.jianshu.com/p/86d612c4c7c5?utm_source=oschina-app
