
今天上课内容是Unit2 Topic1 SectionA,讲的是west hill 的过去和现在。在讲过去时在PPT上呈现了一副美丽的动态图:There are green tall trees,colorful flowers,a clear stream,green grass,green hills and some farm houses.There are some fish swimming in the stream.There are beautiful butterflies and bees dancing.A white rabbit is on the grass.我问大家:“Do you want to go to this place for a picnic?”竟然有好多同学故意回答:“No.”“Why not? Why don't you go for a picnic?Who doesn't want to go there?”有同学就说,tzd说不想去。我问他为什么,他一本正经地说:“因为那儿没有WIFI。”同学们大笑起来。我说:“这是去野餐哪?你想用WIFI呆在家里不就行了!”

