
;pro saveimage,file,quality=quality,dither=dither,cube=cube ;该函数用来保存图形对象 ;DL> saveimage,'image.jpg' ;下面这个是辅助函数 function screenread,x0,y0,nx,ny,depth=depth ;check arguments if (n_elements(x0) eq 0) then x0=0 if (n_elements(y0) eq 0) then y0=0 if (n_elements(nx) eq 0) then nx=!d.x_vsize-x0 if (n_elements(ny) eq 0) then ny=!d.y_vsize-y0 ;check for TVRD capable device tvrd_true=!d.flags and 128 if (tvrd_true eq 0) then message, $ 'tvrd is not surported on this device:'+! ;on devices which surpport windows,check for open window win_true=!d.flags and 256 if (win_true gt 0) and (!d.window lt 0) then message, $ 'No graphics window are open' ;get IDL version number version=float(!version.release) ;get display depth depth=8 if (win_true gt 0) then begin if (version ge 5.1) then begin device, get_visual_depth=depth endif else begin if (!d.n_colors gt 256) then depth=24 endelse endif ;set decomposed color mode on 24-bit displays if (depth gt 8) then begin entry_decomposed=0 if (version gt 5.1) then $ device, get_decomposed=entry_decomposed device,decomposed=1 endif ;get the contents of the windows if (depth gt 8) then true=1 else true =0 image=tvrd(x0,y0,nx,ny,order=0,true=true) ;restore decomposed color mode on 24-bit displays if (depth gt 8) then device, decomposed=entry_decomposed ;return results to caller return,image end ;这个函数值保存图像的函数 pro saveimage,file,quality=quality,dither=dither,cube=cube ;-check arguments ;useageDL> saveimage,'image.jpg' if(n_params() ne 1) then $ message, 'Usage: saveimage,FileName' ; if (n_elements(quality) eq 0) then quality=95 ; ;get output file type output='jpeg' ; if (n_elements(file) GT 4) then begin subfile=strmid(file,StrLen(file)-3,StrLen(file)) if (strcmp(subfile,'bmp') EQ 1) then output='bmp' if (strcmp(subfile,'gif') EQ 1) then output='gif' if (strcmp(subfile,'png') EQ 1) then output='png' if (strcmp(subfile,'tiff') EQ 1) then output='tiff' if (strcmp(subfile,'jpg') EQ 1) then output='jpeg' endif ; ;check if gif output is available version=float(!version.release) if(version ge 5.4) and (output eq 'gif') then $ message,'gif output is not available' ;get contents of graphics window, ;and color table if needed image=screenread(depth=depth) if (depth le 8) then tvct,r,g,b,/get ;write 8-bit output file if (output eq 'bmp') or $ (output eq 'png') or $ (output eq 'gif') then begin ;if image depth is 24-bit,convert to 8-bit if (depth gt 8) then begin case keyword_set(cube) of 0:image=color_quan(image,1,r,g,b,$ colors=256,dither=keyword_set(dither)) 1:image=color_quan(image,1,r,g,b,cube=6) endcase endif ;reverse png image order if required if(output eq 'png') and (version le 5.3) then $ image=reverse(temporary(image),2) ;save image case output of 'bmp': write_bmp,file,image,r,g,b 'png': write_png,file,image,r,g,b 'gif': write_gif,file,image,r,g,b endcase endif ;write 24-bit output file if (output eq 'jpeg') or $ (output eq 'tiff') then begin ;convert 8-bit image to 24-bit if (depth le 8) then begin info=size(image) nx=info[1] ny=info[2] true=bytarr(3,nx,ny) true[0,*,*]=r[image] true[1,*,*]=g[image] true[2,*,*]=b[image] image=temporary(true) endif ;reverse tiff image order if (output eq 'tiff') then $ image=reverse(temporary(image),3) ;write the image case output of 'jpeg':write_jpeg,file, image,$ true=1,quality=quality 'tiff':write_tiff,file,image,1 endcase endif ; end
