甘比英文拓展写作_day 8_an eventful moment-HB

Usually cheetahs don’t sneak attack or attack preys byteamwork. Their slender and long-legged bodies are built for speed. They take the advantage of that whenever encountering its preys. The same to the cheetahwe watch today.

It’s a normal day in the African savannah where thecheetah inhabits; and seems a lucky day for him because he finds a gazelleidling around, one of the favorable preys for his kind about a couple hundredsmeters ahead .Thanks to his brownish furs with round spots which integrate withthe surrounding, the cheetah creeps towards the gazelle without being noticed.But gazelle, an animal with an inborn sense of danger, sees the predator and bounces,running for his life. The cheetah accelerates to his max speed within tens ofseconds, so fast that his legs looks about to fly and before you find how, thecheetah is now only a few inches behind the gazelle and swoops his front pawdown on the prey. All out of blue, the gazelle turns a sudden turn, which makesthose cruel paws come to nothing and the hunter almost lose his balance. Just amatter of seconds, the gazelle is alive.

A lucky day for the gazelle too.

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