

那至于为什么我要选择这样一种方式呢呢,其实我在b站上看到了一些外国人对带有英文字幕的中国歌曲的reactions,他们对这些歌曲也有很不错的评价,中国歌曲的形式有时不太容易走到国际,往往是受限于歌词,中文的深意有时不容易被literally translate,突然感觉到,其实语言是我们的交流工具,学好一门语言,更易于我们与他人交流,否则只局限于自己的一方天地,或许就有点坐井观天了,就如同一些国外的人们其实并不了解我们,他们所了解的我们只是他们的媒体所呈现给他们的“我们”。所以我希望沟通与交流能更好的进行。至于这首歌,我认为这种Q&A的形式似乎比较令人容易接受,而且本身这首歌我也很喜欢,也算是夹带了一点私心吧,哈哈哈。
Anyway, this column is titled “English study”, so I will force myself to write it in English. If I make mistakes, I hope you could point out.
Let’s go!
OK, the song is called, “Conversations with Martians.” As we all know, his fans’ name is ET. Consequently, it is a song, which consists of conversations between Hua and his fans.
In the beginning of the video, Hua said, “If I asked you to use a word to describe me, what would occur to you?”
Martians answered,
“Light and darkness are also in my heart.”
“Even superman would get tired. It doesn’t matter.”
“Occasionally feeling vulnerable is normal.”
Right, from my perspective, it’s the song that they want to tell us it’s normal when we feel exhausted or get hurt. Whereas, we shouldn’t be afraid or broken. We have to come back from failures and restart our life, instead of being devastated.
The lyrics are as follows. Actually, there are plenty of adjectives. Let’s enjoy it.
花:我 看着爱笑却还有些失落和悲伤
Hua Chenyu: It seems that I love to smile.
Yet I still feel discontent and sad at times.
火:那些失落 那些悲伤 也在我心里
Martians: Those discontent and sadness are also in our hearts.
花:我 看着自信却还有些退缩和逃避
Hua Chenyu: I am seemingly confident,
yet still submissive and avoidant at times.
火:那些退缩 那些逃避 请你别在意
Martians: Those concessions and avoidance really do not matter.
花:我 看着努力却还有些拒绝和懒惰
Hua Chenyu: I am seemingly diligent,
yet I am still a little rejective and indolent.
火:那些拒绝 那些懒惰 其实没关系
Martians: Those refusals and indolence, actually, do not matter.
花:我 看着坚强却还有些脆弱和疑惑
Hua Chenyu: It seems that I am strong,
yet still vulnerable and confused at times.
火:那些脆弱 那些疑惑 有它的意义
Martians: Those vulnerability and confusion have their own significance.
花:那些感受慢慢被阻碍 我摸不到那痛苦
Hua Chenyu: Those feelings are gradually obstructed. I can’t touch those pains.
花:我 看着坚持却还有些放弃和冷漠
Hua Chenyu: I am seemingly persistent, yet still at times would give up and stay detached.
火:那些放弃 那些冷漠 要做你自己
Martians: Those abandonments and detachments. Let you be you.
花:我 看着勇敢却还有些害怕和怯懦
Hua Chenyu: I am seemingly courageous, yet still fearful and timid at times.
火:那些害怕 那些怯懦 我们在这里
Martians: For those fear and timidity, we are right here.
花:那些光芒渐渐被掩盖 我猜不透下一幕
Hua Chenyu: Those rays of light are gradually shadowed. I can’t see through the next act.
花:每当我还相信好的结局 有个声音在说可笑的是我
Hua Chenyu: Whenever I still believe in a good ending. There would be a voice saying: I am the ridiculous one.
每当我还愿意伸手靠近 有块阴影拽着我
Whenever I am still willing to reach out and get closer. A shadow would restrain me.
别再拽着我 我想再次用力解脱
Don’t restrain me any longer, I want to struggle free once more.
花:我 虽然不说 至少有你在这陪着我
Although I am reticent, yet at least you are here accompanying me.
火:你就是你 最好的你 是我的唯一
Martians: You are you, the best you, our only one.
花:我 不再沉默 因为有你选择理解我
Hua Chenyu: I am no longer silent, because you have chosen to understand me.
火:你就是你 最好的你 没人能代替
Martians: You are you, the best you, the irreplaceable you.
花:那些美好终于被青睐 我等到了这礼物
Hua Chenyu: Those beautiful eventually win affections. I have been waiting for this gift.
花:我 有时难过 却还有些快乐和骄傲
Hua Chenyu: I am sad sometimes, yet still somewhat happy and proud.
火:那些快乐 那些骄傲 全都属于你
Martians: Those happiness and pride all belong to you.
花:我 有时孤独 却还有些抚慰和感动
Hua Chenyu: I sometimes feel lonely, yet still am comforted and touched at times.
火:那些抚慰 那些感动 因为我爱你
Martians: Those comfort and emotions are here, because we love you.
Hua Chenyu: This ending is what I have hoped for.
I will always pray for you.

Thank you for your view. I sincerely appreciate it.
I hope you enjoy it, as well as I do.
And it’ll be excellent if you subscribe.
Lastly, thanks again.
The link to bilibili video.
Thanks for English lyrics of 华晨宇的小海翻 .
