最近,币安 CFO 在接受 CNBC 采访时表示,尽管目前加密市场很熊,但币安在盈利方面仍保持良好态势。据币安 CEO 赵长鹏(CZ)预估,2018年该交易所的收入在5亿到10亿美元之间,他说,币安在 2018 年上半年的收入为 3 亿美元。在2018年熊市上半期,该交易所的用户量也增长到1000万用户的水平。赵长鹏说,用户青睐币安的原因有,币安每季度都对BNB进行销毁、币安每秒处理140万个订单的能力以及使用 BNB 作为交易货币能享受手续费折扣。类似于 ConsenSys,币安也通过对不同的区块链初创公司进行投资、开发多个去中心化交易所,以及为刚起步的加密创业公司提供孵化器这些方式来发展多种业务。
How Binance Remains Incredibly Profitable During a Bear Market
Recently the chief financial officer (CFO) of Binance told CNBC that despite the current bear market, Binance is doing great in terms of profitability. CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) estimated that the exchange brought in between $500 million to $1 billion in 2018 and CZ said that Binance earned $300 million in the first half of 2018. The exchange’s customer count also increased to 10 million users during the first bearish half of 2018. CZ acknowledged that users love Binance for its quarterly coin burn on BNB, the ability to process 1.4 million orders per second and the discount on trading fees for using BNB as money. Similar to ConsenSys, Binance has also grown multiple arms by investing in different blockchain startups, developing a number of decentralized exchanges and hosting an incubator for fledgling crypto-startups.
比特币和以太坊流动指数(BLX、ELX)上市纳斯达克(Nasdaq)或打破了加密货币为主流所采用的一个最大障碍。这两个指数通过参考多家交易所的数据来反映比特币和以太坊的实时即期交易,从而为两种货币提供单一价格。纳斯达克表示:“BLX 是被引用最多的 BTC 指数之一,从 2010 年起就一直在计算。”而 ELX 自 2014 年起就可以从数据库中获取到其价格数据,这两个指数都每 30 秒就刷新一次。许多金融专家认为这两个指数消除了SEC对价格操纵问题的担忧,并使得价格参考方面的监管变宽松。BlockTower 资本的 CIO Ari Paul 认为,纳斯达克上线这两个指数,可以帮助更多加密衍生品获得批准,同时也可以吸引散户和机构投资者参与投资。
Nasdaq's Bitcoin and Ethereum Indices Address a Major Crypto Adoption Problem
The listing of the Bitcoin and Ethereum Liquid Indices (BLX, ELX) on Nasdaq may have just solved one of the largest barriers to mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency. Both indices provide real-time spot trades on Bitcoin and Ethereum by reference data from multiple exchanges to provide a single price for each asset. Nasdaq said that “the BLX is one of the most widely-referenced BTC indices and has been calculated back to 2010.” The ELX draws its price data from a database dating back to 2014 and both indices refresh their prices every thirty seconds. Many financial experts believe both indices address the SEC’s concerns off price manipulation and loosely regulated price referencing. BlockTower Capital CIO Ari Paul believes the launch of Nasdaq crypto indices could open the door the approval of more crypto-based derivatives and also attract retail and institutional investors.
汇丰银行一位主管区块链外汇交易技术项目的高管表示,通过使用区块链技术,外汇交易的结算成本实现了约 25% 的下降。这些成果暗示着区块链技术背后的潜力以及这些技术转变当前金融业的能力。该行的新平台是一种被称为“共享型许可分类账”的区块链,允许所有被授权方对其进行实时修改和更新。汇丰银行希望这个工具能为企业用户提供复杂的跨境外汇流程操作方面的协助。
HSBC Executive Says Blockchain Technology Greatly Reduced Forex Trading Costs
An executive from HSBC who is overseeing a project that has implemented blockchain technology with its Forex trading says the implementation has reduced the cost of settling foreign exchange trades by roughly 25%. These results begin to hint at the potential behind blockchain technology and its ability to transform the current financial industry. The new platform is a type of blockchain known as a “shared permissioned ledger” which allows multiple approved parties to amend and update in real time. HSBC looks to provide the tools to corporate clients with complex, cross-border Forex flows.
为 2018 年被高估词汇之最
据 MediaPost 近期调查显示,多名广告总监表示“区块链”这个词汇击败“人工智能(AI)”以及“程序化”,登上 2018 年被高估词汇榜首。由于该调查旨在“……衡量业内其它人包括广告代理商的观点,以及找出那些被过度看重的词汇”,有近三分之一的受访者将“区块链”置于榜首。令人讽刺的是,受访者认为 2018 年最重要的词汇是“透明度(transparency)”,对所有了解区块链的人来说,这个结果非常滑稽。
Survey Identifies 'Blockchain' as the Most Overrated Word of 2018
According to a recent survey conducted by MediaPost, advertising executives indicated that the most overrated word used in 2018 is the word ‘blockchain,’ which beat out ‘AI’ and ‘Programmatic’ for the top spot. Nearly one-third of those surveyed put ‘blockchain’ in the top spot, as the survey sought to “… measure how the rest of the industry thinks, including ad agencies, and also to find out what words or terms have been given too much weight.” Ironically, the word deemed most important for 2018 was ‘transparency,’ which is comical to anyone who really understands blockchain.
RSK 平台成为世界上最安全智能合约平台
据 Crypto51 官网的分析报告显示,支撑 RSK 的算力已超比特币算力的 45%,使得 RSK 平台成为“世界上最安全的智能合约平台,以及继比特币之后的第二安全区块链。”如果从 51% 攻击的角度来分析,对 RSK 智能合约平台发起 51%攻击的成本每小时达到近 11 万 2 千美元。
The RSK Platform Is Now the Most Secure Smart Contract Platform in the World
According to analysis from the Crypto51 website, the hashing power backing up the RSK network has surpassed 45% of the hashing power of the Bitcoin network, making the RSK platform the “most secure smart contract platform in the world, and second most secure blockchain behind the Bitcoin blockchain.” Another way to look at it from a 51% attack standpoint is that it would cost approximately $112,000 per hour to conduct an attack on the RSK Smart Contract Network.
Eric Conner
EthHub.io 创始人
JPM Coin 将使用 Quorum,这是一个以企业为重心版本的以太坊。
阅读了 JPM Coin 的常见问题和其它文章你就会发现,比起这个初步试验,摩根大通明显有更大的计划,包括将该币扩大成公链。
JPM Coin will start on Quorum, an Enterprise focused version of Ethereum.
In reading the FAQ and articles, they clearly have bigger plans than this initial pilot, including expanding the coin to the public chain.
严肃地说,我认为从长期来看, JPM Coin 对比特币来说是利好的。就让他们玩玩他们的稳定币吧,一旦加密货币更加主流化,从某种程度上来说我们就有了加密货币基础设施。
On a serious note: I think the JP Morgan thing is long term a positive thing for Bitcoin. Let them play around with their stablecoin, once we get more mainstream the "cryptocurrency infrastructure" already sort of exists.
Philippe Castonguay
HorizonGames 区块链研发员
如果有一个人想要通过 CREATE2 创建合约,允许合约自行销毁,但却仍然希望人们可以跟这个合约进行交互,那么他可以:
将合约的字节码哈希值(bytecode hash)储存于初始化代码(init code)中,人们可以验证EXTCODEHASH 与所有可能重新部署的合约相同。
总的来说,不要在通过 CREATE2 功能(或其父级功能)创建的可自毁合约上批准代币授权。
If one wants to create contracts via CREATE2, allow them to selfdestruct and *still* wants people to interact with this contract, one could:
Store the bytecode hash of contract in init code and people can verify whether EXTCODEHASH is the same for all potential future redeploys.
This does not prevent token approvals and other situation, but it at least prevent other contracts from calling a malicious re-deployed contract.
Overall, just don't do token approval to a contract that was created via CREATE2 (or parent) & that can self-destruct.
Afri Schoedon
感觉 Polkadot Network 或在本年年终左右推出,而#以太坊宁静(Serenity )阶段没有足以支撑我们设置测试网的规范,所以它要么是跨客户端要么是单客户端。
#Serenity 阶段 0 是一个权益证明信标链,只有投资者(质押)才会感兴趣,它不支持 EVM 转换函数,也没有智能合约(因此也不会有dApp)。但是,要推出阶段 0 还需要18个月的时间(2020年)。
Serenity 阶段 1 将支持分片,但仍旧没有 EVM。另外,此里程碑并不太令人欣喜,也不足以取代旧链。Serenity 阶段 2 将支持 EVM 转换函数。因此,乐观来讲基本可用的 ETH 2.0 可能在 2021 年就能实现了。
站在旧链客户端开发者的角度上看,继续维护 ETH 1.X 链长达 2 到 3 年是一项非常艰巨的任务。站在 dApp 或合约开发者的角度上来看,像#Polkadot 这样的项目更吸引人,因为2019年就可以用到它们了。
It looks like @polkadotnetwork will be in production end of this year, and #Ethereum Serenity does not have a sufficient specification that allows us to setup testnets, let it be cross-client or mono-client.
#Serenity Phase 0 will be a proof-of-stake beacon chain only interesting for investors (staking), no EVM transition functions, no smart contracts, thus no d-apps. And yet, we still look at another ~18 months timeline to launch phase 0 in 2020.
Serenity Phase 1 will enable sharding, but without EVM, also this milestone is rather unexciting and not yet sufficient to replace the legacy chain. Serenity Phase 2 will allow for EVM transition functions. So, being optimistic we are looking at a basic usable $ETH 2.0 in 2021?
From a legacy chain client developer perspective, this will be a hell of a task to maintain the $ETH 1.x chain for another 2 or 3 years. From a d-app or contract developer perspective, projects like #Polkadot will be much more interesting because you can already use them in 2019.
Jeff Coleman
L4联合创始人&State Channels 研究者
以下是我认为的 CREATE 这场骚乱所来带的最终后果:
根本上说,我们的合约需要有基于内容的地址(包括 constructor args,即将初始化代码(init_code)的哈希值计算(hash);和多个地址,即 Salt),要废除自毁程序(self-destruct),并用租金存储(rent stashing )和检索机制来管理存储回复功能。这意味着,合约不再有 nonce 值,同时 CREATE 2 功能也不复存在。如果有谁对此有比在君士坦丁堡上部署 CREATE2 功能更好的想法,请务必教我一下。
V神评论:是的,我认为无论怎样,与 CTEATE 2 相差无几的功能是非常有必要的。
「注:salt 是使用者可以任意指定的值,用于把同一份合约部署在不同地址(如果没有 salt 值,而且开发者部署的 init_code 又都一样,则同一份合约无法被部署到不同的地址)。」
Here's what I see as the final destination out of this CREATE mess: essentially we need to have content-based addressing of contracts (including constructor args, which means hashing the init code, and multiple instantiations, which means a salt), no self-destruct, and use the rent stashing and retrieval mechanism for handling storage recovery. This means that contract nonces no longer exist and CREATE is gone. If anyone has a better idea for how to get us there than deploying CREATE2 in Constantinople, I'd genuinely like to hear it.
Vitalik: Yeah I agree that something pretty much equivalent to CREATE2 is necessary in any case.
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