(Campo, Carlson, and Manninger 2019)介绍了一种三维的风格迁移算法以及应用实例。该方法将三维模型表达为二维的深度图,然后通过风格迁移加入噪点信息,最后再反向表达回三维状态。另外,本文还是一篇比较好的CNN神经网络和风格迁移的知识普及文章,涉及一定的数学逻辑解释。
One or the first attempts of a 2D to 3D Style transfer onthe Robot Garden project. The method of simply creating a depth map shader fora 3D model resulting in a noisy, albeit interesting, result.
(Özel and Ennemoser 2019)同样使用了风格迁移(Style Transfer)对建筑立面进行重新设计。基于生成的二维图像,作者还使用procedural modeling技术将图像转译为生成三维形体的设计规则,然后分区域对二维图像进行三维重建。在立面设计上具有很好的应用前景和艺术价值。
Architectural Feature Extraction and Style Tranfer
(Campo, Manninger, and Carlson 2019)另外一篇Style Transfer的文章。将平面图作为内容,各种其他图片作为风格,生成酷炫的平面图案。中规中矩的2D风格迁移。
Results of 2D to 2D Style transfers based on plans
(Steinfeld 2019)这是一篇使用GAN来生成城市街景图的文章。文章详细而全面的介绍了一套数据收集流程和两种基于图像类神经网络的生成流程。首先,文章介绍了基于Google地图街景图和深度图结合的数据收集方法,建立了由深度图对应街景图的数据集。然后通过对不同城市数据的机器学习,使用GAN和StyleGAN两种算法,预测不同城市在深度图的指导下的街景图像。相比于作者前些年的研究,这次论文提出的方法生成的街景图像,在准确度上有明显提高,进而也具有了一定的设计意义。
Depthmap (left), Asynthetic urban view of Pickwick Park, Jacksonville, FL (middle), A synthetic urbanview of Alamo Square, San Francisco, CA (right).
(Mohammad, Beorkrem, and Ellinger 2019)这是一篇使用GAN来生成建筑立面的文章。作者通过生形算法生成大量的立面模型,转译为二维图像,然后训练GAN生成建筑立面来证明GAN在建筑设计中的应用可能。作者还尝试了各个训练阶段和各种图片大小来对比生成的结果。但是,这种使用生成的数据来训练神经网络模型进而再生成类似数据的做法,如果对效率没有改良,就势必引来质疑——既然已经有算法可以生成所有的解,那为什么还要使用人工智能,不仅降低了准确率,还没有提高效率。杀鸡用牛刀大概说的就是这回事吧。另外,文章中的图片模糊不清,序号和引用混乱,后期排版出现明显问题。。。各位看看就好了,不要当真。。。
A set of AI generated images in an attempt to create hybrids and variations
(Zheng, Moosavi, and Akbarzadeh 2019)这是一篇使用ANN神经网络提升结构运算速度的文章。出发点是,原始的结构生成和计算算法(PolyFrame和有限元分析)速度过于缓慢,以至于没办法在有限的时间内探索求解空间,取得多目标优化的多重解。作者使用少量的有限元分析过的结构数据,训练了一个神经网络,取代了原始的结构生成和计算逻辑,加快了运算效率接近400倍,进而可视化了所有可行性解,给予设计师自由的设计选项。
Multi-objective form finding with the neural network
(Giannopoulou et al. 2019)同样是一篇使用ANN优化运算的文章。和前文不同的是,作者优化的目标更多涉及建造层面,比如材料的使用率,板材的件数等等。由于目标选取的过多以及输入参数的连续性,不同于探索整个求解空间,本文的作者使用训练好的ANN作为环境代理,根据设计师输入的设计参数,反馈目标函数值,从而设计师可以根据反馈的信息进一步修改设计。
Neural network structure and the accuracy comparison
(Hosmer and Tigas 2019)这篇文章有意思的地方在于,作者首先构建起了一套基于Arduino的自运动装置,各个杆件通过端点连接的可伸缩绳索调整相应位置,达到自平衡状态。每次调整都会使得原先的平衡被打破,而这里作者训练了一个强化学习系统,使得系统可以根据每次的调整做出反应,进而统筹对所有的杆件进行调整,快速使系统再次回到平衡状态。这对于无人监管的自运动机构的开发是很好的启发。
Multi-Agent Balance Reinforcement learning; Robot Multi-Unit Balance
(Yousif and Yan 2019a)和上一期介绍的(Yousif and Yan 2019b)是相同作者的类似文章,主要介绍了一种将建筑形态通过K-Medoids聚类的方法。其聚类的依据可以是多种评价指标,比如采光和冷负荷。具体可以参考上一期介绍。
The Pareto and Elite solutions at generations 20 in the Octopus interface, with the monthly cooling loads (x-axis) and the daylight illuminance ratio (y-axis) as objective functions
(Devadass et al. 2019)和(Zheng, Moosavi, and Akbarzadeh 2019)有着相同的出发点——传统的基于目标的找形计算过于费时,而通过机器学习来拟合求解空间,能快速找到最优解,而不需要计算所有的可能解。不同的是,(Devadass et al. 2019)将优化目标和机械臂辅助建造结合起来,以机械臂的建造姿势作为评价标准,实现了对结果的材料化表达。
Optimization of thedesign guided by the fabrication and assembly workspace
(Leach 2019)一篇理论文章,从理论和哲学上分析AI对建筑设计带来的影响。主要基于图像类的神经网络,比如GAN和Style Transfer,作者认为将建筑作为图像来生成,虽然技术上还有待完善,但目前的成果已经可以给建筑师一种启发,来理解人类智能和创造力的本质。
本期只有一篇是设计认知的文章,同时也是个人觉得争议最大的一篇。(Liu, Liao, and Srivastava 2019)。按照作者的描述,该文章介绍了一种基于GAN的神经网络,来学习设计师对形态的喜好,然后生成符合设计师喜好倾向的形态。
3D elements sourcepool (left) and generated forms (right).
然后,作者将生成的形态交给设计师做二分判断,比如设计师A是否喜欢这个形态,用0和1区分。这样就得到了一组数据,输入是生成这个形态的参数,输出是0或1表示设计师的判断结果。使用这些数据,作者声称,我们可以首先训练一个判别器,拟合设计师的喜好。然后,有趣的事情发生了。作者定义,通过参数生成形态的这个程序,本身就是一个生成器,这样我们就具有了判别器D和生成器G,就可以让它们对抗起来,然后训练Generative Adversarial Networks(生成式对抗网络)。作者在这里的定义出现了明显的概念混淆和错误使用。按照作者的定义,判别器D是一个神经网络,而生成器G是一个既定程序,显然生成器G不参与神经网络的训练,不更新自己的参数(显然一个既定程序是不会有网络参数存在的)。所以作者定义的GAN显然不具有GAN训练的特征,既两个神经网络同步更新参数。不管如何训练,生成器G在给定的输入(12种形体组合的参数)相同的情况下,生成的结果(最终形态)都是相同的。
Machine Learning operation flow chart
郑豪,宾夕法尼亚大学设计学院博士生,程序与设计研究者,专攻机器学习,机械臂技术,混合现实技术,生成式设计。他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley),在Simon Schleicher教授的指导下获得建筑学硕士学位;本科毕业于上海交通大学,获得建筑学学士及文学学士学位。他曾工作于清华大学,研究机械臂辅助施工(徐卫国工作室)和机器学习(黄蔚欣工作室)。他还曾在加州大学伯克利分校担任研究助理,研究仿生式3D打印(Maria Paz Gutierrez实验室)和人工智能(Kyle Steinfeld实验室)。
Hao Zheng is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Design. He is a programmer and design researcher, specializing in machine learning, robotic technology, mixed reality, and generative design. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Prof. Simon Schleicher, and a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before joining UPenn, Hao worked as a research assistant at Tsinghua University with a concentrationon the robotic assembly under the supervision of Prof. Weiguo Xu and machine learning under the supervision of Prof. Weixin Huang. In addition, he worked as a research assistant at UC Berkeley, researching bio-inspired 3D printing supervised by Prof. Maria Paz Gutierrez and machine learning supervised by Prof. Kyle Steinfeld.
Campo, Matias Del, Alexandra Carlson, and Sandra Manninger. 2019. "Machine Hallucinations: A comprehensive interrogation of Neural Networks as Architecture Design." IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Campo, Matias del, Sandra Manninger, and Alexandra Carlson. 2019. "Imaginary Plans: The potential of 2D to 2D Style transfer in planning processes." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Devadass, Pradeep, Tobias Heimig, Sven Stumm, Ethan Kerber, and Sigrid Brell-Cokcan. 2019. "Robotic Constraints Informed Design Process." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Giannopoulou, Effimia, Pablo Baquero, Angad Warang, and Alberto T.Estevez. 2019. "Computational Workflow for Segmented Shell Structures: an ANN Approach for Fabrication Efficiency." IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Hosmer, Tyson, and Panagiotis Tigas. 2019. "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotic Tensegrity (ART)." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Leach, Neil. 2019. "Do Robots Dream of Digital Sheep?" Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Liu, Henan, Longtai Liao, and Akshay Srivastava. 2019. "An Anonymous Composition: Design Optimization Through Machine Learning Algorithm." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Mohammad, Ali, Christopher Beorkrem, and Jefferson Ellinger. 2019. "Hybrid Elevations Using GAN Networks." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Özel, Güvenç, and Benjamin Ennemoser. 2019. "Interdisciplinary AI: A Machine Learning System for Streamlining External Aesthetic and Cultural Influences in Architecture." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Steinfeld, Kyle. 2019. "GAN Loci: Imaging Place using Generative Adversarial Networks." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Yousif, Shermeen, and Wei Yan. 2019a. "Application of an Automatic Shape Clustering Method." Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Austin, Texas.
Yousif, Shermeen, and Wei Yan. 2019b. "Shape Clustering Using K-Medoids in Architectural Form Finding." Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on CAAD Futures, Daejeon, Korea.
Zheng, Hao, Vahid Moosavi, and Masoud Akbarzadeh. 2019. "Machine Learning Assisted Evaluations in 3D Graphic Statics." IASS Symposium 2019 and Structural Membranes 2019, Barcelona, Spain.